>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Lucina is CUTE
Cordelia is my wife
>not even saging yet
Azura a best
This. Seliph has always been niche, but popular within the core fans. Sigurd has LOL BARBECUE maymays, and now Alm and Celica are new hotness.
Poor Leif is hands down the most obscure lord in the whole series. It's time to change that.
But the last one is already at 750?
I dont even Fire Emblem
Faye is bae
it was 738 and now it's 745
Best lord is Holmes though. I hope we can all agree with that. And the reason he works is because of his friendship with Runan who's also well written by extension.
Go play TearRing Saga everyone, it's fucking great.
For some reason the FE Wikia says that Leif's growths suck in Thracia, I had him at level 20 by chapter 10 and his HP was at 50, the absolute madman.
I dont even like Fire Emblem
GHB gauntlet when?
>LolXanderwins: the gauntlet
Close enough and well-within the safety net.
If this were reddit I'd say *shrugs*
overhyped contrarian garbage
Lucina a shit
leave it to redditors to make early threads
I'm holding out hope that Leaf will show up in Heroes and be a monster, ideally a Master Knight on a horse rather than as infantry. It did wonders for Reinhardt.
Soap massage.
>not a new IP
Fake news.
Camilla a best!
You just got lucky, Leif and most other units have poor growths because this game assumes you'll be throwing around growth boosting scrolls around like hot potato, game even nice enough to let you do unlimited trading.
Oh, my bad
>LolRobinwins: The Gauntlet
I did really liked Holmes.An archer lord was a pretty interesting change.
I will now present to you my full name—Sanaki Kirsch Altina. I expect you will remember it.
I want to impregnate Delthea.
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Literally no one like FRobin
She's so comfy.
I want to cum in Snacki's mouth!
So Xander wins.
Fuck off you slut
The problem is ISIS putting fucking nobodies against fan favorite characters
I'm never gonna get her. I've lost all hope. I got 2 5* Eirika, 5* Leon and 5* Lyn but not Caeda.
At least I melted down Leon and Lyn for their skills.
That's their plan. To shove down their favorites down your throat until you accept them.
God I love Thracia.
Othin, Finn, Fergus, Asvel, Leif and Marita were the fucking gods of that game.
I stacked loads of skills on Marita and she takes out the chapter 17 boss in a single fight without taking damage.
What do I even use this faggot for? Do I just throw him out for the 300 feathers?
So the solution is either a literally who gauntlet or a top 10 only gauntlet. Either way it sounds retarded. Just give me my 20 orbs already.
It's better that you don't get her, so that you don't see what she has become
Pretty much all the characters in the first tournament were fan fovirites except maybe the Heroes lords I guess
Hold onto him for the day obstruct and pass become useful skills
Never do it unless you're a whale, also try to google friend.
Give him to me.
Lilina focus when
I don't even care about playing this game I just want her
What do you even get if your character wins the gauntlet. Nothing. At least give the winners special costume or something. Stupid ISIS.
that tit looks more like a shark dorsal fin
>have a 5* and 4*
>both -atk
How do people deal with Reinhardt in Thracia
Lucina is already getting a special costume :^)
>finally break 4.2k for the first time in Arena
>awesome, feeling good, let's check my rank rewards
>will probably drop bellow 100,000 by the end of the week as more japs grind their scores up
>no free 500 feathers for me
Why. I thought beating these vantage hectors and takumis with +1 would net me more, this is bullshit.
good wife!
>Roy's -atk bane is -4
I fucking hate IS for this, if they give -4 nature then balance it with +4 nature. Instead it's just making a gimped character even more gimped in both stats AND BST.
Not an argument
That faggot is really good if you literally give him any other skills then the ones he has. His stats are real nice.
and you had one to begin with?
I know how you feel, my 5* is -atk too.
She's not one of my favorite but she's cute.
I'd imagine you can just staff abuse, but a brain-dead easy strategy is just throwing Olwen at him, he even gives her a free sword that can be used against him as "I win" button.
>Tfw bad at Fire Emblem so can't beat 4* Navarre
My Cavalry meme team made Michalis easy, but trees are too powerful.
How do the breaker skills work in heroes? I find the wording confusing.
do they work on units that would be using a different range attack than what to breaker skill uses?
for example, would tomebreaker work when equipped by a melee unit?
Anyone here have more than 1 heroes account? thinking of creating one so I can play whenever the other account is waiting for stamina and shit
There's 100s of videos on doing it with free units.
Then don't use your shitty ponies? Lol bait with Subaki bring a lvl 1 olivia to dance, ez win.
Just gotta tack a dancer onto it.
Get a flier with draw back and a healer.
My honkers soled pretty much everything except the Axe fighter, Tharja killed him.
Kill Roy
>tfw hoarding feathers so I can promote Henry to 5* and have Snacky snack on his tome
This. This is the worst shit ever.
Rules to score more than 4.5k in arena
>ALWAYS use a bonus unit, only one is necessary
>Use only 5* units, the drop in BST from 4* limits your team composition but its not impossible if theres only one 4*
>The higher the BST the better, maybe you dont want or dont have a full team of armors or dragons so use at least one of these if youre using a low BST unit like a horse, average BST units like infantry are OK, slap fury if you want some more score, but be ready for merged and fury shenanigans on the enemy team
>Slap that motherfucker advanced button everytime
>Dont let anyone die, even one unit dying makes the difference between getting 650+ and getting 600-590
Enjoy your 5k feathers, an extra 500 if you get a decent defense
Stop using horses or use a dancer.
Breakers stop you from being doubled while doubling in return. If you can't retaliate you don't but it does prevent you from being doubled.
Palla and Minerva are pretty damn popular though, they just can't compete with fucking Camilla.
>did I see you eyeing up Cecilia again
Desu if I was Roy I'd totally get milf'd by Cecilia
Lilina belongs with Gonzales anyway
Why would Roy be eyeing grandmas when he's got the best girl already with him?
Everyone he marries will eventually milf him anyway, Roy will be a shota for like, another century atleast. Dragon genes. Only Sophia is right for him.
adult sanaki when?
>Pictured: A new wave movement to breed the Elibean royal bloodline with as much Dragon blood as possible.
Even when he loses, Zephiel wins.
Sophia is a grandma though
>19 speed
19 speed
Are you lieing? I'm 4155 and rank 42k
If they had children how shit would those kids be?
Roy only has eyes for her!
9 speed capped
12 attack capped
promotes at endgame
Rinkah tier bad
> slap fury if you want some more score, but be ready for merged and fury shenanigans on the enemy team
Damn is this why I keep running into some real shenanigans this week? I just put Fury 3 on my Marth and he works great but damn arena feels much harder lately.
>Rinkah tier bad
So strongest unit in the game would do 0x4 to their child?
>Kagero completely trivialized 4* Navarre
So this is the power of fat ninja tits.
What did Elbert do to deserve such awful descendants?