Steel Ocean Admiral /sog/

Where the Hood at edition

Current events (check in-game Events tab for details):
1 win in a CL/DD/CV for 5 smokes.
1 win in a BB/CA/SS for 5 smokes.
50 main artillery hits for 90 merit.
Shoot down 20 planes for 90 merit.
5 wins T6+ for smokes.

> What is this?
Steel Ocean is a multiplayer arcade game focused about warships from World War 2 era.

> Steel Ocean Info Any way I can play with (You)?
"NA clan: No Botes Allowed"
We have a clan in the game. Find it on the fleet page and then click application button. Post IGN in thread to get accepted.
Also post a meme.

Tech Trees: German, Burgers, Japan, & British

>Commander calculator & DD, BB and Cruiser Comparison
An easy way to come up with commander setups without having to deal with the clunky UI. If you have any issues explain them in the thread.

FREE STUFF: = Repulse (T5 BB), Thanksgiving, and Anniversary gift Packages. (Port Slots, Silver, Commanders)

Launch from links in there. Once in game go to Claim, then Storage, Non Battle items, click 'use'

Events: (11am-1pm & 6pm-8pm PST)
Sunday: 5v5
Monday: Helena Overlord
Tuesday: Fleet Battles
Wednesday: Fap to botes
Thursday: 5v5
Friday: Scenario mode
Saturday: Fleet Battles/Helena Overlord

Kantai Collection posting allowed.
Feel free to talk about all botes here.
If you have any questions, post them in the thread or read the links.
Remember to love your botes.



This carrier is of launching Boeings.

Reminder that if your winrate is under 67% you should end your life.

>You will never be able to live peacefully as a family of 'whales'

Submarines posting welcome and encouraged.

>That race to be the first to post on the new thread

Wew lads. It is beautiful

Inner circle confirmed.

>tfw 66%

You know exactly what to do.

Win a few more games to save my life

If you can.

>between 5 and 10 seconds of ping for three quarters of the match

I checked yesterday and I believe my exact winrate was 66,89% so it's close.


>T3 between T7 and T10

Man them size differences.

Kind of liking the dud range in the game.

Ships across tiers and classes have different dud ranges, those ranges can also be buffed with commanders.

It's already happening


She's a lot thicker in game


I want to try a sub line, which one would you recommend?

Each has their own perks and benefits.

Germany is smallest and most agile, easiest to dodge enemy torps. Usually has about 4 frontal tubes and 1-2 rear tubes. Fastest torpedoes I believe of the three nations. But they have the lowest amount of oxygen because of the small size.

Japan has the largest subs, best oxygen and torp damage. Usually 6-8 frontal torps but no rear ones. Has a scout plane now and again depending on the tier. They can ram destroyers or other subs either exchanging their life for their enemy in the case of DD's, or take a small amount of damage and sail on when ramming germans. However they are HUGE and easiest to hit when they are surfaced.

US is the middleground. usually 6 frontal torpedoes and 2-4 rear ones.

Beginning line I'd probably say US or German.



5v5's went decently enough today.

So how might Flagship battles be made better?

What's wrong with flagship battles?

>So how might Flagship battles be made better?

Make the MM actually put me in one.

Well, more often than not a brand new player becomes the flagship and doesn't realize the objective is for him to stay safe, and instead rushes the front lines. And just dies.

Sounds like a case of git gud.

So then, some sort of preference to have the flagship being the BB/CV with the highest Matches played?

That would make the game repetitive, at the very least for the high rollers.

Is there any reason to pick US? They seem like mediocre by your description.

>is there any reason to pick the jack of all trades

yeah, that's the drawback about that sort of possible 'fix'

Well, they have the most rear torps which is nice.

Which sub's rear would you torp?



Too many degenerates around here.

is this grindy micropayment bullshit like world of warships?

It's less grindy than any wargaming game, and there's no need for micropayment since the devs give away gold and prem items for just playing. The ranked mode ingame has a 3 month seasons that give like 100-50 USD worth of gold (ingame prem currency).

About gameplay, it's more like world of tanks, same aim system in fact. Think of warships as a casualized version of SO.

Forgot to say, most prem ships are just gimmicky and not game breaking or OP unline prem ships in warships, also there's no bias towards a nation or line, there's a good balance of power across tiers, for example at certain tier USN CV is better while in other tier IJN CV is better.

so, do we know what line is coming next?

Just signing in for the last 20 days or so I obtained about 8 days of premium time and 35-40 battles, to use at my leisure.

