/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Funbote Edition

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>Newb guide
pastebin.com/XGWdGjPc (embed) (embed) (embed)

>0.6.3 Live patch

>0.6.4 PTS patch

>Plans for 2017

>Captain Skill caculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[HOTEL] on EU - Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact benlisquare
[BOTES](full) or [HOTEL] on NA - Precisionista

Previous Sortie:

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Wrong OP.


What country should I play in Rule The Waves?

Korea :^)


ha ha fuck you

Wrong clan information.

why did they take away the shitty potato farmer shia lebouf commander

Oh right, BOTES NA has a spot open. It doesn't matter either way, there was spots open before.

Obviously from the Strongest Race

>French BB line still not released

Did someone leave?

Japan and ragequit when your DDs won't launch torps during a surprise attack

I left to make a new, better clan

>Be RN

Well there's 29 spots filled now and there wasn't a few days ago.

Show yourself kiddo, so i can stomp your clan into shitter league

>french "buffs"
>CLs now have a longer reload than the French CAs

Wow, frenchies are truly embarassing


Which ship are you most excited to see in Dry Dock?

Maybe Missouri or Moskva

Suzuya premium when?

BBs are ruining this game. Every single match I play 6 people on each team are bbs. Every single goddamn time. How the fuck are you even supposed to play cruisers?

>carrier conversions

Disgusting, purpose built or death.

Nerf destroyers so they're easier to kill. Then cruisers will feel more rewarding. Where's my paycheck, WG?

The problem only started when they added the German BB's, which are basically idiot proof

I want to see the Hotel fully exposed.

Blame the CCs and STs that are only play late tier shit and giving no feedback at the early tiers.

More like Dirty Dock...

I cry every time I see Warspite explode in the opening.

Well, at least at least it didn't happen to the real one.


I can't wait to see Nagato fully exposed in drydock.

Me too

>Team mate explodes
>We win
What? We were not near 1,000 points, there was still time on the clock, and we just lost a ship and we won. Is there a bug?

Did the enemy lose a ship at the same time and their score went to zero?

Post result screen.

>Raptor loses to Anu in a 1v1

Maybe, there was a Des Moines fighting an Atago in the back. I'm mostly upset because I was about to kill an Iowa and I want those points for my first win.

10/10 OP

boatfuckers channel was a mistake.

Not paying closer attention isn't a bug.

>It's a CV sitting in queue for 5 minutes match

Mogami buff on 0.6.4


- IJN DDs turret speed buffed
- Also some other balance stuff

>Just want to play Bismarck
>Get nothing but Tier X BBs and CVs
Fix MM, please.

>balance changes that aren't totally retarded
must be fake

>Our CV just runs into the enemy and dies
Fuck it, kill those fuckers, team kill, they don't deserve to fucking play that class let alone live.

Meaty Jongles said he enjoyed teh first few tiers of baguettebotes.

WG apparently took this to mean that they're OP and should be nerfed to shit like the later tiers.

Good job, WG. The game desperately needed another DoA cruiserr line.

Does Ibuki get the same treatment?

What? You actually thought they would make cruisers that could be a threat to BBs?

Best torps for Shimakaze?

20kms if you're a masochist rolling to play on Ocean.



He didnt ask for the best torps to get himself killed

Delete this

>You have to unlock the next tier through gun upgrade

Pay your shekels, Rothschild goy.

It already is. In fact, that was decades ago.


I cri evrytim

that partial print tho

Dutch ships when?

No, it had already started before that when the IJN torpedoes where gutted. BBs went from ~3-4 a match to 5-6 a match within a week.

12k, no TA. only good set with the the number of radar cruisers, fletchers, gearings, and khab around at T10.

TA reduces the range too much for only 0.8s reaction time reduction, if you want cyka blyat rush torps just use F3s, but the 12k are just so much more flexible because of the range.

It's a shame Shimakaze has so much against her but she does have the widest torp spread possible, you're promised to hit something.

t. Sub_Octavian

the only thing you're promised is that some random ship sailing near the spread will spot them early and everyone will avoid

>you're promised to hit something.
Not with the shittiest torpedo detection around. Gearing and Z-52 torps are much easier to land.

t. shitters who need easy mode torps
Get. Good.

t. shitter who still thinks Shimakaze isn't trash

How am I a shitter when I can play a ninja DD?

I doubt you're kagamikami
Next time if you're just going to copy someone else's stats at least pick one less obvious than the highest result for WR on the server.

Prove me wrong. I know who I am.

Prove it's you.

>buffing IJN DD turret traverse
At least this is a less insulting "buff" than the increased range.

IJN DDs will still be shit with that abysmal fire rate.





But he cheated. This isn't the Presidential Race, you can't cheat and win.



I hope the thread gets locked and a sweeping ban on everyone who replied.

He can go get support from the RU forums

stfu raptor you shitter. Don't defend a hack. Somehow you jsut make yourself look worse.

What hack?

Wake up sheeple

Sounds like they caught a hack who tried to buck the system and are in the process of making sure before the old ban hammer comes down hard.

More like there's a lot of smoke and no fire and you're making mountains out of ant hills just to troll and fuck with WG. I put my faith with WG and not with /wowsg/ that are made out of drama queens and trolls.

He cheated didn't he? Set up a training room with a bunch of bots or shop'd the image.

Fuck off, Raptor. No one is joining your crusade.

I want to cum on gaishu

Hey guys, gaishu isshoku here, anyone wanna join my Veeky Forums only SL team?

So far I have

Please let me know in discord thanks


wtf how do I get access to secret club, this is unfair

Yeah... well who can blame them? Give someone free access ahead of time to special boats. In theory, they have a say in the development of YOUR game. And it turns out one is a hack? I mean think of the implications. They use ST stats to kinda govern how they balance the game in a very real sense. Imagine what this would do to a dev in charge of balance.

lol faggot faggot raptor 22 had the tenacity to beg for his friend's rewards after being exposed as a cheater. I must applaud your tenacity and shamelessness.


OP plz nerf

lol fuck off you cancerous cheating faggot

he had his position revoked, was not banned, and after a few months and the dust settled, changed his accounts name and he's back where he had been.