Why don't Muslims rage after what the Saudis did to Mecca?
Why don't Muslims rage after what the Saudis did to Mecca?
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What? For a long time now it's been more than a modest courtyard where Mohammad (PBUH) lived.
cool hotel
At least it had lots of heritage sites and not one monstrosity like in the picture. The Saudis bulldozed everything.
Nice tower. Sure would be a shame if someone flew a plane or two into it.
>heritage sites
Because anybody who thinks anything contrary to what the Saudis enforce, they're put to death.
Saudis confirmed for master shitposters?
Not if it's post jahiliyyah
Literally an eye of Sauron.
Are Saudis the true bad guys in the Middle East?
Why does the US cooperate with them?
anyone with a brain knows the saudis and their allies are the ones who ruin everything every time in the middle east
yes we do
wahabi scum
damn tacky arabs
The sad truth is that most Muslims:
1. Have shit sense of good taste. Most prefer biggest and shiniest things. The worst part is that this preferences is shared both by proles and the superrich who have the money for such projects. Thus the frakshow that the Saudis built in Mecca actually caters to their tastes.
2. What is even worse is that many many Muslims care only of non-Muslims do something. If some non Muslim power held by some chance Mecca and tried to bulldoze a tiniest bit of it, whole Muslim world would go apeshit. But since it's Saudis, no one cares that they turned Mecca into concrete wasteland. Same goes for Israel. I'm not defending the fucked up things that Israel did, but the only reason why Muslims rage over Israel is that it's Jews who do it. They don't care of about the worst atrocities that Muslims commit over other Muslims. Like for example in Yemen or Syria.
>Why does the US cooperate with them?
We've got a long cooperative history with the house of Saud that predates the troubles of the past two decades or so and they're still a stable "modern" country.
Why does The West give them a free pass?
Petrodollar deal. The Saudis hold such an insane amount of American bonds and assets that they can flip the whole American economy. That would wreck them too true, but they still can.
oil, petrodollar agreement
>Why does the US cooperate with them?
Because the Saudis give America cheap oil.
The dots aren't that hard to connect.
Saudi Arabia is a horrible country, but they get away with it because they have oil.
>muslims don't rage at Saudis
>what is Baath Party, Ikwhan, South Yemen etc.
Maybe if you opened a book you could find out.
I'm a degenerate western atheist and even I think this is blasphemous
yes we do
wahabi scum
damn tacky arabs
Yes. Because of the petrodollar.
The ME is going to continue to be a fundamentalist wahhabi shithole for as long as the Saudis are allowed to run the show.
But they do. Iran does so all the fucking time.
Islam is an oddball case. They are Saudis' rivals for political and ideological leadership in the ME.
I meant Iran, sorry.
I won't defend that monstrosity, but hasn't the Kaaba been destroyed and rebuilt a few times before?
Well yeah, but they're still the loudest critics whenever something goes wrong in Mecca.
Saudis need to fucking collapse and take wahhabism with them.
>now public toilets
>now Hilton hotel
And Muslims rage and kill over cartoons instead.
They actually do care. It's just that the Saudis have enough money to suppress such sentiments.
Read about the Ikhwan. They were those who stood true to the revolutionary Wahhabi ideals, so much so that even the Saudis had to curb it. The Ikhwan saw the Saudis for what they were, a selfish Western lapdog monarchy ready for anything to keep their power. So the Saudis alongside with Western support suppressed the Ikhwan movement and executed their leaders.
But there's still a very real threat to the monarchy that their movement, or another equivalent, will show its face when the $$$ runs out. You'd think that this century old story is irrelevant, but just look at the 1972 Mecca seizure.
The theocratic side of Saudi Arabia is actually extremely volatile. For now the money buys them stability and the ability to do whatever the fuck they want, but that's just temporary. So while it may seem the arabs are taking whatever the Saudis are giving, they actually do perceive what's going on. And when shit hits the fan, Saudi Arabia is the last place the Saudis want to be in.
Kaaba is intact. They bulldozed things like graves and houses of prominent early Muslims, historical buildings etc.
The irony of it all is that everyone's getting fucked by the rulers. Us, white Europeans by Merkel, black Americans by Obama and muslims by the Saudis and the clergy.
Ikhwan were mostly raiders who plundered and massacred other Muslims, even raiding outside of Saudi Arabia like some Alibaba's raiders of Arabian Nights. They Saudis crushed them cause they wanted to built a stable state over conquered territory and the Ikhwan outlived their own usefulness.
Look how you overlooked how much evil the Ikhwan caused to other Muslims and just focused on the West and their deals with Saudis. Just like said.
isnt that a wahhabist thing to destroy shrines because they think it defies the oneness of god
>Us white Europeans
I'm an orthodox that absolutely hates what spawned out of Mo's little quest, but i would have liked to see Abu Kanr's house and everything else on the left.
