Alright alright alright just went through the last thread holy fuck.
Firstly, I'm gonna admit it right now, the day I banned reiyth was not, a good day. IRL wise. I lost my shit a little quicker than I should have. Maybe I shouldn't have banned him. Maybe I should've been more understanding. That day was like, I think its been 6 years since my grandfather died. That was not a good day.
I'm willing to admit I made mistakes. I'm willing to talk about this like an adult.
There were people who, are close to me, who don't always mix well with other people. I hold them close and dear to me, to a fault. I should be less bias. I should, I admit that.
I can't tell you who did the craiglist bullshit. I don't know, none of us have any proof of that, if I knew the truth they would get the boot, easily, everyone's always got "an idea" of who it is, but no one really knows.
Hence the knee jerk reaction I made with the purge? Did I probably get rid of that person? Yeah, I probably got rid of a lot of trolls. And 80 other people too. Not exactly the best.
I wanna make things right, and I wanna make peace. Lets start over, okay?
No bullshit, I will unban reiyth, he can come back if he wishes, he can get a hold of me via DM, I will unblock him, any harassers will be told to block him if they so wish to coexist. Really we should use that block button more in these situations.
I love you guys, be safe.