>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
Tharja a best and canon
Azura is shit
Can I equip fried chicken into the item bar in Echoes?
I love Takumi!
Mila sucks cocks for prayers.
How does Subaki's cum taste?
How the fuck is she losing to fucking Subaki?
I love Azura
Reposting in case user didn't catch it (and somehow hasn't surrendered already)
Bait Abel with Roy. Roy will die to Abel but seal Abel's defense. Robin moves in, and you don't want to deal with both at the same time, so position Roy to cover and chokepoint as much as you can.
Send Cain to Abel, initate. Abel shouldn't kill him, and Abel will take some hefty damage. If possible, try to keep Cain away from Robin's range.
Have Lucina move in and kill Abel. Hopefully Lucina won't be in range yet, and you'll want to keep Cain alive for now.
Send Cain to damage the approaching Robin while heeding Sharena's movement. Let Lucina go and double Robin.
Cain should die next turn, assuming he goes for him. Either way, finish Robin up with Lucina.
If Lucina took any damage anywhere, run away from Sharena to heal up. Then, let Sharena initiate with you. She won't OHKO, you SHOULD double, which will get Luna back up and ready for your turn. Attack and pray to god she doesn't survive.
Because Subaki is perfect and I love him.
Also cleared every GHB like a champ at only *3.
>Delthea chapter
>all Arcanists no summoners
Time to deploy the Silque cannon.
I wanna be poked by Julia!
>Come up against this in Gauntlet
Then again I use Alfonse so I can't talk shit
Why is Severa staring at you, user? You didn't do anything naughty, did you?
>IP count didn't go up
>frenchquck making early Lucina threads to frame LucinaAnons and get his shitpost propaganda in
Please kill yourself you desperate autistic faggot. Enjoy the taste of Subaki's cum.
You wouldn't think it was possible, unless ISIS is rigging
Shit taste
stop being a salty bitch Ephraim, you shouldn't pick fights you can't win
Are bunny Chrom and bunny Xander worth it?
Seliph is soft~ soft~
Ephraim lost fair and square, It's Beruka and Subaki that's odd.
Where my 'baki bros at?
Don't let her get another lead
with this guy
Your autistic repetition pattern is hilariously ironic.
Chrom is a decent green, worth a slot on your team if you need a green for arena right now.
Xander is alright, beefy guy and works well together with cavarly teams. Not as bad as most people will tell you, especially since it's basically Subaki on a horse that heals itself every time he attacks.
I am proud to say that I recognized how best dad/son-in-law was unnaturally good for a 3* and free rotation hero a while before he started manhandling all the hero battles.
Let's just say 40/35 physical bulk, Quick Riposte, and 35 speed with a Triangle Adept weapon is leagues better than a few units
I'm thinking of feeding her off for TA3
We need drawbros to get on a Subaki fucking Beruka's brains out drawing RIGHT NOW.
Something wit
>mating press
>groans of discomfort.
>says the actual autist
kill yourself frenchquck
Stop this
Best girl
>it was 5 mil a few hours ago
Lucina's birthMONTH!
I'd have kids with Catria!
>Alcohol is an item in echoes
Who do you think is the biggest lightweight?
Ephraim never truly loses with Eirika by his side
>being a cuck
>the most notable male peg in the series
>wow, how does he have slightly more support than another cute wyvern rider
Doesn't take rocket science to solve this, user.
How so? We bounced around back and forth a few times just like during Ephrim vs Chrom.
Same here, trained four of them to near-40 with one at 40 little after Narcian GHB finished. Everyone hated him, but slowly opinions turning. He also does rather well in arena.
Reminder that she breeds black.
Id lick her armpits and I'm not normally an armpit person
>only male unit for fujos to vote for
really makes you wonder
>the most notable male peg in the series
user he's the only one
Post the unit you have up for your team
She looks so ugly in Echoes. Her Heroes art is way better.
Why is her skirt so short?
Is she still nopan?
is that titania and ike
Are you okay bud?
Gray is a Sikhbro not a nig
I like Hana
Stop posting Faye
Thats news to me then, I haven't been following it.
The surprising part is that they are near even in popularity
Out of all the legal characters, Saber and Valbar seem like big drinkers to me, as for lightweights maybe Luthier and Palla.
That is how she looks after Kiran sent her home.
Yeah, I was thinking of something else.
Still, that makes my point more valid. He's got a niche locked down, if nothing else.
Shigure tho
What if there is a DLC where you can actually choose the crazy girl?
who remembers him lol
Which FE characters are straight-up #BADNEWS
Like, you just see him walking down the street and your mate has to pull you aside and whisper to you "watch out, he's bad news.."
Leon probably.
I'm willing to bet that Palla has surprisingly high alcohol tolerance.
>bare shoulders
>beautiful face
>slender fit body
>blue hair
Hector for sure
I don't know if you're just joking about forgetting this dude, or if you actually did forget like how people sometimes actually forget about Kellam, but here you go.
Black Knight
she probably drinks pretty often because of the whole Abel thing, so yeah I can see that.
Blood for Mila
Its just going to be more Faye bullying.
Lyn a cute
did a frenchie fuck your wife or something user?
What the FUCK is with all of these blue units? All I'm facing in the gauntlet is Robin, Ninian and Olwen. It's just blue after blue after blue. Arena is basically the same too, there are just so many blue units it's fucking insane.
>mfw hearing Clair's voice for the first time
>mfw she says わたくし
Kudos to Gray for banging best girl.
I really like Clive and Mathilda's support, Clive seems to have a hard-on for girls that are good at combat, considering he calls Mathilda his battle goddess
I for one welcome Faye, because jokes on you guys, a woman actually being interested in me is just about the most attractive trait they can have.
I can only imagine that Conrad becomes a fucking mess after two shots. Not the fun kind, either, that gets up to wacky drunken hijinks, just the emotional typhoon that slurs and cries until he passes out.
Jesse's the fun kinda drunken mess, though.
Gaiden didn't have a lot to choose.
>Claim that meta shifting towards blue after Ninian's release and SI on the corner
>Some user calls me a "fucking retard" saying that red is here to stay and barely anyone uses and will use blue and green
>Alm could have tapped this goddess
>Alm goes for bland and boring Celica instead
What a fag.
Clive has good fucking taste.
Beefcake (Chrom) @ Brave Sword+
Ability: N/A
Happiness: 0
Naughty Nature
- Daylight
- Death Blow 2
- Wings of Mercy 1
- Threaten Def 2
All I've been running into is Robin, Jaffar, Takumi, and Lucina.
Welcome to the blue meta. Blue has the highest number of top tier units at the moment, really.
TearRing Saga's music is amazing.