Omega Squad edition
Omega Squad edition
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1st for best waifu
fucking pbe is down i just want to test xayah out fuck you riot
Why are diamonds and plats such assholes in norms
>"dude its a learning experience"
>"bro you should be grateful you're getting stomped by me"
>"please stroke my massive epeen so i can feel better about myself for beating up shitters in norms"
Like goddamn I don't want to have to try so fucking hard every normal
then play ranked if you would rather play people in your elo
so how exactly do i beat tank fizz
Lube up
Picking "out of meta" shit is report worthy?
Some nigger just picked ashe mid in soloQ, flamed the shit out of everyone else when asked why he did that and then proceeded to lose cause she fed fizz and we had no AP dmg.
what are the prime nunu no fun allowed builds?
i deem this thread the actual thread
icefrog does a pretty good job of not leaving dota champs in the gutter like riot.
Shame he didnt do that for doom, poor doom.
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
>Picking "out of meta" shit is report worthy?
You don't report people for being bad faggot.
>lulufag making new thread when this one exists
he's really starting to lose it
>starting to lose it
Meh better this thread than Lulufag's.
Also mating press and shit.
No it is just really annoying; some people have their special snowflake pick and do really well though.
It is annoying when people like discoheat want to pick weak champs just to "play out of meta" though.
I guess Ash mid might work but she would lose hard to assassins unless the player was really good.
If I can request how she kills me, I'd like to be squeezed to death between her cute thighs
Would kindred sit on my lap if I asked nicely?
xth for Syndra
>mfw playing good all day
>losing every game still but getting good scores etc
>the one game I play like shit we win
bad feels
>tfw no ornery cockney of winning lane against three people
4'th for feathers mechanic is shittier kalista E
that'd be nice
maybe? that'd be somewhere between hug and fug
>carrying the shit out my team with annie
>getting the god ults
>4/9 tyler1 wannabe is nowhere to be found all game
>he gets caught splitting bot alone for the 4th time
>they force down to nexus
>he says "im so fucking sick you retards jacking off sidelanes never grouping"
>he was serious
>not reverse mating press
dragon girls are dominant when they're in heat
>Those Bard buffs
Doom's pretty alright, I still have no idea why he dropped his LVL ??? for the shitty autoattack booster
I just visit the game every now and then just because of the vocal aspect
>screaming character lines in my terrible accent
>people start doing the same
>5 minutes later its just 4 people autistically screaming stupid shit in the voice chat while one guy is choking on his own laughter over it
legal legends
Xayah's kit looks like it can be potentially super strong, but it's going to need a lot of tweaking. Currently the biggest problems are the W and the R. Q is fucking boring but there's nothing actually wrong with it.
Rakan is fundamentally strong and his numbers are probably too high.
can someone with artistic skill make one of those (you) images instead say wins?
Pref one of those with a girl with yoghurt on her mouth that says wins seen from an upward perspective
>Lamb shows up
>You run to embrace her
>Wolf thinks you're running
>He tears your throat out right before you can reach her
Nah Shyvana is innocent under her scales.
>passive causes nunu's next ability to cast at one rank higher than its current level
holy fuck
she should not be allowed to move during her ult, plain and simple.
also the bonuses for having them both in the same lane need to go, aside from the cute recall
The perfect waifu!
Yeah Lux definitely needed those buffs Riot. I'm glad she can use her 1k damage ult three times in a fight now instead of just twice.
I just want to know what lamb butt and lamb pussy feels like
>in gold 4
>play with a hecarim who never comes top vs a TP/ignite player
>the one time he comes he pings on his way then does scuttle while I fight
this is the top 20%
>bonuses for them being in the same lane
What bonuses?
Posting on the superior thread.But mods are Lulufags.
If you had to live anywhere in runeterra where would you live fampais?
Id go with Zaun, drugs for laif
>cute recall
>set up Rakan recalling in bush while Xayah is finishing of enemy ADC
>enemy jungler and support are about to finish Xayah
people are going to call you that you like objects because they are too stupid to come up with their own opinions and like to parrot
And people say voice chat wouldnt be good for league.
One of my fondest memories of dota is some russian dude with the thickest accent ive ever heard trying to be team camptain while making sentences out of three or less words
>i go here
>you do this
>fuck bitch
>then we go
>haha i carry
>you see? follow i!
that'd be unfortunate, that's why you stay calm even in the face of fantastic booty
she's pretty high tier
same, man
Someone post the screencap
empowered dash and empowered attacks
you forgot the triggered thing under shyv
You summed it up perfectly.
I really dont get why they didnt at least give her a small dash, her low range and the rest of her kit beg for it. It almost feels like they scrapped the dash.
Just find that hentai picture where lamb's pussy is dripping blue energy. Can't post it on blue board but it's pretty good picture.
I wanna _____ Jinx
poop and fart on
It sounds familiar but I don't know it off the top of my head
does it means her pussy has magical powers?
bbut toxins
bbut children
bbut i dont want to socialize
Actually I'm totally okay with her ult, if anything it's weak. The untargetability is always going to be a point of contention (thanks Fizz) but the cooldown is long enough I think it's appropriate.
My main problem with her is just how poorly conceived her scaling is. She needs crit for E but she also needs raw AD and she needs CDR and she doesn't work well with either Runaan's or with BotRK so you're looking at either IE+2 Zeal or IE/ER + Zeal. But then she has a 525 aa range where the traditional crit adcs are Cait Jinx and Trist who have 650-750 AA range so she doesn't work as a hyper carry either and she doesn't really work as a duelist like Vayne. Her passive, Q and her E encourage really stringent and precise positioning but she doesn't have the mobility to really reposition on a dime.