What's the deal with Sayyida, btw?
Lmao, that picture is retarded. Germanics don't even look like that, he doesn't look white, he looks like an albino lmao.
Since when do Germanics have big lips or a jaw that's more upfront lmao.
Not to mention that "we wuz" makes fun of black people, even if used at white people
They stayed true to the ideals and did not see a reason to stop spreading the revolution.
The Saudis, however, had a political opening - a chance to have a Western superpower legitimize its power by conducting diplomacy with them, therefor cementing their power. They were not going to risk what they had gained for mere ideals and instead chose to back down on them in favor of safety.
Basically the Saudis started a war on theological basis to spread their power base and turned their back on it as soon as it became profitable. The Muslim Jews.
Khadiya was Muhammad's first wife. She was a rich widow who had her own little trading empire and who basically paid for Muhammad's upkeep while he was a NEET and talked with angels. What's funny is that while she was alive, Muhammad was completely monogamous. Only when she kicked the bucket, did Muhammad started to have as many wives as he could.
She's basically one big walking negation to the argument that Islam gave woman bigger rights than they enjoyed.
poo be upon him
The Romans were white.
Are you a neo nazi who thinks only Germans are white?
Khadija(r.a) was the first wife of Muhammad(a.s)
I have heard rumors that the Wahhabie clergy has thrown its eye at the tomb of Muhammad(a.s) himself.
t. brown people
requesting one with turks and mongols
That doesn't make any sense.
>They stayed true to the ideals and did not see a reason to stop spreading the revolution.
Really? Let's see.
>The pacification of the tribesmen was not entirely a success, and the former nomads continued their raids, which now had religious sanction and were bloodier than before. Unlike nomadic raiders, the Ikhwan earned "notoriety for routinely killing male captives" and for sometimes putting "children and women to death". From 1914 to 1926 Ibn Saud and wahhabi religious leadership allied with him urged the Ikhwan to not attack or harass other nomads and townspeople of the Najd.
>Some Ikhwan leaders wanted to continue the expansion of the wahhabi realm into these states, and launched raids into them.
>Usually, they attacked in the forms of raids which is a style Bedouins had always used in the deserts of Arabia. Those raiders travelled mainly on camels and some horses. Typically, every male captured was killed by cutting his throat.
>Two notable raids on Emirate of Transjordan, a British protectorate, occurred in 1922 and 1924. In August 1922, some 1,500 Ikhwan camel mounted fighters led by Eqab bin Mohaya, attacked Transjordan. According to one account they retreated before they reached their objective—the capital Amman.[18] According to another account, they massacred the inhabitants of two small villages before being decimated by British armoured cars and planes.
>In August 1924, another larger Ikhwan force, numbering around 4,500 raiders,travelled 1,600 kilometres from Najd to come within 15 kilometres of Amman before being spotted and attacked by British RAF aircraft. The Ikhwan army reportedly suffered 500 dead. Without the help of the RAF, Amman would most likely been captured by the Ikhwan.
Sounds more like a bunch of assholes who used religion as justification for self aggrandizement and indiscriminate killing. Again, it's amazing how Muslims overlook atrocities committed by Muslims against other Muslims.
Oh, the rich widow he served first.
Europeans aren't white.
'White', as said on this website, generally refers to an upperclass. The Greeks and Romans are the epitome of this, giving to us almost every aspect of humanity. Greco-Romans are truly 'white'.
But then the """white""" europeans sacked Rome, caused a recession in knowledge, and then continued to cause the most deadly, destructive wars man has ever seen. To make things worse, they spread their destructive all over the globe. Innocent Asians and Africans were forced to bear the niggarity of europeans, and as such their own homelands suffered. Then we had the two world wars, which made the world realize something: those damn euros need to be put on a leash. So the UN was founded, and euro countries joined NATO and EEC. However, not too long afterwards, euros found a way around these measures and brought their wars to places like Iraq, Libya, and Syria. We all know what happened there.
TL;DR europeans aren't white
>b-but muh renaissance
Classical knowledge from Greco-Romans. Nice try.
>Why don't ___ operate in the way I, someone who knows nothing of ___ think they should?
All Mecca has in it is the Hajj and its monument. Everything else can be done away with.
I don't think that any Europeans today claim to be descendants of Ancient Egyptians.
Saudi lies. All of it.
>white is a state of mind;
I don't think so. Raids on Jordan are very well attested.
>Saudis doesn't treat their country like a museum, but creates new buildings to cater to the needs of the present and the future.
With so many Muslims taking the pilgrimage, the hotels and public toilets are completely necessary. It makes room for more pilgrims and less queues and depravity. I'm proud of the Saudis.
Lol, literally dindu nuffin.
Ikhwan were a bunch of homicidal raiders who spread nothing but death and misery. Saudis cynically used them to terrorise tribes and sedentary population into submission. They weren't holy warriors. Just a bunch of killers who used religion as justification for their atrocities.
