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Now THAT'S anime.

Allow me to summarize PC as a gaming platform in a single paragraph.

Nickel and dime developers and publishers as often as possible with the dignified tradition of steam sales, unironically support hardware manufactures who contribute nothing to the gaming industry, kill the very platforms that do and sustain healthy creative development, entire studios and quality control within their own ecosystems. Actively participate in destroying, downplaying and ignoring the enormous wealth said platforms have given the industry spanning several decades through a proven model of hardware stability and infrastructure. Continuously over-saturate the market with absolute shovelware that effectively reduces the quality of good quality games across every platform. Beg for and simultaneously demonize the practice of contracted games because manufactures who are actually invested in the industry are able to get shit done by funding and developing them. Demonize publishers who cater to console platforms because without them, they literally don't exist. Embody the most cancerous ideology possible and release it's destructive behaviors on the video game industry and consumers at large by brainwashing them and literally building a platform on the basis of being superior to other people through hardware superiority and wearing what is considered petty behavior being console wars as a fucking badge of honor.

Tell me again why PC gaming isn't the most cancerous platform. I'll wait.

Where were you when you realised 66 Str is the single greatest way to play this game?

The only way to play invasions.


>caring about indie trash
2/10 bait try again

>have to pay 20 fat ones and get undressed for the best fashion available right now

Right here user, right here.

You have 10 seconds to tell me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass for not using a 66 STR build


Spinny Memesword

They failed me, every last one of them.

What's the point after Exile got nerfed?

Because I am

Why heavy weapons feel so good after the TRC patch? How the madman did it?
Going through the game with vordt's rapestick is hilarious.

Nice copypasta, faggot.

Recap of last thread
>Goes well
>Europe gets triggered by use of "Armored"
>America wakes up
>/pol/posting begins
>one autist sees a tripfag posting so he loses his shit
>/v/ wakes up and begins to shit in the thread and is still here now

Can we just migrate to a /dsg/ discord but ban anyone with anime avatars as they're likely shitposters?

Whats yout vig, equip load and end at? Im going for 66str with 27 vig but not sure where to stop with my other stats

What's the point of any build when Raw ASS exists? Why bother with fiddling with stats when I can put it all in Vigor and still have a weapon that does 600 AR? Or Raw DGSA and hve 750 AR...

>Raw ASS
Raw Broadsword, user.

>got the golden medal for duels
>still haven't seen a single brawl
Why is it so ded?

You have 3 seconds to tell me one good reason why I shouldn't roast your ass

>ringed knight get frosty in 2 hits
>absolutely get rekt by perseverance
my dex build got fucked hard by them

Still, why bother? Raw ASS/BS/DGSA are too good. Why go 66 str when I can go 44 VIG 40 END and still do comparable damage?

Because straight swords are the most boring weapons. Don't you like fun, bud?

US isn't even largely awake yet, it's still prime Euro and Slav posting time.

*one shots you*

so , ive been out od the loop on on all the big updates since ringed city release, but in the arena i only run into heavy weapons now (greatsword and upwards) what happened?

What good is fun if it takes me longer to kill shit when I can just make it easier and never die because of health gouging?

How do I get mugenmonkey to do this?

So, NG+ Four Kings vs Obsidian Greatsword +5, Sunlight Blade, Power Within. Two-handed weak attacks deal about 600 damage which means I need to hit one king 7-8 times. How else I can boost the damage on this thing? No, Red Tearstone Ring is not an option since they can't stop spamming fucking homing arrows..

Discords are cancer

>/pol/posting is a bad thing

Not anybodys fault but your own that you want to keep your head buried in the sand

>What good is fun
You'll never understand, /v/.

Every time I get a new game, without fail, I start to min-max. It starts off small; I look into a more optimal build for my character. Pretty soon, I'm looking into the best way to run through a zone. I constantly think about how I could improve my performance, and it prevents me from enjoying the game a lot of the time.

The prime example of this right now is Dark Souls 3. I stop the game every time a thought pops into my head about if I'm doing something wrong. I look it up, and an hour later I'm burned out from researching the game so much that I don't even want to play. I keep telling myself to stop, but I can't.

What the hell do I do to stop min-maxing everything I do?

>Being invaded by dark spirit Heysel
>start trading blows
>"wait.. why isn't he using a pickaxe?"
>suddenly soul arrow'd from behind
>look back
>"somethingfinger Heysel"
>look in front
>"watchfag of faggots" drinks up another estus
>eventually die because I suck

>ember up
>fighting heysel
>suddenly "Invaded by watchfag mcfaggot"

Stop. I just want to fuck up my npc before you fags arrive, gimme like 2 mins and I'll deal with you.

Bottom left, where it says "tools". There's a set of scales, for the optimal class finder.

>fighting spear of the church

Ah thank you


Help me, /dsg/! I need fashion for a Great Mace build!

