/neog/ - SNK and Neo Geo General

Version 2.0 and DLC characters are out! Comes with 2 new stages and new BGMs free for all users.
Version 2.0 patch notes: snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xiv/news/KOF-XIV_patch_ver.2.00_en.pdf

KOFXIV DLC Characters Trailers:

Incoming version 2.0 brings new features, stages, music and a rebalanced cast

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Fug, forgot to delete:
>Incoming version 2.0 brings new features, stages, music and a rebalanced cast

it's ok user

you did well

In what situation do you use Parabola Kick?

I feel like I'd be more butt-blasted about these combos if they didn't require 1500 Max gauges.

That's true, I don't think this would be landed as often as people might think. I still feel like Yamazaki is going to get smacked with the nerf hammer in a future update. Maybe reducing the poison rate or damage and stopping it during the the time freeze or whatever it is of his climax would be sensible.

inb4 people start demanding that he be banned and some tournament actually does it like that one Indonesian tournament did with Nakoruru.

How much has the patch affected the tier lists?

man, one minute only one guy is playing against me, then everybody crowds around my place

He seems to be enjoying rock. Wonder if he'll play ranked like he usually does.

Like father like son. I was listening to Geese's Cyber theme and it reminded me that he tried to hit on Yuri in AoF2. I wish they'd give him a young Geese costume, but I don't think SNK will give him 2 costumes.

It hasn't even been 24 hours. Nowhere near enough time to judge.

Muimui's climax seems different, somehow. It's harder to connect her Climax after her kamehameha from fullscreen; I'm sure you could do it after a wallsplat from anywhere before the patch, but now it only works in the corner. On the plus side, it's easier to connect with her EX Ryusenshu (kicks) after her EX Ryusougeki (rekkas).

>I wish they'd give him a young Geese costume, but I don't think SNK will give him 2 costumes.
You never know, they might. But even if they don't, I'll always have King color #6.

goddamn, there are people i just want to 1v1 with more, xanadu seems a lot tougher to fight against

Patch notes mention netcode improvements, also I remember one of the devs mentioning that they would fix some problem when searching for matches or something before the patch was released. Anyone notice any differences?

i see more rooms open when i go online

i wish i could get a constant flow of matches instead of waiting in line

I see maybe the search function was fucked. On;y time will tell since there's probably more people than usual on right now because of the new characters.

i'm getting some laggy matches now

Well with Rock being out and with the apparent influx of some people it is possible that some people are playing on wifi. Region?


>get randomly dc'ed twice in a row
i don't see the improvement

Well I'll be damned, Max is actually bothering to learn Rock.

>Nobuyuki retweets and promotes Maxashillion's trash
Fuck this shit, fuck Max, fuck Rock and every faggot dickrider that begged for him to come back, and fuck SNK for supporting Capcuck dickriders instead of true fans. They're never getting another penny out of me..

>he still can't do Deadly Rave(Neo)

To be fair Oda and Kuroki worked on MotW. Kuroki was the guy that did Rock's sprite. Not saying that Max won't drop it relatively soon, he's admitted as much. At least Vanessa is in the game right?

I was excited for Vanessa, Yamazaki and Whip but Rock can fuck off. I fucking KNEW putting Rock in the game would attract Capcom faggots. I hope Kuroki gets fired.

Either one when

>try to setup a room with only 1 non private slot so i can get 1v1 time for steady matches
>noone joins
fml even in blazblue i could get 1v1 sets

He has 6k views on twitch right now. You don't want publicity for the game?

Delicious salt.

I don't disagree with you about Rock, but Kuroki has been doing good shit when it comes to XIV. Firing him would be a bit much, no? As much as I dislike all the Rock dickriding and inaccurate things max has said about XIV Kuroki can't not promote Rock in whatever way he can. What company wouldn't wan to give one of their characters the spotlight? Kuroki and Oda to a lesser extent are Rock's irl dads. Would that mean that Rock has 4 dads?

Personally I didn't want Rock in, but he's in now. Best thing to do is to make the best of it. On a personal note I looked forward more to the DLC costumes than any of the DLC characters.

God forbid Capcom faggots play this game and realize it's better than what they're used to.

If "publicity" means more faggot Capcucks playing the game, then no.

>Wanting Capcucks to ruin KOF with their esports faggotry

shut the fuck up

t.butthurt Capcuck
Why don't you fuck off back to your rootkit early access fighter?

go to bed mary fag we all know capcom people wont play the game much anyway so stop baiting others

I'm not Maryfag you fucking retard. I defended this game when he was shitposting but now I can't with all this eceleb dickriding.

Has there been a character more triggering than Rock Howard?

Nah, you're maryfag allright. Nobody is has a ballistic backside of this calliber.

