What the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
That their mere existence triggered the autism of Germany,
not finishing soviets in 1920
They didn't snap Russia's neck when they had the chance.
If Poland won the Polish-Soviet war, why did they become a Soviet possession?
>being Polish
Thats a pretty big problem in and of itself
they didn't push to Moscow when they trashed russian army
They didn't in 1920. In fact, Poland could have toppled the Bolsheviks altogether since the red army practically ceased to exist after the Battle of Nemen in late 1920.
Think how different the world could have been had the Poles marched on Moscow in 1920 and hung Lenin from Spasskaya Tower
Implying the Soviets wouldn't just muster a new army and give ground like they always do
Russia in 1920 was pretty much incapable of raising another army.
The problem is that in 1920 the Bolsheviks were the only Russian faction that was willing to talk with Poland and to recognize Polish independence. The Whites considered Poland as rebels and other Left factions were too herp derp for any foreign policy.
>The problem is that in 1920 the Bolsheviks were the only Russian faction that was willing to talk with Poland and to recognize Polish independence. The Whites considered Poland as rebels and other Left factions were too herp derp for any foreign policy.
They wouldn't need anyone to recognize their borders if they finished of Reds IMO
The whites would have regained control had the poles helpfully destroyed the soviets for them
and then they would need to battle the Whites
Poland was obviously too weak to occupy Russia permanently. Had they toppled Lenin, they would either have to put someone in charge (and pray he manages to stay in office) or leave things to their own devices Either way, that would be just opening of another stage of Russian Civil War. There's no telling who would emerge on top in Russia after that and what would be his attitude towards Poland.
Poland in 1920 wanted peace, they wanted to settle everything with whoever in Russia is wanting peace. It was no brainier that they went for peace with Bolsheviks.
>Poland in 1920 wanted peace, they wanted to settle everything with whoever in Russia is wanting peace. It was no brainier that they went for peace with Bolsheviks.
They signed the peace treaty from a loser's position when actually winning.
> finish the reds
> white won
> West give whites Poland land
>west gives
They would need to go through Pilsudski first
Also. I'm pretty sure British tried to sell Poland to Reds in 1919 already.
>They signed the peace treaty from a loser's position when actually winning.
Nope. The treaty was very favorable for Poland. Poland simply did not want as much land as the Bolsheviks were willing to give. It's fairy established right now, that Bolsheviks were fully prepared to restore pre-1772 borders of Poland.
Poland did not want so much land mostly due to factional struggle in Poland. Pilsudski's socialists lost power to Dmowski's nationalists. Socialists wanted as much land as possible, because they wanted to create client republics (or autonomous provinces that would serve as buffer zone. Nationalists wanted compact Poland with as little minorities as possible.
>Nationalists wanted compact Poland with as little minorities as possible.
It's stupid considering 70 milion Germans and 120 milions of Russians.
>ywn live to see a Central Europe dominated by Poland instead of Germany
Dude, the West supported Poland because Poland was closest thing to pre-WW1 Russia. Whites winning would mean that the West loses any need to support Poland. In fact, it would be in their interest to see Poland reabsorbed into Russia, because that would move Russia's borders back to Germany's.
They were an oddity that should never have existed, but France kept saving their ass (with Napoleon, then Clemenceau).
Thank god the third time France tried to save them in 1940, they failed miserably and Pooland was occupied until the collapse of the Soviet Union
Can't wait for their next partition btw
>It's stupid considering 70 milion Germans and 120 milions of Russians.
No one had magical crystal ball back in 1920 to see what will happen in next 20 years
>France kept saving their ass
French whore detected.
Poles contributed more to Napoleonic army than you kek. That's truly fucking patethic.
Poland's current government is so inept in anything but alienating everyone around that you won't ever see Poland dominating anyone.
That's what CK2 is for
Poland is rarely relevant even in Paradox history that is biased for Bohemia.
Why the past tense?
Frank "the Robotka" Sobotka
he completely zabotka their repotka, so they had to cementka his bota
Because aside from rednecks and Internet autists, Poland no longer triggers Germany.
They are reaching levels of retardation I thought were impossible. Punished Kaczyński must be stopped.
I chose a bad time to come back to Poland.
They literally bought off the people with their massive deficit spending that fucks us up in the long term. What will happen when they run out of money?
This actually sounds like a mockery of Czech rather than Polish.
I knew that there were more Poles than Brits in the RAF during WW2, but I didnt know that there were also more Poles than French in Napoleon's Grande Armee
Based Polish historians teaching us new things everyday
Next time, can you please tell us about that time when Poles built the pyramids?
The cycle will repeat. One party fucks up and the other one says "we will fix it". In the end nothing gets done.
Thanks for building statues and taking away my student tickets you pig. 500+ is a giant mistake and will fuck poland up.
*not finishing Muscovites in 1610
To be honest, although atrociously implemented, 500+ is actually the sanest of their ideas. Poland is heading towards demographic catastrophe and there's one government that actually recognized that.
What will fuck up Poland big time is their tinkering with the retirement system (yeah, earlier retirement for everyone!), free medicide program for seniors (golden opportunity for fraud), rolling back the education reform (Communist-style schools for everyone!), ban of trade on Sundays (it's so retarded I can't even find words), piggybacked increase of taxes (higher social security) the list goes on and on. On top of that they push some ideologically driven agenda drawn straight from Middle ages that no one wants.
