Anivia edition
Anivia edition
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Xth for dragon breeding
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb let you run your hands through her hair if you asked nicely
would lamb let you grab her ass if you asked nicely
wtf I love Noxus now!
>play Xerath
>Tip a toe into anivia's ult and eat an E
>60% of my health with no items other than a tear
Fuck that bird and fuck this thread.
>Im a rebel xD
>wow stop looking at my butt -_-
>I h8 it when mom tells me not to stab ppl.. makes me want 2 stab some1 xd
Rawr :3
>tfw play riven every game and snowball with ease
Would lamb give me a lapdance if I asked nicely?
>tfw you don't like Lee Sin, his fanbase, or his playstyle
>tfw you do like God-fist's design, animations, and concepts.
It's a mixed kind of feeling. I'm still not getting it.
Swain probably isn't even a born Noxian. He has a mysterious past that is unknown before he turned up in Noxus requesting his broken leg be healed. He's probably Targonian or something.
Yeah but wolf will bite your dick off if he sees it move
D S Ls
Lipfu best girl
as long as you turn voices off
xth for Syndra
wouldn't it be wonderful
squishy YET firm
either 1
Its government corruption and the general populace has zero idea whats going on or that Vastayans even exist. Notice that Xayah and Rakan tend to only kill soldiers and want to return Ionia back to the "old ways" (This included when humans and Vastayans were fuck buddies who got along). Keep in mind that they constantly mention things like " WE DONT WANT YOUR DUMB PEACE!" meaning that Ionians have probably tried multiple attempts to parlay with them or come to a mutual agreement with the Vastaya. Which the Vasaya all resist thus "forcing" Ionias hand and causing them to send party poopers like Zed to try to get rid of them.
or 2
Humans truly cant survive in all the magic nonsense Vastayans thrive off of making Vastayans the arguable bad guys for trying to force wild magic to make a return and fighting against the dying of the light at the cost of others well being.
I mean think about like this
lets say there were a certain ethnicity of people who survived off of nuclear radiation.
You tell those people that you can set up some reserves for them to live on but otherwise the radiation has got to go. They say they dont wanna live on reserves and YOU should just learn to live with radiation.
whos side would you be on?
Not surprising, Lee Sin players are generally Riven/Yasuo/Katarina tier cunts.
Would love to know why these specific faggots are drawn towards obnoxious champs like those.
How exactly does this work?
>hating a nation who gases the furries
Hey, that's my wife.
HECK yes
after I typed in prev thread that the midlaner fucks up his lead happaned in next game.
I swear every single Zed player does this.
Every single one.
This is a list of the most handsome league characters in no particular order. It is an objective list
>the whole Swain making a pact with a Demon taking the form of a Raven and becoming his familiar is going to be retconned into Swain was just a furry who got exiled and ended up evil or something
i need a bird bf
Would you play with me?
Talon is too much of a manlet to be handsome.
From the interactions its pretty clear he's not one of them, and somehow stole their "blood" for his own
I'd accept it if it was a pact with an evil Vastayan who gave him power, not if he was born Vastayan.
>Rakan quote vs zed
>"That'll teach you not to mess with my girl"
what did he mean by this anons? birb girl is pure right?
Do people find Vel'koz Handsome?
>No human Azir
holy fuck i fucking hate this game
she like that shadow seed
no you seem autistic
Nah, she gets around and Rakan knows it but he actually likes it.
no because im busy being autism
it's just that...when i look into his eyes i lose myself you know...
What does a firm but squishy ass feel like on your lap? If it's firm, it would push onto you, but if it's squishy, it would mold around you. How can it do both?
>Lucian has shutdown Lucian Wife
Thresh did nothing wrong
>2 meme supports that bring no item utility to the team
Midlaner supports were a mistake.
>willingly playing support
no thanks im not a cuck/female/homosexual
What does Rakan have in his hand? A coin?
>MY girl
wow, what a goddamn fucking shitlord, treating a woman like an object he possesses. what the fuck is Riot's problem?
this is fine
> blind
>blind pick
>everyone has ignite
100% he just bought god fist lee sin
real talk and lewd memeing aside it probably means someone put a hit out on Xayah because you know.. she keeps killing soldiers and whatnot.
my guess is Zed and Xayah fought before
> hey guys i'm such a random non-cis dude and I'm so funny XD
he has mastery 5. i expect suffering
the opponent lee is SKT skin active though
>ranked with this shit
fuck that
An actual good and useful support can carry the lane and even the game, especially with support items. It can easily be the difference between winning or losing a team fight.
Not my fault you pick shitter champs that you can't even build support items on instead of real supports.
