League of legends lolg
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haha :-DDD
comfy bfs~
>haha lets start by posting trash images so we hit image cap 200 posts too early again
who's taking care of stranger-zoned ez here?
xth for Syndra
and that's a problem because?
Maybe 4chin will run out of threads or something
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
So where the fck are all the league lewd artists
Except their porn scene is dead too
>nasus loses to yi top because hes trying to build AD like meme man sirhcez XD
>bot loses hard as fuck for no reason even though they got 2 early kills because of my ganks
>shut down enemy jungler hard by killing him multiple times and CJing all his shit
>doesnt matter because its wukong aka i just show up to a fight and hit R XD
this game is still trash
Make your own
behind pay walls
I've paid all the league artists to not release their lewds to anyone but me. Bad luck kid
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
Aghanims Sceptre when?
GP players are subhumans
why is autofill still a thing?
Riot was having trouble forcing 50% winrates on people, so now they just autofill.
>tfw no Syndra to step on face
Sigh, sometimes life ain't fair, right lolg?
When has it not been a thing?
The alternative was "Get stuck support because you are last pick".
wasn't pick order based on mmr back then? that was a good system, if you're shit you shouldn't take other player's roles just because of some random bullshit
Fact: Gangplank players are the most powerful race in the world
the pic you attached dates from an era where gp players weren't crypto-riven mains
But it does nothing to prevent last pick from autolocking into a different lane pick regardless. When's the last time you've dealt with "MID OR FEED"?
>When an assassinbab thinks that they "own" blue buff just because they are mid
I came all the way from top lane to carry you guys, and I will collect my reward. Step aside, lil bitch. I use more mana than you anyway.
if you're getting matched with someone else you're equally as shit
>b-b-but silver 3 50 LP is better than silver 3 45 LP!
>Using mana
>Not playing riven
>Not building pure CD, then taking blue anyway
i finished this thing, what do you guys think?
>you get more control over the direction
>first walls slow applies to all of them
>goes through champions
>knock up every time + more bounces
>2nd shot 0.5 sec after the first
>GA changes
>Tank items are less tanky
Can't wait
it's nice, especially the colouring, just the faces that look a bit goofy
keep practising user!
The girl looks like a girl (male), but that's a plus in my book, pretty nice user!
I've been away for over half a year, pls spoonfeed me on how Akali is now.
I vaguely remember hearing about a small rework and her not being very good, but is she complete trash tier or still just okay or what?
Shaco has been banned 3 times in the last 8 games I played
What the fuck they do to the clown?
>placed in S5 this season
>climb to S1 pretty easily with 80% winrate
>300 odd games later, still in silver, battling the never ending OCE troll clown fiesta
>literally trolls and afks every game
>finally get G5
>G3 in 2 days
>"elo hell doesn't exist"
Yeah suck my cock, evidence beats retard fanboys who think a 1v1 chess system is an accurate or well measured way to do matchmaking or ranks in a teamwork based game.
What elo? if low elo, most low elos ban shaco and eve often because literally everyone is retarded abnd never places control wards and plays deep anal fisted inside the enemy turret all game when there's a stealth champ on the enemy team.
>when you not noob but team noob
Gold 2
She's decent, her pre-6 is better than it used to be and she's a counter to Yasuo. Build hasn't really changed.
The nerfed him hard so your teammates are banning him so retards that don't read patch notes don't pick gimped characters
>you are perma in E but it doesn't knockup on impact anymore, but you keep the bonus AD
>You spawn more holograms which can be used to chain ultimate
>Increases size of Tempered Fate and Q chains as constellation
Aurelion Sol
>He gets perma W without mana costs and gets 3 additional orbiting stars
>Gets to cast ultimate and move the lazer while dealing damage kinda like Vel'Koz ultimate
>Your ultimate can now split just like your Q
s-source? :^)
x zed
I saw the ghost in the shell movie yesterday
It's viewable if you concede it has nothing to do tone and theme wise with the original
Scarlett with Major's haircut is 10/10 though
How was your day anons?
>It's viewable if you concede it has nothing to do tone and theme wise with the original
I can't.
>bot: "hey mind if I jungle"
>jungle (Me) yeah I do mind, sorry
>bot: "Okay :):):)"
>proceeds to lock yasuo
when are we getting a system that punishes assholes for being whiny fucks that don't get their primary role selected 100% of the time?
>mid and ad (who both lost lane horrendously): you're trash
>me: i'm a smurf from x i guarantee you i'm better than you (disregard the edge just making a point)
>ad: oh so why you can't carry this game
>me: not even faker can carry every game
>ad: oh so now you're comparing yourself to Faker?
fuck skaarl
I don't need skaarl
post red flags
>mid laner says they are a god in champ select
So what do you think the native language sounds like for each region/faction in Runeterra?
>Demacia: French/English
>Noxus: German
>Shurima: Some sort of African dialect
>Ionia: Japanese/Chinese
>Bandle City: Animal Crossing
>Piltover & Zaun: English
>Icathia: Arabic
>Bilgewater: Cajun/Pirate-y English
>Kimungu(?) Jungle: Tongue clicks (If this region even exists anymore; see Vestaya)
>Nami's home: *Glub glub
>Void: SKREEEEEEEEEEEE/Adaptive language if intelligent
>Freljord: Russian/Nordic dialect
I dont know what the champs who arent classified under a region would speak. Maybe RPG Text Boxes.