Half the god damn country wasn't Polish.
That's Soviet lie. Poles were by far the most numerous. Poles were absent only from wastelands like Carpathian mountains and Prypyat marshes, but those were very sparsely populated to begin with.Ukrainians were also majority in Volhynia and there were plans to give them an autonomy there until Ukrainians themselves torpedoed them.
They went democratic
That's only because all the actual Germans are dead.
Except Foch
>That their mere existence triggered the autism of Germany
A country with one of the oldest histories in Europe is a meme to you?I guess the Polish Golden Age which lasted for nearly 130 was also a meme, while Prussia was nothing more but their vassal?
Being this illiterate in the age of information should be a punishable offense.
Are you blind?
He's an ultra nationalistic slav so obviously yes
Prussian detected
work on your English, buddy
>Poles contributed more to Napoleonic army than you
Poles, at the height of their contributions to Napoleon, formed solely 10% of the Grande Armée. I can concede that their assistance was very consequential, but aren't you deluding yourself to say that Poland contributed more to France's invasion of Europe than France did?
Why the hate though? Haven't we always been friends, discovering radioactivity together with Pierre and Marie Curie, and watching over the other's back (Clemenceau being a toplad to the polish cause). Why are poles of today so stern in their approach of the french?
vilno is polan
the most cucked country ever
Being historically literate is the same as being ultra nationalistic ?
Are you illiterate by any chance?
My first post ITT, but really stop posting and shitting up various boards I'm sick of seeing you already, fuck off. Or at least take your your name fucking retard.
And your historical "literacy" is basically parroting wikipedia articles.
Buzzwords and cheap shots instead of articulately formed counterarguments, how very typical.
Based on what?
I only hate people that claim French entered the war for us.
It wasn't for us. It was for British interests. We literally took the bullet for the Brits.
WW2 could end for Poland differently.
The difference between you and I is that I'm posting information that are both factual and traceable.
So you are really blind as that guy previously said or inept in English.
It was the soviets who almost finished the poles
because Poles didn't finish them earlier on
The only thing Poles can finish is cleaning my shit out of the toilet.
chuckled a little
because you're a fucking retard on the wrong board
"Inept in English" because I've written a bad sentence?In that case, I'd rather be "inept in English" than inept in something that requires actual data processing, which most of you seem to be incapable of.
The lot of you suffer from selective memory or are unwilling to dedicate themselves to studying a subject which they find boring or uninteresting.But for some reason, you don't shy away from participating in topics of which you know absolutely nothing of, like for example, history of Poland.
Also, how exactly am I blind?
t. stanislav wojciechowski
yes and you're on the wrong board
He said MERE not fucking MEME you fucking idiots.
And he 100% correct. The mere (only) existence triggered Germanys autism. They didn't want it to exist. Just the existence of Poland made them angry.
He didn't say fucking meme you idiot. He never said that Polands existence was a meme existence.
And you call me illiterate, faggot?
Me being blind doesn't diminish your illiteracy in terms of history.
>Nationalists just wanted a strong Poland with minorities they could assimillate (Belarussians), expulse (Germans) or opress (Ukrainians)
go to bed
Ah, the "big boy" references, what's next?Frog memes?
Danzig corridor.
should have traded it for Königsberg.
>trade a Polish majority region that is of any importance because it separates East Prussia from Mainland Germany
>For a German majority region cut off by Danzig corridor
>German majority region
proves my point, CHJENa scum
Do you even know what this map is showing?
wtf is happening in this thread
dude the fug is ur issue lol
Some polack with not great English who is a tad bit upset.
>poles get kicked out of the United Kaliphate
>take their butthurt out on germany now that it has been whipped.
My issue is that this board has been all but polluted by a horde of cretins who're spouting opinions that've been influenced by popular culture, instead of factual historical data.
If that were true, than the information I offer would've been sparser and more ambiguous.
"Thats right children, we used to be greatest country in europe and shit. I ain't bullshittin you kurwa!"
"Well what the fuck happenened, mamunia? Why we be living in poverty and tatuś is out plumbing all day?"
"cuz dem muthafuckin Germans came and opressed us and took away our glorious union. Now get your slavic asses to bed!"
kill yourself
This is exactly what happened, my dumb uneducated friend.
You are a retard with no skills to communicate in English.
The post
which triggered you so much isn't detrimental to Poland, but makes fun of Germany. How do I know it? I wrote it.
Clinging to a minor mistake in order to pass it off as a mayor flaw is usually done by people who have no arguments at their disposal.
muh "we" meme XDDDD
Literally board for retards
Their deficit is literally lower than any time in the last eight years.
Actually they now have closer relations with countries that they share interests with (the Visegrad Group), and even more Western countries like Austria are shifting to a position closer to the current Polish one.
t. Hungarian
They trusted the British and French.
>as he hears any incorrect information, the first thing he thinks 'ITS SOVIETS LYING AGAIN'
butthurt belt, pls
any state whose language is 90% consisting of bzszcpsczszcz deserves to be wiped from existence
there goes hungary then.
You misread something, get over it