League of Legends General - /lolg/

Riven is a Noxian Whore.


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This thread has been claimed in the name of metal!

shitpost responsibly

I don't have certain proteins in my skin and it causes problems.

Best Birdfu edition

>kindred was male who split himself
>ywn make your own girlfriend

I wanna cuddle Jinx and fall asleep with her

Xth for Katarina
best girl

They will literally turn him into this pic.

Did you get a qt redhead gf or are you still a virgin?

only one breast waifu

D&D with friends now. We homebrewed the fuck out of most of it but I'm playing a Witch Hunter. Its a really fun class honestly. geekandsundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Witch-Hunter-Class-FINAL-4.2.pdf

I'd call someone about that tomorrow.

>go to [con]
>can spot traps miles away
>my group doesnt know how to get good at this
>eventually cave and just spit the shit with one and be on my way
>go find league cosplayers
>meet jessica nigri in taric cosplay
>for some reason she wants to be with the group of neckbeards (me and pals)
>just go on being me and get this pic because she wants to be photographed and me not taking one was bugging her
>was always close to me as the group moved from area to area
>finally after like 2 hours of chilling with us just make it quick, take a pic and get on with the con for more cosplayers because i dont want to waste time stopping every 2 minutes for her to take photos
>later on the group was saying that she was into me
>told them why would a slut made of plastic cosplaying a fabulous man want a neckbeard shitter like me
>they now think im gay for not taking her advances
heres the pic i took of her. was not really wanting to but she stayed with us an hour instead of getting attention from other con goers
im still not gay

league of legends

anyone else have any stories like this? its sorta like this one soraka main i encountered that wanted me for doing well with draven. it got weird after a point


Should read "this is the personality sonafags wish their waifu had"

drawfriend i know is about to make this with the new champs

what do you want. girl in front or guy in front

Dog I don't get it but this shit's hilarious

xth for Cute Ashe

Girl in back

xth for Syndra

Rakan and Xayah.

Xayah in the front, Rakan in the back.

those are some nice socks, i wont lie

Delivery from last thread

I swear the IRS exists to tell you the wrong thing and run you around in circles.

Guy in front. Except he should say save it for your bull

morde and sona

>No way, FOOL


Xayah and Rakan Xayah in front

Girl on back, fuck VO

Katarina is a loose sloot that gets mandhandled by the crownguards!

>Turning it into a cuck thing
Kindly kill (((you)))rself

hey guys this is your mid laner for today

>about to make this with the new champs
>several tards literally didn't read this and instead of answering the question posted about the champions
lolg has serious reading comprehension problems


You know that black guy white guy cuck meme?

Can we get a azir/rakan or ahri/xayah.

Brand is my favorite champion. I don't like him as support but I won't blame you for liking it

>im whiter than he is
>im whiter than the side of sour cream i had for dinner
>im whiter than _____
we got this

>David 16
>Being a teenager/white

>ban yas
>get called a fucking nigger

But Sona can't speak

>still a virgin


Ayyyyyyy thank you.

ya know
there is just 0 reason to be rude tbqh

Give me reaction pics redraw with champions

Just maybe
The reason we're losing fights
Is because you don't group
Push the lane and die to being so far out
And think getting drags is NOT a good thing
>b-but the jungler didn't win my lane for me!!
>b-but drag doesn't help me splitpush and feed harder!!

>literally nobody cares or will believe this story
oh well at least i met cool people

this with zed

That ain't Jessica Nigri, my dude. That's Leah Stevo. She might have been in to you, though.

Orianna making a smug face please.

But what if I'm a grill?

I second this.

This with Dreadnova Darius

that poster who had the cousin who drew

I would really like a pic of Poppy and Orlon walking abreast, though I don't think there's a reference for him he is described in her lore as an average build in overlapping steel plate armor


exactly, thats why theres only the FOOL part

i was thinking furious allied target pinging on sona's crotch

Also I realized I read the post wrong and It was asking for guy/girl positions instead of characters. Whoops.