>They actually do care.
No they don't. Muslims don't give a damn about Muslims massacring other Muslims. They rage only when an infidel does something, no matter how harmless, against Islam.
yes. we put up with it because oil.
think real hard user, what is the one resource the saudis have in abundance
Well, they have both oil and Wahhabism and export them both in massive quantities.
We don't overlook it its just that there isn't much anyone can do against saudi arabia however its disgusting that they are bulldozing historic sites for more hotels and whatever.
Saudi leadership in arabia was the worst thing to happen the area.
>not knowing about the sectarian violence between Shia and Sunni
This is an 18+ board kid, I but you didn't even know there were different sects of Islam until I told you.
The thing they bulldozed to build that was an Ottoman fort.
Given how the Ottomans humiliated the Wahhabs, they Saudi give too shits about it.
but each of those sects considers the other non-muslim
At this point its more a political game with the shias allying with iran and the sunnis with the saudis and then there is turkey trying to get an advantage from the situation.
Most, if not all of those are from Pompeii
>but each of those sects considers the other non-muslim
not true btw
>posting a meme as an argument
cancer of Veeky Forums
The answer is more complicated than thought. Within KSA much of the religious extreme are contained to their censored environment of the country Saudi Arabia. Many of these Wahhabists are kept in line by the monarchy, whose power is most centred in their backing by the religious clareks in the two religious capitals.
If the Monarchy were to lose power, the civil war between the hardcore religious and the kinda secular government would be like the Syrian civil war but 100x worse with the nearly all major powers wanting to keep a stable oil production from the area, not even accounting for the spill over.
A democratic Saudi Arabia would likely become the equivalent of Pakistan combined with Iran, e.g. a Theocratic military government that also has a large hard right religious presence, run by a Sunni grand leader.
This new state would be what the US media thinks of Iran , but again worse. The new state would export Wahhabism across the middle east, central asia and any south east asian Muslim country.
The current Status quo is much better then the pipe dream most people have of the US trying to change the government.
They do, there's this guy in front of the white house everyday, probably undercover C.I.A. I've seen him in person and heard him say something like "you aren't qualified to rule Mecca and Medina" presumably being about the current Saudi rulers. Early during the Arab uprisings I saw him get into a slight altercation with a Libyan protester from a group of other Libyans calling for the downfall of Gaddafi. The Libyan had shoved or tried to shove him and the Muslim who I think is a Pak told him to back off then the Libyan's friends pulled him back and talked to him to calm him down while a police officer there looked on ignoredly. The Libyans came along with separate groups of Yemeni and Syrian protesters also calling for the downfall of their dictator that day. They took over the scene after a group of answer coalition held a gathering there beforehand and a Yemeni girl handed me a flier inviting me to their next event. I also had a conversation with a Korean bike rider who told me he had talked to the Pak before and that he heard him say he hates America while pretending to like it in front of everyone else. He wears a coat with a handwritten English translation of the shahada on the back and usually lays out his poster on top of his bag on the ground. Ive also seen a Yogi nearby and everyone knew Connie (RIP).
That's the point, idiot. There's a shitton of Muslim-on-Muslim most fucked-up violence. The problem is, the Muslim world doesn't care. They don't care that Saudis are bombing Yemen into stone age. They don't care about bleeding Syria.
They flip their shit over Israel or French cartoons.
Turk here. All religious muslims i know are upset about this but they have nothing to do.
Wrong my man, those are Fayum portraits
Just because you've never actually met a Muslim and get every knowledge you have of them from Fox News doesn't mean that they don't care about the sectarian violence in the Muslim world.
I just found tons of free Steam Wallet Codes at steamkeygiveaway.com
t. triggered snownigger
>That's the point, idiot. There's a shitton of Muslim-on-Muslim most fucked-up violence. The problem is, the Muslim world doesn't care. They don't care that Saudis are bombing Yemen into stone age. They don't care about bleeding Syria.
They do you dumb fuck, muslims are currently in sectarian chimp out mode over Yemen and Syria.
>They flip their shit over Israel or French cartoons.
They don't give nearly as many fucks about that as they do about their sectarian cold war. The cartoon protests get tonnes of coverage in the west because it makes for better click bait. That doesn't say anything about what the muslims think.
Tbf it doesn't look that bad, I wouldn't say it's a bad building, possibly just badly placed. Much better than the boring square steel glass we get in the west.
t. egyptians living under roman rule
Because the US is the evil empire.
clearly God has forsaken them in their conflict against the Shia Houthis cause of that sacrilege
lol r u retarded?
Are those Venezuelan mercs?
colombian, initially part of blackwater/xe/xir
Because mug idols and Saudi propaganda
The Wesy has never cared about who it supports as long as they're pro-western
France didn't give a shit about Gaddafi until he started nationalizing oil companies.