/ourgirl/ edition
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Previously on /meg/:
/ourgirl/ edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
Previously on /meg/:
Sara is for Scott and Scott is for Sara
Another day, another non Ralph thread. Thank you mods.
Incest is morally wrong and not accepted in a normal community.
I hope you all shot him.
>this entire post
>not accepted in a normal community
Good thing this is /meg/
We all know Scott's sweet ass is for Cora
I blame you /meg/, all these memes ruined default Scott for me.
People said/say the same about homosexual relationsbhips
Said the same about blacks
Times change
First for tfw you can never be Aria's bitch
I'd rather shoot that cunt Sloane.
I did just to see what it's like. I sided with him because he flirted with me and I like to think my Ryder's a sucker for that. Can't wait for the inevitable backstab where I can kill him for good
People still don't like the gay, user
>implying you'd be able to explain to her why she can't marry the only person that understands her and that she truly loves
>they said the slippery slope isn't real
Incest is the purest form of love, though.
sara and scott are both for kallo
Should i choose Initiative to go Military or stay Scientific? I can't decide t.bh.
/ourgirl/ indeed
>no thread theme for over a dozen threads now
for what purpose?
when is an asari "legal"
Scott/Sara are a one man army, you don't need anything else.
What you do need is people who will investigate stuff and eventually come up with a way to start building up a fleet with the resources available there.
i picked science and had no trouble
i'm all the muscle the colonies need
Are biotic explosions as fun as in ME3? That might actually make me play the game even though it's shit
>will build Star Wars sets with you
>histotyfag, wanted to be space Indiana Jones
How can other girls even compete?
right after birth
Is there a big graphical difference between the PC and PS4 version of MEA?
It's going to take me another month to get parts for my build so not sure if the difference is big enough for that waiting time.
It literally doesn't matter.
The angara will mention if it's military but it doesn't stop you from wooing the fuck out of them.
I read some Kallo/Sara fanfic earlier. It was cute.
My guess is 100 or so if they even care about stuff like that
even better imo. biotics are fun as shit in this game honestly.
They can't.
There is no point in keeping Sloane alive.
Unless you have a soft spot for Kaetus
>Is there a big graphical difference between the PC and PS4 version of MEA?
yes. it's actually one of the worst downgrades i've seen in a while, but that's mostly because the detail difference between ultra and medium is staggering
Do they still do more damage than guns
Pretty big difference if you can play the PC on high/ultra.
Seeking Plasma System seems like an okay augmentation. What are /meg/'s thoughts on it? It doesn't really let you hit weak points, but it lets you hit enemies behind cover a lot more easily.
Yeah but we're not getting beat the fuck up and we can fuck even marry guys without too much of a fuss.
That's real progress and that's probably as good as it's going to get.
Threadly reminder that Sara lusts for dick.
Framedrops on console during combat can get pretty freaking bad.
It's an aug for pussies. I'm an infiltrator and even I don't wait for them to pop their heads up.
Keep dashing around the room shooting fire and go in on them.
Honestly the gameplay is so fun.
All right lads I'm seriously thinking of going to the bank and depositing money to buy ME:A, is it worth it?
I play on ps4 and I guarantee you that you'll hate yourself for not waiting
worse, I romanced the faggot.
i know
I really should work on my Scot/Kallo fic.
Or instead grind MP to get that Salarian Operator
so does Scott
You know you can pirate it and see for yourself, right?
>implying my sister isn't a huge lez and I'm the one who like giving the D to other dudes
Do you even /disappointDad/?
In honesty, I'm probably gonna do a run with my Sara and she's gonna hit on everyone
>double mod extension
>piercing mod plus your 3 favorites
Why would anyone wait for enemies to peek?
>pirate it
Wait it was cracked? Fug I've been out of the loop
>pirating AAA games this soon after release
enjoy your cease & desist
>romancing someone not a part of your crew
That's your mistake
Yes, although it's Denuvo, so the crack might have random issues due to how complex the DRM is.
But it's at least worth a try.
What kind of dictatorship do you live in?