If I keep making fun of you maybe you'll go out and get a qt gf.

is it Sarah posting time?
tfw you will never gangbang the captain with the crew

i believe in you because why would people go on the internet to lie about such a specific thing

i just have literally 0 con stories, i'm the kind of neckbeard that hates being associated with other neckbears

i hope this one doesnt trigger the junglers. i know graves is a bit on the edge
rad. i still dont know or care who it is in the end seeing as i dont like easy picks. i like to work for it

Jinx as this


>tfw you Talon support

comfy bfs~

Image doesn't make a whole lot of sense for the new champs together.

So girl in the back just so I can see her with her panties down.

>such a specific thing
thats a good question
the answer is autism

i didnt get any pics of jinx cosplayers sadly. pis related was the best looking jinx thing i saw

This with Yorick, holding the shovel in his fist.

That is one ugly LeBlanc.

I see Janna is still "autowin if your E key is working".


>New passive that gives Olaf increased MS/AS when attacking the same target
>W reworked
>E reworked
>Ragnarok temporarily makes Olaf immune to damage and increases his damage output while also increasing the amount of damage he takes. At the end of the duration all damage is dealt at once (think Oracle ult from Dota)
>Olaf moved from a Juggernaut to a SLAYER

I have tried multiple personality ranges and none of them seem to find someone worth their salt
I just cant find an equal!
hehe :^)

>grill virgin

That takes some special autism to pull off.

this with brand wearing rabadons

That's because nothing happens at cons except the two/three things that everyone and their mother posts on social media about so it when it is posted here too no one cares

yeah but now we have jungle Janna too

>not wanting her tendies
her feet must have been killing her after being in those heels though holy shit

do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb sing to you if you asked nicely
would lamb sing you a song while grinding against you if you asked nicely
>arby n the chief
my nigga

Redraw this to whoever you see fit.

She can't into yorgurt

Yeah but Ivern is about to get supremely gutted, will be fucking unplayable.

sex is fucking scary, how do you even get alone with somebody

have you tried looking for people who aren't real? That's probably your best bet for someone who matches you

I don't even know for how many threads you've been posting this but damn, man, don't you ever go out?

>how do you even get alone with somebody
youre either too shy to manage it comfortably or you just havent met a wizard that can show you the way

>special autism
hey bb hmu
yeah I found katarina she's perfect for me :3c

you grab them by their balls, they'll do whatever you want

Nunu making a goldface as he steals someones buff.

or maybe they are lying and they want to kill you

Hello, I am an adc and a proud cuckold.

not often, my gf lives in another state and i usually just hang out with friends over discord
i do sleep, though

>It's a "Renekton got shit on in front of his other 4 premade friends, so he trash talks you and proceeds to get dunked again" episode



needs more Loomis

it's a good look on her

You dont know how much i dont go outside
I dont have a lot to do and have too much free time
if i had to play league every moment of the day where i had free time, i can easily fit in 50 matches

i have met up with an user on /soc/ did lewd, spent the night in a twin bed, all of which was unplanned (except meetup and sleep over because distance)
for all i knew they were some huge swole gay black guy wanting to rob me of my everything and take my asshole

but it was instead a qt grill into femdom

how do you sleep at night after you've stood behind your dying teammates and gloated about your S


unless vladfag


The answer is no because Kindred has no preference on whether you go willingly or not.
Therefore there's no incentive for them to do anything special for the people who do.

>play Twitch for the first time since about mid S5 or early S6
>get penta during teamfight and carry along with Warwick
Wish he'd get a new skin since his last one was in early S5, but Gangster and Pickpocket are okay.

>anyone more pure than a literal ANGEL
>an ACTUAL whore more pure than an actual ANGEL

lolg is straight up retarded

>sex is fucking scary

You sound like one of those fucks who gets all shaky and starts to hyperventilate before clicking ranked queue.

>How did I do

Seriously whats the best thing you have got outta crates user?

that 3d shit gets old, it makes it all look the same artstyle like a fucking unity game
yeah you fucking love balls faggot