Tell me why the government can't just simple print more money to pay off debts and other shit?
(Yes I am mentally challenged)
Tell me why the government can't just simple print more money to pay off debts and other shit?
(Yes I am mentally challenged)
To put it in a nutshell, more money in the monetary mass leads to depreciation of the currency.
The more dollars there are, the less they worth.
The most basic law of economics, my potato friend. The more of something there is, the less it's worth.
Let me use an example. Say you're the only person in the world with a potatos. People come from far and wide to give you money to sample this delicious and ultra-rare delicacy and to buy them from you. You have total control over the potato market and can charge as much as people can reasonably pay for your potatoes.
Now let's say every single person on earth has an unlimited supply of potatoes. Good luck selling yours.
The same principle applies to our currency. It doesn't have a concrete value. The value of the dollar is relative to a number of things, but in general, the more of them there are in circulation, the less each individual dollar is worth. So if the fed randomly prints 20 trillion of them off, they won't be worth as much, and the debt still won't be paid off.
imagine a cake. would there be enough cake for everybody if you slice thinner portions?
But then how come there are more and more women but their price keeps increasing exponentially?
Checkm8 economists.
yes, yes there would
Why don't they just make a law saying exactly how much a dollar is worth and don't let it change
While this could theoretically be done, your creditors would literally fuck you in the ass for it. No one would be willing to lend to your country without an absurd interest rate in the future.
Because artificial restrictions on the sexual marketplace have all but disappeared. 1 man = 1 woman is no longer a cultural must.
It would make our currency more vulnerable to foreign manipulation. The dollar being used worldwide is beneficial to us because it makes it more valuable in relation to other currencies.
They can, but it would make the currency worthless and no one would ever lend to them again.
How would that be enforced?
Are you talking about price fixing?
Why doesn't anyone think like an imaginative mastermind like me? or does no one believe in the magic of accidents nowadays?
What if let's say... I paid all the debt, but the money either got burned after I paid my debts... or the countries I owed carefully wasted the money on something which doesn't affect the economy.
What if we secretly paid people and made sure they use their money in the most discrete manner possible?
What I'm implying for the third time is that we hide the fact that money would be popular. Like let's say I sell the rare jade bracelet to a shmuck for 8 billion in an incognito way so nobody finds out. I then promptly kill or make the faggot lose it, sending it back to the government, keeping both the money and the rare antique bracelet.
And without letting anyone know exactly how many are. Let's say there's only 1 in existence, but I sell 10 without making it public. What's the matter? too impossible? Nothing is impossible. It pisses me off that economy is still manipulated by subjective garbage based on egos.
>How dare they raise the minimum wage, let's raise the prices too!
That's 1 thing communism would be good, forcing these idiots to quit trying to undermine the government's economy.
Tell me it isn't possible to create endless money as long as the idiots don't know exactly how much you gave them.
The Fed (US central bank) has printed over $4 Trillion over the past nine years. Most of that has been used to give massive bonuses to banking executives and prop up the balance sheets of big banks. They call it quantitative easing (QE). It's very bad for a lot of reasons, some already mentioned here, such as the potential inflation it can cause. So far the central banks have also been using this money to buy bonds, keeping interest rates low (interest rates are the inverse of a bond price). Also, the government does not print money, the central banks do. Governments are in debt to central banks. Central banks the world over have been printing money like crazy. It won't end well.
That's called inflation and it's what the niggers in Zimbabwe tried to do but it didn't work cause no one cares about nigger money. USA already does this however, it's similar to Quantative Easing (QE). They get away with it because us dollar is still the mostly widely used business currency, and it's part of why they went to war in Iraq and Libya because saddm and gadafi both had plans to create a united african/Arab currency and only trade oil with that - hence hugely devaluing the us dollar.
Because of government regulation. The pussy market bubble is real. It's only propped up by affirmative action quotas, welfare state, etc.
When the bubble pops and there's a correction, women will actually have to be worth something again.
Go to bed, Janet.
Actually that isn't a stupid question at all. All the replies here are incorrect. Money isn't subject to supply and demand outside of a populations usage. Money isn't a thing or tied to anything, nor does it even come from anywhere. Its technology, and its purpose is to lubricate and create optimal economic utility for a population. It is greatly mistaken that the national debt has to be "paid back". Since the government is issuer, it can issue an unlimited amount of currency for ANY purpose. "Hyperinflation" can only occur if the amount of money issued is far greater than what can be utilized by a population. It is also a fallacy that if a currency depreciates, when no one will "believe in it" or want it. If a nation's currency healthily depreciates due to inflation/economic growth/velocity, then the output is greater than any currency depreciation. National debts are not the same a household debts.