Do you run fervor or thunderlords on camille?
>"Can my friend play mid? He's a smurf, and he will carry."
>"Let him speak for himself"
>"Cant, he doesnt speak english"
Why do people question Hashinshin (challenger player) winning games.
Who started this meme. By no means am I defending him, but seriously how unoriginal can you goys get.
So seeing how xayah got twitch miniult across her entire kit she will probably be pickban in pro games until massive nerfs, right?
yeah shes op
I wish early leads actually meant something instead of just everyone getting gold for free so that even if you take an early lead they still are allowed to conetst you later.
"can we get bot, we're a duo"
she has 525 atk range, even vayne outranges her. unless you want to get constantly shoved into your turret vs a cait/varus/ashe and zyra/karma/nami lane, she's not gonna see much play
Does anyone know how to put a custom resolution? Google hasn't being very helpful.
Who the fuck in toplane needs blue besides jayce?
>Shurima: Egyptian and other arabian languages
>Piltover: Bing bong
>Zaun: all sorts of immigrants living in the USA/ poor americans in general
>Icathia: hebrew
>Kumungu: tribal african
>Nami's home: hollywood musical, they can only talk through singing
>Void: non usa/ european english speaking countries
>dont ban yas
they're right, you know
You can go to your league folder --> config --> edit game.cfg
or you can go to your nvidia / amd control panel and create a new resolution
>play best few champion(s)
>win a lot
>get bored with them a little
>start losing
champion name in IGN plus God/Lord/Master plus some numbers
Sivir doesn't
Lucian doesn't
You could argue that Lucian has mobility unlike Xayah so he fits a really different niche, which is fair, but arguing Sivir's ricochet and boomerang blades make up for this while Xayah's Q and passive don't seems a little silly.
>feed l0rd
a lot of tanks can spam the fuck out of their abilities if they get blue
If they're decent I'm good with that, but I'm in shitter elo so it fucking hurts to see trashtalking gps who die on cd to their laner and have less cs than everyone else in the game and never leave mid past 20 minutes with barely finished triforce.
Just woke up from my coma, what happened to that ziggs main phantomlord
the mouths are terrible
lips exist my dude
oops forgot to quote
>adc starts mimicking a popular league streamer
when is the lee sin skin gonna come out so i can start maining him
reminder that yasuo can actually 1v9 if you're good enough
Who r u playing? Meta heros with a lead feel retarded strong right now twitxh ahri renekton ivern becomes god and daisy becomes running baron shaco hops are one shitting idiots fizz is back swain is a monster
Feels good to be ahead, not s3 but its good. Just dont die cus killstreak rewards are stupid
Started playing CSGO then made a site for CSGO item betting. He owned the site and basically jew'd people out of their money. He's banned on twitch now and ever since he got exposed he's been gone.
I can spam my abilities on cd as sion with 40% cdr and ibg as my only mana item and never run out of mana. Don't see a reason why it would be different for other tanks. Only mao's ult eats through mana kinda quick but he can get roa or something.
actual picture, oops
You don't need blue if you don't exist.
It is always amazing how fancy math gets but i wonder what the purpose of that this one is
post op.gg
you can get fed as any carry, it's not about what you can, it's about how often that happens, 1 game doesn't mean shit
Lulu is the cutest! the CUTEST!
Why is Yi listed as Singed's rival? Did Singed bombed his village or what?
Oh that would explain that creepy ass old dude in PROJECT video.
Come to think of it she does seem like sivir, except sivir has ms ult and spellblock basic and xayah ms basic and spellblock-ish ult, and she seems much more fun to play unlike this binary clunky ancient rightclicker. Also has a root which is always nice.
Is there a better feeling bros? I am touched.
>team doesnt ban shaco
>team feeds shaco
>shaco comes in to my lane
>kill him
>says im op
>not that shaco is shit
>rolling on
>team doesnt bann Eve
>team gets killed by Eve
>comes in to my lane
>gives me a shutdown bonus
It's the new vision/stealth mechanics. Most people are fucking garbage with them and don't understand that DoTs/Aoe make them shimmer.
That and Gold is fucking trash when it comes to map awareness
>Ping shaco at our red
>top dies to shaco
>ping shaco at drake
>gets drake
>kills bot
If they reverted the vision/stealth (Pink Wards reveal again.) changes he'd be complete shit.
How about i swim in (you) ?
Is Stormraider's the most underrated keystone in the game?
I'm a bit disappointed by xayah so far, sure she seems fun but I expected more when rito said about unique autoattacks, jhin and graves are my favourite champs in the game so I wanted more than slight aa modifiers after spellcasts. She's basically kalista but with aoe instead of dashes (and said aoe doesn't even work unless you cast all your stuff) and it's not as big of a deal as jhin/graves passives. Also they said something about turret adc, no?
life of a one-trick pony man