And you get to choose when you use that premium time/battles. So I have 3 days, 3 days, one day of prem and the battles are divided into sets of 3-5.

And, using battles with time active freezes whatever time is left.

So if I could claim one of the 3 VIP days during a weekend where I thought I had nothing to do and could focus on botes. And immediately after clicking that some relative died and I had to attend a funeral. Or some emergency at work occured and I was needed immediately, or [insert thing that takes you away from botes] .
In any other game, I'd sigh but otherwise have just wasted the premium time.

In Steel Ocean I just apply one of those premium battle sets and whenever I next play I would still have the 3 full days left.

I know quite a few of us that bought 30 days of premium and made it last a hell of a lot longer than 30 days using that setup.

>Insert jewish "He does it with one easy trick"

And the economy is setup where you can play high tiers without caring about if you'll lose silver or not.

TL;DR the grind hardly merits the use of the word grind when compared to WarGaming games.
There are now and again times I wish the grind was in fact longer, so that players wouldn't reach higher tiers as fast as they do and might instead learn mechanics.

>I want a longer grind
How fucking insane are you?

Just for the lower tiers mind you.
T1 is a single win.
T2 is two

First three tiers are kind of meant to be a place you can train and practice at. But people get out of them very very quickly.

I don't know. Maybe a little

It's basically the same as normal battles since the flagships always dies last

I think it's fine, the several events and game modes require different tiered ships, getting a T7 or a T10 for super serious 5v5/FB is different than having a T5 for overlord or a T4 for kiddies FB.

It's true though. Ever since they introduced a event that grants double exp for your first 8 wins each day, and the massively increased VIP times thanks to login rewards there has been a massive increase in unpainted T8s and even T9s that have no idea what they're doing.

That's not really true.

Well not when your flagship is a 10 match Repulse

>there will never be a USS Donald J. Trump in honour of the man who bootyblasted the entirety of /sg/

>Current naval warfare is based around who can shoot a missile faster and shoot down enemy missiles more efficiently.

Where did we go so wrong?

We will never reach the stars if we can't solve conflicts in such small distances quickly. We're just naturally evolving towards spaceship warfare.
>tfw there are no aircraft carriers in spess

In space every ship is a carrier

No, in space every ship is a plane.

>2 hours expected downtime
>still down after 2h 15m

Wait, it's down?

The usual maintenance with barely 1 hour advance notice

Something more than just a maintenance when?

There's nothing specific, but a long time ago they said they would aim to complete the current 4 nations before introducing a new one. That would mean British cruisers are next.

I really wish we had an extractor for the Steel Ocean .upk files.

And the ones left on earth become event centers.

Please don't itch my autism or I'll learn to convert this to a stadium.


I have it installed for memeball purposes.

uh huh, sure

So what'd you lot get today for your sign in stuff?

Gold extinguisher.


3 normal extinguishers.

50 gold.

>Play a single match of T9
>Deny fun to both enemy an allied players with my CV
>T9 is now dead

Everyone just gets their daily win

But 50% of the people in that match didn't get it.

They gave up on SO

They fear the CV


Teamwork isn't everything. See the pair of shitters on the other side.


So how is the Surcouf?

I don't think anyone around here owns it. But should be meme tier like japanese subs

>Asked to keep an eye out for incoming shells
>Immediately distracted by cute little MG firing
>Look up and suddenly

That's some horrendous quality

He'd better not do 720p webms.

>sunk by a friendly ramming into it

Just a prank bro.

shit, you're right. Will downscale in the future.

How can we balance the wunderfloats?
>experimental auschwitz class boilers make them go at 70 knots and stop instantly
>666mm of the finest kruppstahl armor to deflect all shells coming towards them
>naval railguns that home into enemy citadels with a muzzle velocity of 1488 kilometers per second
>autonomous drone torpedos that will vaporize the target but not before jumping out of the water to do the Roman salute and land on the nearest magazine

Perfect, but for one minor detail tohvarish! You is of thinking those stats would be for Germany but that is of course silly notion. I forgive such childishness.

Such stats must be saved for superior glorious Slavic navy should the game ever end up adding them!

No igor, I don't want meme ships that never existed, I want the floating easymode known as Germany to be dealt with.

>How can we balance the wunderfloats?

He knows.

Again proof that having planes is superior.

You is of win ticket! Congratulations!

Kys slavaboo, go choke on wargaming's dick.


Why does Takao only have 2 AA?