No one really knows how much money they print. The only way to verify would be if they had 24/7 public access to monitor the process with webcams mounted all over the Treasury printing offices. (which they don't have and will never allow)
I hope you're right.
You probably learned this shit in school, or reading Paul Krugman. This is a great example of the ivory tower nonsense that passes for economics these days. And you're wrong BTW
if you print more dollars then it'll be less rare, there's more dollars around the world that can be traded with other people.
The more rare a currency is the more value it has basically.
If you print more dollars then it'll be less rare so you can give it to more people.
When you print more currency you have to tell the world that you have printed more so they'll know that there's more of it making it less rare.
What they could do is print more and not tell anybody but that's not allowed. Other countries would not trade with you anymore so you'll be less likely to get things that's common in other countries into yours.
Basically it'll make the money less rare because there's more of it so it'll be cheaper. Your $10 bills won't mean $10 anymore but maybe $7 instead because there's more of it.
>Your $10 bills won't mean $10 anymore but maybe $7 instead because there's more of it.
money illusion
a $10 bill is always worth $10, whatever that may be. Sometimes it's a weeks wages and sometimes it's an hour, but it's always $10.
>What they could do is print more and not tell anybody but that's not allowed. Other countries would not trade with you anymore
If you didn't tell anyone, how would other countries find out?
>Basically it'll make the money less rare because there's more of it so it'll be cheaper. Your $10 bills won't mean $10 anymore but maybe $7 instead because there's more of it.
No, it would retain its $10 face value regardless of rarity or lack thereof. I can _spend_ a 1936 dot penny and it would only be worth 1 cent - or I could _sell_ the same penny for ~$300k.
Purchasing power is not equivalent to value.
the gov already prints new money every day to cover loss and destruction of bills, the people that are born or go to work for the first time every day, and the expanding economy that needs more currency to keep working.
so it's not as simple as all that, we NEED more money every day. Paying debts with it is just how the gov puts the money into circulation.
I mean really, how are they going to get money from the printer to the people if not by spending it? You can't just hand the shit out.
Google the word Monetarism
He means tomorrows $10 note is worth $7 today.
The US Treasury prints dollars but it can't "create money."
Dollars come into existence at the Federal Reserve (an independent world bank that is not subject to US Gov oversight and thus cannot be "Politicized").
They "buy" US Treasury Bonds from the Treasury.
The money that purchased those bonds is what is printed and put into circulation.
Later, the government collects taxes and uses that revenue to pay off the Treasury Bonds + a small rate of interest.
Once the Fed has collected the principle plus profit from the Treasury buying back the Treasury Bonds, that money is removed from existence from the fed.
The idea is that you can constantly create value while constantly reducing the overall amount of money in circulation with each cycle.
However, it hasn't worked that perfectly because the Fed Reserve is giving out 0% loans to central banks on the order of trillions of dollars to keep them solvent and avoid catastrophic chain-reaction bank collapses at the global level.
>Tell me why the government can't just simple print more money to pay off debts and other shit?
Because printing money just to pay off debts would definitely be inflationary and not help anyone. When you hand the new money over to your creditors ask what are they going to do with it? People holding public debt don't want risk so they're not going to invest any of it in anything that will cause real growth.
A better question is why doesn't the government print money and loan it to entrepreneurs, who would actually use the money to employ labourers and invest in capital, and just tax it back.
>The more rare a currency is the more value it has basically.
>If you print more dollars then it'll be less rare so you can give it to more people.
What matters is how it's being utilized and circulating, not purely its quantity. If it's just circulating around inflating the costs of current goods then that's making it become worth less to everyone but if it's being used to actually produce and demand more new goods and services then it would be different.
rich people get upset when their money looses value, rich people get the goverment elected,so the goverment doesnt fuck over rich people
When you account for how easy it is to access sluts on tinder, you realize that the value of sexual intercourse is, economically speaking, actually quite low. There is no need now to seduce women with expensive dinners and gifts. I've found that you can yield a lot of puss after experimenting with what i call a "seduction script". this script will take you a little while to get right, but once you do you are able to rapidly produce hookups. The workload drops and the payoff skyrockets.
This is why you are fat
Virgin women are rare, price goes up.
Virgin men are abundant, price goes down.
Sex is actually pretty cheap.
Gresham's Law
If there are few virgin girls and lots of virgin guys, who the fuck then fuck all the girls? Aliens?
It's more common for a man to have multiple sexual partners than vice versa.
Oh fugg, didn't realise that the second part of the post answers the question. Me brainlet.
Because the future its a paperless electronic currency
Not kekcoin but its natural successor. This is both good and bad, there will always be a market for traditional currency due to zero trust in banks/governments
It's more common for a man to have multiple sexual partners than vice versa.
[citation needed]
The biggest sluts are the women, simply because they have much highest demand.
Can the "seduction script" be taught and learned?