/pol/posting is just chicken otherkins erping with each other

needs more aussies

*seething chaos explodes, killing u instantly"
heh... so I guess ash does burn after all...
RTSR is always an option. Just heal up as he casts the arrow. Depending on your hp, you might have to tank or block the arrow, but if you do it correctly and with the correct shield, you'll get right back in rtsr range. That's how I beat them sl1 ng+. If you're on normal levels, you can just equip havel'sX4 and not give a care in the world

The only way I can enjoy DaS3 is just by playing a slow, casual Knight run. Because it's comfy. I also like to RP. So i'l have a torch out when I'm in catacombs and during wolnir's fight

36 vig, 24 vit, 31 end. Stats are a bit of a mess on mine but you stop where you're comfortable. Ideally have enough vit to wear some heavy armour so you can make the most of poise. +3 rings help a lot too.

Whats the pvp meta level now? 98 still or has everyone gone to 120?

Don't use obsidian greatsword. It's slow.
Use a falchion instead.

What are the best new PvP weapons from the DLCs? Is there a rankings list somewhere?

Once DS3's pvp withers and dies you'll wish you could get these invasions, if you really can't deal with invaders either summon or play offline.

Also Heysel "Nice Hat" Yellowfinger is a she.

Why is this weapon so cool?

Reddit: 120
/dsg/: 80

>Raw Drakeblood
what the fuck, did the latest patch make Raw DBGS way better

I'm level 100 and don't know what I should level up. Should I even continue levelling up?

>110 frostbite

Harald Cucked Greatsword, Paired UGS, Ringed Knight Spear. These are the best ones, with the first two being obscenely broken, but all of the new weapons are good.

I just summon Mad Phantom Hodrick and let them duke it out.

You unplug your ethernet cable and stay offline while you play.

Is there any reason to stay hollow after completing the usurpation ending?

>There are people in this very thread that believe Midir has too much hp


Aww man, it's a she? wtf I love Heysel now
And yeah, I've just been playing the pirate version for a long time now and haven't gotten used to it I suppose. Plus I'm having trouble finding out a weapon to hold on too this run.

Heh, I don't like summoning except for questlines.

/dsg/ should I do the DLC before or after NG+ ?

Staying true to your character, shitlord.


Cool thanks. Any UGS in particular?

Paired Ringed Knight UGS. It's the only one.

>meme build

>meme build


Not him but
>Shortly after my regular playthrough of the dlc I respec'd one of my characters to make a glass cannon exclusively for taking down this boss as fast as possible, and these were the results.
Literally glass canon build meant for high risk high reward.

Before and again on NG+

You got a webm of that user? Would love to see it

>onehanding an UGS
That's what he gets, the fucking scrub.

>just have 99 in 3 stats, lmao

Well yeah, I can deal damage if I'm high level too

Was Horace redpilled? Why did he go MGTOW all of a sudden?

is pc arena dead...?

Hodrick is a different kind of summon. He is a beast that will destroy anything and everything he sees, including you.

been getting instant matchups since this morning so no

Truly the pre-DS1 Souls community was like a resurfacing of Lemuria, an ancient island-nation of great wisdom and philosophy. A true paradise on earth.

The release of DS1 was like an exact reenactment of its demise and sinking when the male species escapees of mars invaded the earth's biosphere and caused the first apocalypse.

Its going strong with cancer
>1 combatant remaining
>2 combatants remaining
>Matchmaking cancelled

Is PC gaming dying?

He gone done went Hollow to the max

If I'm not going full caster but want to deal a little bit of damage on spells between melee, what's the prefered int level? 40? 50? or 60?

>glass cannon is meme now
What's wrong with you fucks
SL76, RTSR, Morion, Lightning Clutch 27/60 Lightning Lothric UGS +10 gives you 928 AR, 1000+ if you use carthus beacon/dragon roar/power within etc. He doesn't even have 99 points in any of his stats.

What chest piece would fit a a barbarian-like str only character? or would bare chest be better?

Why do white people do this?

>Killed all the lords of cinder
>haven't bothered progressing beyond that
>distracted by PvP and multiple re-rolls
Give me one reason to complete the game

>Short hair

You fucked up kid

Desert Pyro chest piece turns into a weird He-Man sort of harness when males wear it.

You lose your Dark Sigils but not hollowing level in the next NG cycle, so if you're going a Luck build it helps. Otherwise, fashion if you like the option to look like jerky.

If you want to not waste a ring slot to not look like jerky, then Purging Stone after starting a new cycle. Altering appearance at Rosaria's also uses your current hollowing even if you have the ring on, so either you won't be able to do it as easily in the next cycle, or you'll have use Purging Stone and then fix your face, and then re-hollow before the next cycle.

>glass cannon is meme now
Again, I'm not the user who originally responded to you, just pointing out that it's obvious Midir won't have "much hp" if you build towards fucking it's face off instead of getting there with a build you'd been making throughout the game.

>What's wrong with you fucks
Welcome to /dsg/ where every build I don't use is a meme.

>Trying to farm for Cathedral knight set
>8 helmets
>6 gloves
>12 pants
>No armor yet
Am I doing something wrong or does this game just hate me?

I can change appearance at rosaria tho. I'm just trying to guess the clothes right now. I can change the face after.

Is low level PvP still going strong? Best level?


nope that's standard farming RNG


60 is full caster, retard.

How long until FROM fixes infusions.

>Can we just migrate to a /dsg/ discord

Or you could leave and not bring more discord autism here. Jelly and his dumbass friends came here because of a discord and I'm not certain but I think the 4kings autist arrived the same way.

Discord is cancer.