Do you even marketing?

nobody here really cares for max when it comes to kof but if his dumb face can get a few people to try it and play it avidly then it's a good thing no matter what you think, stop being a little whiny baby bitch

Do you even kill yourself you fucking shill? I don't even like Blue Mary but I welcome any DLC character that isn't Cuck Howard or Bao.

I don't want "a few more people to try it" if those few more people are Capcom playing drones.

why aren't you banned yet

How about we settle this in KOF boys?

tell us the story on why you hate capcom mary fag

>Implying Rockfags play KOF

Jesus you should go see a doctor

Excess salt is too bad for ones health

>implying this guy won't dodge too

Everyone with taste hates Capcom, they haven't made a good fighting game since Third Strike.

Within SNK fans? Ash maybe?

If a draw fiend is in here can someone draw Rock and his 4 dads?

Roberto Nicola?

Lightning Fio

Rugal hopefully, Adel never ever fuck him.

>tfw Maryfag
She's legit really fun to use in any game she's in, KoF or Fatal Fury; cool designs, cool moveset. There's some stuff I wish would get brought back from the RB games too for her (her f,df,d+C throw follow up, Stun Fang) if she's ever brought back though looking at the gimped movelists for some characters she'd probably get some stuff like Stun Fang or Real Counter (and its follow ups) taken out.

im a mary fag too but the shit poster makes us all look bad

Vannesa win quotes pls

That reminds me, is there a /neog/ guild for MSA?

>twitter is nothing but rockfags posting combos

I did find this neat little thing


Max is really enjoying KoF. Good for him.

Honestly I gotta hand it to him

2 hours in and he's still learning Rock. Thats more than the average Rockfag would spare

anyone have a link to the kof discord

Can you really call them Rockfags when they don't actually give a shit about the character himself?

i'm having a lower opinion of this hori fc to read my inputs correctly

I'm still learning KOF and it's been rough but this game is actually pretty good about helping me transition into my first lab time/put in the work experience but,
Does anyone else get sad when you work and specialize on one team and you pass up on playing or experimenting with anyone else because you KNOW you'll take the L?

The fuck did you say about my boy Adel?

Neat, looking forward to picking her up tomorrow.

Hey fuck you Adel is cool

>Does anyone else get sad when you work and specialize on one team and you pass up on playing or experimenting with anyone else because you KNOW you'll take the L?
no, because i have a thing called DETERMINATION, which is an unamerican thing

These are the two biggest KOF discords:

General KOF: discord.gg/HeNThJZ
Dream Cancel: discord.gg/vsDjhMv

um guys...


I hope this gets translated.

i don't understand, what's the big deal

There was a promo for this that SNK posted for April Fools day. I doubt anyone else expected it to be real and having 6 volumes total.

does this mean SNK still has Love Heart?

I legitimately want this that's what's so frustrating about April Fool's jokes.

Replace anything related to capcom with nigger and laugh

>I fucking KNEW that putting rock in the game would attract niggers. I hope Kuroki gets fired


Yo guys, Max is doing singles online right now if any of you want to go bully him

Which KOF you playing? I'm new to fighting games in general but 2002UM just scratched an itch for me once I started to figure out how the game worked.

>tfw was super excited to play kof today
>work destroyed my ass so i half to settle for something less thought intensive like persona 5

someone give me a good snk related thing to name my theives guild

Black Noah

Ikari Team
Maiden Masher
Galactica phantom

Aku wa yurusan

his room is full

if max sticks with the game i'll play him later but i'm gonna get 1.5 hours of nap

Neo Black Cats
Hizoku Clan
Weenie Meisters


Wild Wolves?

Thoughts with Yamazaki in KoF 14?

Just tried him right now and so far, I find him fun. I'm not yet used that he doesn't have his blade attack and his fight of tempering isn't exactly the same with previous KoF games like 98 (2 hit attack) but other then that, I find him to be good. I like his EX serpent slash.

>$8 for one character
What the fuck man

are the voice actors known ?

yes someone posted them last thread


So is it real? So cute!!!

Nope, not to my knowledge.


That is cute as fuck. So it's a 5-koma web mango with 6 volumes. The little Sylvie that takes you back to thr top of the page is a total qt.

They're in the OP pic.

How did that go? Did he get bullied or btfo by anyone?

I didn't watch it but given the average skill level of his viewers, probably not

>dislikes: people who boast all the time
So he likes/doesn't dislike women now?

he does in maximum impact

But he constantly talks shit when he wins.

Just started browsing twitter and found these:

Geese doing some parenting:

Terry doing some parenting:

Chin getting drunk at incredibly high speed:

Why he didn't do anything wrong:

Champion no Ojii-chan! I've seen some people do more with him so more is possible.

Not before giving everyone else an alternate, I hope.