Pretty sure The World is Waiting sidequest was supposed to be done after visiting Meridan. Didn't even meet with the Ark higherups to visit that world yet and it's mentioned in a broadcast. At least I get a world named after me.
I really hate myself now.
Yeah, the codex entry for it kind of gives away what happens with Meridian too. I haven't visited the place either.
Good job Bioware C-Team.
uncle drack gonna smash your puss
Yea, Scotts dick
>unprotected handholding
Sara wouldn't do this.
>800lb krogan leaning on you
>those krogan headlice
>the one asari who wont fuck you on the other side
That face is perfect
>you can tell Gil it's crazy to agree to raise Jill's baby
>you still get the "Fuck it lets do it" option in dialogue
That's such a weird thing. They should've just chosen the "I can't" option for you because Ryder contradicts himself
>Keep getting matched with shitty hosts
pls end this
That's what happens when you do every possible quest on a planet. Learn to space them out next time.
Just host your own games?
>10/10 best game
At least you get cute krogan cuddles
>Blaming the player for playing the game how they want instead of the developer for properly creating an "open world" game
Censor this shit before you get banned.
how long did he get banned and for what? faggot was the purest cancer I ever encountered.
But you need to know that its okay to raise children if you're gay.
100% viability is way easier than that. I wish you had to do all the quests to get it. I got Voeld to 99% on my second playthrough when all I did was save the moshae, reactivate the vault, plop down an outpost and ONE of the many sidequests.
He always followed the same procedure.
>make cancerous ''mass errect'' reddit thread
>someone makes a proper one
>starts spamming SJW shit in the proper thread to bait people and derail it, so mods delete it
Until a few days ago, mods instead deleted his cancerous thread and banned him probably for spamming SJW shit.
No ''mass errect'' shit for almost a week now, it's glorious.
You can also detect him because if you dare go against his threads he calls you autistic, he gets triggered over being called a redditor, and he spams pics of his character which is a brown gook and constantly says that he did that because there's no ''European choices''.
Vetra vanished in mine
>all these krogans getting sassy with me over choosing to rescue the last OG pathfinder over some literal who exile scouts
One genophage wasn't enough
>''European choices''
he has a point tho, tried to create a female Character and no matter what she will have always a brownish tint. bothers the fuck out of me.
be yeah, good thing he got banned.
all you need to do to get 100% viability is to activate vaults, do a couple missions and then you're good.
Not when it's a crazy chick who dreams of getting DP'd by her gay friend and his gay boyfriend
I think pic related looks much more European than the black haired fat Korean he has.
its only the female CC.
Agreed. The only reason to save the scouts is if you are just that averse to fighting them kettified.
Well, did I do good on duderyder?
We could assume that Morinth started melding right before she ran away while only being 40 years old. So I guess something around that age.
I know, but Ralph's character is a dude.
To be fair the Ark was a guaranteed rescue so Salarian babies were going to 100%.
Krogans on the other hand are not guaranteed babies and most will never have one.
Every single Krogan is needed to produce more whereas Salarians have too many to care.
>"Because of the implications"
That's what I said. I wish it was harder.
Bargain Bin Reyes.
guess so, these people have some genuinely shit connection speed
yes, and one of the most ugly ones I ever saw. would be hilarious if he tried to recreate himself.
Liara mentions she's barely an adult at 109, but it's unclear if that means no sex for Asari
Do you think there's Sara/SAM fic?
>male scouts NEED to reproduce
No. Plenty of other stronger males in the colony
Don't see why I would. He helped me solve the Sloane problem and he was never anything but helpful and cordial with me.
The only thing he did that pissed me off was leave me stuck with the tab at Kralla's Song.
>Every single Krogan is needed to produce more
Mmh no.
Yes but get a full beard and change that disguisting hair for a bald haircut.
No they are a bit nerfed.
Still fun though.
>comparing the Golden God to that
At least he give you some 600 year-old whiskey as compensation
Starting NG+, do I get my shit back in the same "special shipments" spot as the Deluxe Edition stuff?
Can you important the ME3 data? Mine had the genophage cured and everyone being a-okay with Geth/AI.