I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!
Reminder that Lux is pick/ban at all elos now.
>caring about what people who don't like sona think people who like sona think about sona
I want jinx to do lewd things to me and bully me for being uncomfortable about it
get high with
Poppy buffs when?
>She doesn't work well with on-hit, she doesn't work well runaan's, she doesn't do lethality and unlike Trist Jinx and Caitlyn her range is 525, NOT 650-750, so despite having to build like a hyper carry she wouldn't work like a hyper carry.
>Ultimately her kit feels...wrong.
Oh wow, even her range is bad? AND her kit feels clunky on top of it? Sounds like she's a mess.
The more I see and hear about her, the more I begin to suspect that Rakan is the REAL champion release here, while Xayah was just a rushed side-dish who's only seeing a release because we're overdue for a new ADC.
Now I can only hope that she isn't the only new ADC champ we're getting for an entire year. Same with Rakan and true support champs. Meanwhile - mid-laners, top-laners and junglers received multiple new champion releases and VGU champ releases within the last year. Kind of unfair for us bot-lane players.
But oh well, whatever. Still saves me the IP because I hate the character either way. Guess I should start mastering an old champ like Draven or Tristana for a change of pace.
I want to spank Sona
What if instead of a dash they gave her a blink?
then you could blink over your feathers you recall with E, reversing their direction and hitting people again. Like Dravens who can flash-ult.
>Scrapped ability
>Xayah can blink on feather or Rakan and it's bigger range if it's Rakan
>they would be both just blinkin on each other from 1200 range
Whoops, was quoting from the previous locked thread.
She gets a small speed boost. If she needs more they can scale that up. But still 30% bonus movement speed isn't nothing.
Reminder that Syndra is gay af because she makes the balls touch.
post champs you hate
>'lol shes a girl i promise'
>annoying ass screech you can hear from across the map
>her ult can cross the map in seconds because that's balanced
>most boring shuriman champion by far, gameplay and design wise
>one of the few females too ugly to get a pool party skin
do you guys have any characters that you can't stand that nobody else hates? pic unrelated
Never I hope
Go fuck yourself. In all honesty, go fuck yourself. No one wants Poppy to come back. The meta was absolutely dog shit because of Poppy for a long time. Fuck off.
>Playing Bard ever
Is there more to this image?
Pic related.
I wanna cuddle ALL the Lulus!
I'm pretty ok at every role, and then I'm actually pretty good at support and jungle and ad, so every ranked game I've just selected fill. I figure doing this will lower the chances of any of my 4 team mates from getting auto-filled. If my 4 team mates are never or rarely autofilled, because the game has someone to fill in, and I'm ok at every role and good at 2-3, I figure my climb rate will be good.
Am I being logical?
>open PBE patch notes
>scrool down
>see Udyr changes
>jaw drops
What the fuck are they doing?
you are talking about Taliyah right
i have been playing for years now and I still can't defeat angry alligator of many spins with any champ reliably
>one of the few females too ugly to get a pool party skin
she does have a pool party skin you donut.
She essentially has a Twitch ult up at all times. The idea is that your front line is meant to become a liability when fighting against her, because her AAs will pierce the tanks and still hit your back line, but her range is probably too small for that to actually happen. Same with her Q. You're supposed to Q>AA>W>AA>Q etc etc and then E when you've maximized feather density, but she doesn't have any positioning tools like a dash to align herself for maximum E damage or to reliably hit the back line with her passive or Q consistently.
The most she has going for her is high team fight damage (undercut by not synergizing well with Runaan's) and potentially multi-champ roots but that's it.
Its been nearly 4 years since I last did pills with a qt girl
life is suffering
at least we have Jinx I guess
I actually main Cait no bully pls
Poppy becomes a stupidly sticky and unkillable tank easily already.
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
Might as well just play Sivir.
what if everytime you cuddled lulu youd create another lulu
>all these fags missing the pic unrelated
She's literally #LCS BIG PLAYS Sivir.
In fact I'm sure that's what her pitch was.
Lulufags, what is your build order?
I find I never have enough CDr early. Should I be buying Ionian? I like movie for the ability to show up to skirmishes faster and wad safely as well as roam.
what rank are you currently? what do you consider "pretty good"?
your climb rate will be good if you are above the skill level you are currently placed at. if you are a silver player and don't learn anything from your ranked games, you will probably be hardstuck in silver- especially if you don't focus on one role/champion. i think learning all of the roles makes you a more knowledgeable player in general but at the same time, it can be a much much slower climb if you are not doing what you do best
I wanna fuck Xayah from behind while holding her ears.
What do you think bros?
Rek'Sai's a pretty unique champion from a lore and design kit perspective. Her being a sort of knockoff on Xenomorph queens and not being another humanoid or cute/sexualized female champion is pretty refreshing for the game, imo. Also, she has a pool party skin. Or maybe you knew that and you're just baiting for posts.
Just post it on the /aco/ thread
>I wanna fuck Xayah from behind while holding her ears.
Time spent isn't a factor outside of the initial period where the system is dialing in it's estimation of your skill or in the sense that time spent practicing will naturally improve your skill. Placements are conservative, so for most players you get placed, rise a little bit till you hit your actual skill, and have to "grind" as any further advancement is either fluke volatility or hard won improvement in your actual skills. But "grind" is a misnomer. You can't "grind" your way to rank 1 challenger just by playing more games than anyone else.
Which one of you is boosting him?
Last time I checked this guy was a feeder that had 0 wins and 30 losses.
i was talking about taliyah, i dont have any pictures of her so i just searched 'lol champ' and attached the first pic that came up