But yo're right in the sense that most people who play support are beta shitters who don't know how to carry in the role.
>implying zed wouldn't just teleport behind her and kill her
>Protag of Bandle City is Teemo
>Protag of Bilgewater is Miss Fortune
>Protag of Demacia is Garen
>Protag of Freljord is Ashe
>Protag of Ionia is Irelia
>Protag of Noxus is Talon
>Protag of Piltover is Ezreal
>Protag of Shadow Isles is Yorick
>Protag of Shurima is Taliyah
>Protag of Targon is Taric
>Protag of Vastaya is Xayah
>Protag of Void is Malzahar
>Protag of Zaun is Victor
So Swain rework is next after urgot right? Its interesting in rakan's five interactions with him he did not mention noxus once. I wouldn't be surprised if rework swain isn't even affiliated with noxus. I remember reading they were either going to make swain a sorcerer or a strategist but not both. It looks like they went with the former.
>>Protag of Zaun is Victor
excuse me, ekko is from zaun.
i'd say a middle ground, where you can easily dig your hands in but there's some resistance and when you slap it there's a good amount of jiggle but not too much
it's a pocket mirror
>staying in bot for a 3v2 lane just to die to jinx after taking fb
i expected this
is lulu the protag of the fae lands?
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
>Protag of Bilgewater is Miss Fortune
GP or Graves+TF with their gangster hijinks
>Protag of Ionia is Irelia
wtf no, it's Yi or Yasuo
>Protag of Noxus is Talon
>Protag of Piltover is Ezreal
literally Jayce
>Protag of Targon is Taric
Leona + Diana
>implying a bassist could ever be a main character
>Rakan screams danger zone while doing assist pings
>lee named rivenbox
oh fug, free win
>Demacia is Garen
>not J4
>Noxus is Talon
>not Katarina
>Ionia is Irelia
>not Shen
shut up
jayce is a fucking antag do you even play this fucking game
FACT: Lulu is the CUTEST!
It's not Yasuo Ionia hates him, remember? Yi would be the wise older man, not the protagonist. Irelia is a much better fit. Shen would be good too.
bass is the most patrician instrument
>suddenly everybody and their mom is vastayan
reposting since some retard posted this on old thread
>play fiora
>use w correctly
>win every single lane and snowball into oblivion
Jayce is literally League''s Iron Man, bruh.
Garen is Captain America.
Jayce vs. Garen civil war when.
i doubt it
>You should of moved
can't they hire someone with basic grammar skills for the channel?
>play fiora
>dont use w correctly
>still win with the power of my endless dashes and maxhp true damage
truly, the epitome of balance
What are some ez S rank champs? Nautilus was hilariously ez to get mastery 7 with.
i want to look as BIG as Sona!
If Jayce is Iron Man and Garen is Captain America, does that make Amumu Spiderman?
>Protag of Shurima is Taliyah
She may be Mary Sue
But Protag belongs to either Sivir or Azir
>What is Rumble
>What is J4 (seriously, Riot might have a boner with Garen but J4 is way more interesting and is a lot more involved in lore, Garen has nothing more than muh Romeo x Juliet romance)
>What is Yi/Shen/Lee/Wukong/Yasuo/Ionia can't have a protag with how spread out it is character wise
>What is Katarina. Seriously, how did you even consider Talon, he's the absolute most irrelevant character in Noxus, literally anyone else has more shit going on.
>What is Pantheon, Taric is just some fuckboy that showed up one day and is kind of filling out the roster for completely unrelated reasons.
>What is Jax/Kassadin, Malzahar is the villain.
>What is Warwick/Zac/Ekko.
Squishy when you grab it, but firm enough to press on your dick when she sits and puts her weight on it. I can accept this.
read the small leter dingus
Master Yen, Ryze top, Brand mid.
thanks for remind me why i never play cancer pick
Nah Ekko is Peter Parker
But Amumu is treated like shit and basically whines constantly. Plus he has that bandage throw like a web zip.
>Take a peacock
>Make it black comic relief
Wait a second. I already saw this movie with a different animal.
>Blind pick
Nobody gives a shit faggot.
Lulu is my STAR!
Holy shit they dumpstered Camille. Her scaling is fucking trasherino. Almost everything is bonus AD ratios under 100% and her W base is pretty bad too.
sona is flaming kat
kat is flaming lee
lee is fucking over yasuo
yasuo is actually shit so whatever
im just going to let it happen
From the thumbnail, that kinda looks like a blonde chick riding a laughing bald man.
a bass guitar cant even dream of going toe to toe with the legendary accordion
What spiderman comics have you been reading?
Nobody gives a fuck about you tryharding in ranked either :^)