Miss Fortune is the best girl edition.
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League of Legends General - /lolg/
did you have to be a colossal faggot in the op?
save your ip. new champs are garbage. No one is going to pick either of these useless fucks.
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
Hey guys how do I Vlad? I do fine with harass and stuff during the laning phase, but unless I'm disgustingly ahead I feel like I don't do damage during team fights and stuff. I spam e on cooldown, save ult for when they're grouped for at least 3, try to focus squishies with q and then only w to clean up during ult or dodge ultimates. Also, best combo to burst someone once I have protobelt? Charge E and then belt into range?
nice try, you're not getting the cool champs to yourself.
Jinx is cute, [spoiller]CUTE!!.
you should hit R E flash W exhaust Q
Xth for the grandmaster at arms
Do you prefer yordle fuckers instead?
ult e w protobelt if e finishes q in teamfights
focus their carries because you can get over there for free with your w
I'm buy the support with RP and saving my ip.
One is a shittier allistar, the other is a shittier Sivir.
Feel free to take both of them all the time.
hang on, let me explain a jax gank:
me firing projectiles at him, dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge
swinging a stupid fucking pole around like a helicopter's main rotor doesn't just make you dodge everything
What goes through your mind when you do this? Of all the ways you can make a name for yourself, you post 3 nondescript lines of text over and over and over and over again. Is it funny enough to warrant doing? Interesting enough? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
It's the fucking worst when an attention whore doesn't even have character or anything catchy to say.
>Implying Jax actually dodges anything
Jax E is easily one of the buggiest abilities in the game. If anyone at Riot is reading this, the best buff to Jax you could EVER do is just fix his fucking E
all i ask is that you join me in allocating bans to them so my and your teammates don't fucking feed all game because "first game new champ gais XD you have no justification for getting all over my ass for constantly feeding because i was stupid enough to use one of the new champs"
prove it
Except they are 100% more aesthetic.
>ahri takes skill!
What's the most annoying kind of greifing?
>Normal draft
>Have last pick
>Call Zyra mid
>Support above me calls her too, then bans her so neither of us can play her
>"Fine, I got other champs"
>Their mid is Kata
>Call Malzahar
>Support calls malz, then blitz, then locks malz at the last second
>I panic and don't know who to pick now cause Malz shits on Kat so much
>Chose Kass who I never play because "i think he has an interrupt and could work, right?"
>I don't know shit about playing Kass
>Do fine in lane cause still counter but get destroyed in teamfights
>Support Malz shit talks the whole time.
Worst part is he actually played a pretty good support malz.
me and my duo are gonna get the support and AD and use them together and there's nothing you can do about it
Thanks, user. So glad some random shitter from lolg told me they're bad. Otherwise I would have wasted my ip!
it may stop vertical projectiles but does nothing horizontally
Welp its almost time, lads:
>dual champ release
>tank mid-season update
>Urgot scheduled to follow
I don't know how to feel at this point. At least I can rest easy knowing that Team A us working in him.
e dodges autoattacks you dumbfuck, not skillshots
>get some kid who thinks it's cool with a name LĂ©vel
>spends entire game trolling me because i was upset neither top nor mid came to help when the enemy jungler invaded my red
>15 minutes of shittalk from a feeding support before she just afks without saying why
Why are people like this?
>no math
>no live testing
>no data
theory dropped
The worst part of greifing is when the enemy team does all of the work and the guy greifing thinks they're hot shit.
IE: Yasuo only got the kill because Graves walked into lane and fucking destroyed all of Trundles health or some shit like that.
>tfw that memebuild wont ever be viable on second best girl anymore
feels bad
also comfy bfs~
But Kass is fucking retardproof in late fights.
Also you should've picked Cass instead of Kass.
How do I get good on Lee Sin
I'm serious about putting the time in to learn him.
neck yourself, maybe in another life
you tell me how this blocks anything horizontally
Land q, press q again.
they're mentally damaged, they're not thinking.
mostly lamb's butt to be honest
it's just a shitpost, man. don't take it so personally.
next time, i'll switch it up a bit, just for you.
