My family is embarrassingly low class...

My family is embarrassingly low class. If I hadn't got a grant for uni I shudder to think about how I might have turned out. I spent my four years slowly and painfully learning not to be a caveman, and made no friends. It's just as well that I didn't.

For the purposes of networking with old money and the new rich, does anyone here pretend to be an orphan? Because I need an excuse for keeping my social life hermetically sealed from my ghettoneck relatives.

They say that 1st generation immigrants often succeed where their children fail, simply because they had no family holding them back. They could be whoever they wanted to be, but their children are limited by their influence and even their interference.

What are your social hygiene tactics, Veeky Forums?

I just say my parents are dead.

(They are to me anyway)

well i don't have this particular problem.
i just ditch all my friends and contacts ever 5 year or so.

Pretending to be an orphan is the most autistic thing you can do. Best thing you can do is marry up a bit, send your kids to private school, and they will be ok.

Don't pretend to be upper class, just come across like a Gary vaynerchuk hustler type and they will respect you for who you are

I'm pretty sure I can upgrade myself to middle class. Upper class is a bit of a reach, though, because I hate dogs and fresh air.

...I do intend to marry up, hopefully to a woman rich enough to pay for what you mentioned.
For myself, I just want enough financial independence that I can retain my self-respect around the rich. End goal is tennis playing little brats.

you are who you are, not who you wanna be

You're trying to be an individualist, but treating social class - a set of behaviours and attitudes that require money but do not come with money - as inborn at the same time.

just move to a different state?
Can't you achieve the immigrant mentality by moving to a new state, with whatever assets/money you have?

I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly embarrassed of my blue collar parents. I feel really guilty because of how hard they worked and all of the stuff they've given me, but they are stubborn and pessimistic which bothers me to hell. Gosh I am glad I live in a different state now, I can be myself much more readily now and I'm starting to become happy with my life.

Literally me.

I've gone so far as to set up a bitcoin wallet months ago, begging my mother to just put SOME money in, not even $1000 or $100, just $10, knowing full well the currency would explode in future, to which she could sell and make a small profit, which I hoped would've given her a bit more of an optimistic and realistic view of what the future currency will be.

but, I guess all our parents and older generations have too much faith in the system that failed them several times over, their refusal to adapt will leave them as victims of the next crash.

They'll blame politicians and the banks for not protecting them, despite us giving them loud and clear warnings and plenty of time to prepare.

Sleep walking to Armageddon.

>My family is embarrassingly low class
>does anyone here pretend to be an orphan?
Regardless of your situation, that's just pathetic. There are actual orphan people that grew up without parents, of which I'm sure that given that they had your life they wouldn't pretend to be higher than what they were. Your parents have worked hard to feed you and remeber that people, even in higher social brackets, hate poorfags pretending to be rich/faking their upcoming more than poorfags themselves.
Be humble and you will be more respected.

Only take advice off people you want to be like

That's a deterministic fallacy.

>Shilling crypto currency to your mom
What level of irony and degeneracy have you fallen?

idk the kind that knows when the bubble collapses, crypto currency will boom to the moon and people that don't have some to fall on will be left wondering where their shit went.

First don't lie about being an orphan. Imagine how much more face you'll lose when someone finds out you're not an orphan.

I also have a quite embarrassing father, sometimes people find it endearing, but he can be quite the negative cynic.

Ask yourself: how often do situations occur that your new friends or colleagues will meet your parents? That seems rather rare to me. Mostly if you're so close to someone that they'll meet your parents, it doesn't really matter anyway.

It is probably easier to make excuses for those once in decade events where colleagues/friends want to meet your parents then it is to pretend to be an orphan.

OP you sound like a spoiled brat

And if anyone finds out you weren't an orphan they will find you weird and avoid you and tell you the same thing I just said.

It's easier to just say 'lol i hate my parents so I tend to avoid them' than hey my parents are dead but not really I just happen to be autistic as fuck

BTC is THE pump and dump of the century
it's literally free money

>my family is embarassingly low class
stopped reading there. get your fucking act together and stop judging your own family.
fucks sake man.


Why would anyone in the business word ever want to meet your parents? You sound like a like a little shit who thinks he's above the rest of his family.

This. OP hasn't considered that his family is probably more embarrassed by him

jesus christ

>Your parents have worked hard to feed you
Uh, no. Other people's parents worked hard to pay the taxes that fed me. I'd prefer if they didn't have to, back then, but beggars can't be choosers.

>Be humble and you will be more respected.
People always can be relied on to ask other people to lay all their cards on the table and never keep any secrets from them.

No doubt it's because of their love of integrity; the advantage it gives them when they're taken seriously is pure coincidence.
Tell me all your secrets user, I've got tons of respect to give.


If I do, then I'm doing well.

I always had to ask if it was OK to eat something and the answer was not always "yeh, shoor."

No, because I am not Jesus, and have no plans to go live on bread and water in a cave.

I do intend to get married in a social context where money and family are both seen as important.

Dude. You'd do far more good persuading them to stop eating frozen pizza. Not that they would budge a single inch, of course. Change requires hope, and all hope is false hope as far as people still mired in our background are concerned.

It's like watching people on a conveyor belt, that you know leads off a cliff, you're running beside them because you've seen the signs and you've seen how it happens, but no one believes you because everyday the conveyor moves another mile without incident.

Rich fag here (at least my parents are).

You're a fool if you want to shun your family. Rich people can tell if you came from a poor background. All they care about (in a business context) is whether or not you can adapt and play the part. No one gives a fuck about your family -- this isn't 17th century England.

I can bet you that any person who grew up rich can tell you grew up poor. But, if you seem to be smart, interesting, and hard working they won't give a fuck.

What's more, your family is important and should be a support object. I would be more wary of someone with no family than a crazy family.

Do what I did: work hard, and then marry into money and opportunities. A good father-in-law is almost as a good dad.