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first for rate me up


tryhards all the time, only plays defense heroes in QP
my kinda guy

Fareeha is a rapist.

Out of my way omnic fucking shits

Swap in Sombra and Roadhog and this is pretty much mine.

Literally me except replace Lucio with Symmetra and repace Mei with Symmetra.

what border do normies have again?

kek more like chunk


post webms

Finally got some official character art of Chinese Bootleg McCree.

>literally an old midget
>still managed to attract and fuck a normal sized woman and have about 10 children

What kind of dick does Torb have?

Also, much like how Genji has two "clones" in Hero Duty, McCree has Jenny (see above) and this guy.

wtf why aren't statistics recorded in the arcade

Looks like something out of Persona 5's yellow submarine.



cuz only faggots play arcade

Plus, official art of Chinese Bootleg Mei: Na Mei

i bet he has a robo dick

Does Ana come with the entire Strike Commander job package?

Oh yeah!

level 2 turret at least

wait, torbjorn has a fr*ggin' shotgun too? as if he wasn't op already lmao hella ep*c blizzard great balance

i cant stop thinking about angela, i guess im in love lads



Sinner Comics

He truly is the Krilin of Overwatch.

This had better look good ingame, cause it's shit here.

>tfw you finally figure out sombra's spray pattern

haha this is ridiculous

That's too hot

Is this the new emote Torbjorn is getting in the event?


>tfw play Widowmaker all day.
>Have dream about her.
>She is in my bed where I cuddle her.
>Start feeling love for her.
Make it stop.. This should not happen, I already have a waifu.

grats on your silver portrait, I'm looking forward to mine and the cyberbullying that probably comes with it

Widowmaker wouldn't be good for cuddles, she's all cold. And also sadistic.

ty, but i think its not that rare anymore so nobody cares :/

>not wanting to warm her up with the power of cuddles

>Why nobody is countering Pharah

>wanting to cuddle a corpse
Necros LEAVE

She would probably be a terrible waifu, but male instinct want to cuddle and make women feel good even when they're "evil".
This, hopefully that would make her more empathetic.

Flamboyantly gay secretly evil hero when, Bliz?!

Neuros, the Canadian flamboyantly gay secretly evil sleeper agent who disrupts enemy team unity
>M1: throw knife projectile
>M2: knife homing (if last thrown primary fire comes in range of an enemy while still airborne, immediately home the knife into the enemy
>L-Shift: phase through walls
>E: friendly fire neurotoxin (affected enemy can do damage to their team for a duration of time)
>Ult: possess an enemy for up to four seconds. Can use ultimate if available. Neuros suffers 100 damage if the enemy dies while possessed. Can exit with Q

Get rid of the mask and the gold details on the vest and I would actually be entirely okay with it

yeah I've been seeing more lately. I remember a time when I'd only ever seen it twice.

I've sort of lost my drive and been playing less so it might take me some time

That looks more like the guy from League, desu.

She has an oddly sweet streak to her even now. Perhaps she's slightly friendlier with Reaper and Sombra behind the scenes.

Give in to bleu, user.

im the same but for zenyatta

Please, appreciate best girl and dream about wanting to fill her synthetic shitter to the brim.

Ana's panties

I bet there's at least one girl out there that husbandos Zen

I'd let her do whatever she wants with me.

How do i gid gud with pharah?

I feel like im flying too much, constantly out of fuel

You and me both!

Find a Mercy, rub your cunts together until she loves you, and then staple her to your ass have her heal and boost you wherever you go.

this. I have no idea how to fly with pharah. every time I see an enemy pharah she's always in the air at all times but I feel like I can't manage staying aflight for more than a few seconds on end

link for the comic is dead, did anyone dump it to imgur or something?

start on high ground, not the floor
you can basically hover indefinitely at the level youre already at, so starting on the highest point you can find is important

What are some top tier guide sources?


>smurfing and still unranked
>get btfo by another smurf who is much better than me
>want to lose because I want to be placed lower

Everything went better than I thought it would.

>want to lose because I want to be placed lower

>If I pull that off, will you die?

It honestly felt like they were putting two science experiments against each other. Kind of spooky.

It was a Pokémon battle!

Larper vs lesbian


you're a big guy

That's the point of a smurf

Anyone's good on my watch if they main besthardt

That's some sexy gold.

>clown log bee egg diary chink chink milk

what rank are you guys in comp?

T.console master

>genji also lets out one tit
family tradition eh?

It wood bee eggs dream lee pain full

>leave a fucking quick play match
>get penalised
what genius came up with this and when did they add it?

Why hide something so beautiful and delicious?

When the game was new and there wasn't ranked mode yet, it made some sense. But I'm not sure why they are still insisting in having that it. If there wasn't bonus for the first victory of the day, and arcade didn't need wins to get boxes, everyone could just chill out and play for fun.

stop raging over quickplay and finish the match retard

i played only 58 hours so far and took month long breaks all the time...what ranking should i expect?

So far i only ever played quickplay, and lets say i really hate OW because of it. People leave nonstop, i have like 41% winrate, i get placed into losing teams nearly nonstop. Its not fun whatsoever, and even smurfing in CSGO is more fun.

I usually perform good, with 3-5 gold medals each match as tracer/mercy/dva/ana

I love all those people who rage the last 5 seconds before the match is lost.
I mean its fukcing quick play? Do people actually care about their win/lose ratio in qp?

>mercy never uses a single rez for two whole rounds on illios.
>boasts about the 7 resurrections she got in the first round.
>blaming myself along with the rest of the team for the guaranteed loss.

I genuinely wish I could reach my arms through my monitor to strangle these incompetent whores.

i left 2 matches because heroes i wanted to play were taken
it's not my fault this game only has three fun characters

why dont you just play no limits then?

>le 6 hanzos vs 6 genjis populated by complete shitters
You got any more genius suggestions?

hang yourself

kys because no one wants to play with a child that can only play 3 heroes anyway

You mean "why didn't Mercy solo res me"

I know your type.

Why Anglos are so ungrateful?

The easiest way to quit overwatch is by playing mercy in soloqueue right?

Does the comic not work for anyone else? The main comics page doesn't even redirect to it yet.

You're not the only one, I'm


That's the motion version

You mean, why didn't the dumb slut rez anybody the entire match.

A 2 man rez is still infinitely better than a 0 man rez you fucking retard.

Weird, it worked for me yesterday. Here's the animated version if you still haven't read it reader.madefire.com/work/w-0f7ef4a45be541f394d22835c9d13e9f/read

>autistic golds in charge of reading
I can reliably play half the heroes in this game on masters level you dumb piece of trash. Doesn't mean i'm going to bother picking them in quick.