>t. just got the rp to buy godfist as soon as its available
im sure youll put in as much time as you put into lux after her elementalist skin was released
>people are falling for this low tier bait
cmon guys
>tfw no academy Jinx skin
extend your senses
>how do i get good at lee sin
you pick him, thats literally all you have to do to be """""""good""""""" at him.
>be top
>have to pick first
>get counterpicked
such is life in the league of legends
Lee is a hit and run champ.
Go in, do damage, get out before they react.
look at riven's name
what am i in for
the vaccum from the spinning pulls it up and away from jax like so
he's not worth the time, at his current state he's trash unless you're playing 5 man premade
t. insec
I guess I'm just retarded then cause I didn't really know what to do against the fed GP, WW and Tahm being giant walls of meet late game and just wound up running into my death over and over.
And yeah, there's a lot of good options for Kat, but I was panicking since I didn't realize he took my 2nd guy for a few seconds.
he's producing lift, not a vacuum. if anything, he should be hovering in the air
>Be mid
>Have to first pick
>Pick an assassin and have the entire enemy team pick around fucking you or be forced to pick a mage and get assfucked by an assassin
Such is life in the league of legends
he's lifting the bullets/arrows up and away from him
>he's producing lift, not a vacuum
user how do you think lift works
>what am i in for
a nice dose of >fun, but not because of riven but beacuse of that nunu bot on the enemy team
>no porn of rakan cucking xayah with azir
>no porn of xayah cucking rakan with ahri.
gay/les cucking
you got it backwards retard
I don't
>no porn of xayah and rakan holding hands as azir mating presses xayah and ahri amazon presses rakan
Its better if Ahri charms/mind controls Rakan into making him think she's Xayah and then Xayah walking in on them clueless to the fact the Rakan isn't necessarily in control.
>Not Xayah cucking Rakan with a faceless big-dicked fat guy
illaoi takes no skill
ten gorillion years
Will he live up to his name?
More skill than ahri
I genuinely think Camille's W is a well designed ability. It's medium-short range but punishes you for just sitting on top of people, and the fact that it's delayed but the direction is predetermined on cast not updating with movement is smart. It requires a lot of timing and spacing to do correctly especially combining it with E where you may have to time it really precisely so it goes off during your wall dive at just the right time when you're fully committed to a movement.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results
give me 2 posts to explain lux players. include that one into the number
Is this considered high elo?
No nigger we already worked it out.
Ahri charms Rakan and then pins Xayah to the ground as she gets her fox pussy filled with bird seed. Then Foxslut sucks birdman dry over a struggling Xayah as cum and saliva drip all over her face and mouth.
lux takes basically no skill. oh SLIGHTLY predicting a movement path is so hard gais
>no braveheart champion
If Ahri ever gets Star Guardian skin I will quit League forever, because I will definitely know they became sellout and care only about money.
But that's wrong, user.
Jinx is cutest.
>popstar and academy Ahri exist
Anything above Silver 3 is high elo my dude. We're mostly all high elo here
Still more skill than Ahri
why is that the line? are you retarded or something?
>implying money isn't their main concern
highlander tryndemere?
Why does Gangplank get to have a cigar but Graves doesn't?
Who is Highland Tryndamere?
Tell me about foxpussy.
What does it taste like?
Whats the vg password?
when is popstar ahri going on sale? i'm a jew when it comes to spending rp
i'm sure she'd be glad to give you a taste test.
Nah m8 we need more shameless sellout slut skins. Give me my French Maid Sona, Pool Party Ahri, and Christmas Eve
How did I do retards?
Ahri is a fox turned human so probably like a humans?
i think someone said in last thread that it was "vidya"
What does Xayah need to not be bad!Sivir with a worse Kalista E?
Also is it me or are Camille's scalings and even bases outside of her Q really bad?
>Tell me about foxpussy.
>What does it taste like?
Water to the dying man. And then he dies anyway.
No damage reduc or cap on e.
Camillie got over killed in nerfs. Really all they had to do was fix her ult but instead they gutted everything but that. Robolegs aint doing well.
i see an inherent lack of banner of command in every build
at the very least use it on supports
Camille got abused in pro play so Riot had to nerf her several times.