Fixed autismfu edition.
>MEG's updated Pastebin
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Previously on /meg/:
Fixed autismfu edition.
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
Previously on /meg/:
5 YEARS Still Mad
first for Cora biggest dick
How do I fix this?
Did the patch boost the damage and accuracy of any ARs in single player? I know they buffed both these attributes for the Crusader shotgun by about 20%.
Anybody else have insane stuttering issues?
Cora is now a Justicar.
>game has CTD'd twice in a row, on the final wave and wave 6 respectively in multiplayer
T-thanks for the update.
Cora is cute!
Vetra the cutest.
Cora's SWEATY cock.
>You will never be Sara's assistant/caretaker
>You will never be slightly annoyed with her weird behaviors but slowly find them endearing
>You will never have a fun afternoon on the Nexus with her and then realize you've fallen for her
>You will never struggle with the ethical issues of loving someone like her
When I start a NG+ does it create a new character save folder or does it save over the existing one that I import?
What I'm really asking is I wonder how MEA2 will treat save game importing with the NG and NG+ saves.
cora is CUTE! she deserves ryder worshiping her massive member
Are there any good remnant/kett guns?
It's probably so musky and sweaty after a mission
Go into the keybindings and unbind them.
>You will never have the burden of forbidden love lifted from your shoulders when you learn that she's started dating an equally autistic alien
Soned, Isharay. Haven't liked anything else.
Reminder to give Sara her bedtime smooch.
sara looks tired and sad now. like someone bought her mega blocks
paw is good remnant. there's a ton of good kett ones
We need a rough guide for opening pods. Noobs will fuck up.
I invested my first two points into the credit investment stuff and got rich af.
It creates a new folder. If you keep the same name it becomes Scott(1) or w/e you called Ryder.
A-alec... is that you?
No Jaal is for Sara
Jaal is gonna spin on Scott's thick meaty girth and love it. Accept it.
Anons, when is the right time to watch the movie? Currently i must speak with the crew prior to the last mission i think
Equalizer is pretty good for close range builds.
>helping crackfags
PeeBee is cute and I want to kiss her tummy
mfw she literally taste like blueberries
>there are people who didn't take the tummy pill yet
If Jaal ever lowered himself to sex with Scott, I guarantee you he'd be the one doing the fucking.
I thought that was Cora blasting Ryder in the back.
Real fags don't need Jaal.
We patiently wait for the bi Quarian fuccboi DLC squadmate
fixed webms where
I wish
Hahaha, they're gonna put the exact same scene in for Scott, showing Jaal going down to choke on Scott's cock.
scott is for vetra and sara ONLY. please leave if you cannot accept this thank you
>could have invested one point into better buy/sell prices and gotten infinite credits
Fucking hell she's ugly
I'd say it makes most sense either literally right before the final mission, or right after the epilogue. Just depends on whether you want it to be a final distraction before shit gets real, or a celebration of victory.
>tfw no prompt where you can tackle her and kiss her tummy as she laughs
>ywn give Sara a goodnight kiss
Reminder to flirt with Cora every chance you get and then duck her with a real asari like Peebo or Keri, or even Gil to leave ever with the impression that you though she was manly
So Sara is smart and non kiddy now?
Nothing's even been set in stone yet. I don't even care if they do it tbqh, because it doesn't affect me as long as it doesn't interfere with any Sara/Jaal material, but it's the implications for the future of the series' writing that I really don't like.
>ywn cuddle her and pat her head
Please, no more.
So apparently a patch was released that fixed some of the shit people were complaining about. I feel as if these guys read my posts on reddit about how fixing the eyes would be the easiest change to make the faces seem more lifelike, as it would only take a graphic artist a day of work, tops, to give the eyes a more lifelike shader. It is pretty embarrassing that these shitty doll eyes even made it into the final game.
/meg/ has gone to shit
>le Cora has a penis
>le shitpost autistic Ryder with her terrible animations
Kys reddit scum
hey multiplayer friends
Totinos pizza rolls have codes on them for multiplayer boosters
I believe you always get a 5 game exp booster
you can use 5 codes a day
the codes are on the outside of the bags, so you don't even have to buy them
go to your local grocery store friends
Really, the only wrong time to do it would be in the middle of a bunch of nothing sidequests.
It concerns me too, but I get where fags were coming from, they really got fucked over this time. Even ME3 had Kaidan.
>ywn hear her snore while you cuddle her
>ywn pour whipped cream in the hand while shes asleep
That's how it's been since before release.
Those memes were brewing months before the game came out. Too bad Vetra "Euthanasia for Thessia" Nyx and TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH Scott aren't as enduring.
IS that why my Sell All Salvage has glitched out and become a fucking Quantum Dimension into an Interdimensional Jew banks vaults?
>Fucking 81M Credits
>Could start bankrolling a private army to help fight the Kett.
>>le Cora has a penis
All Mass Effect waifus have a meaty fapstick, lad.
They lacked the fetishism to stick around as hard.
>''Scott, you told me to use the sleep-a-long-time laser on all rude aliens, and the blue thing just tackled me! Should I...?''
t. newfag redditor
>thaw out economic "experts"
>currency inflates by 5000000%
>credits are now worthless
>Initiative economy dies before it even began
I've been waiting 5 years for a gay quarian
man this general really devolved into shit over the past few weeks
Motherfucker, it's been shit for years.
>"Do it"
>the cutest girl in Andromeda is your twin sister
I kind of like this feel. It swells my cock.
Well the Economics are represented by Krogan after all
>"What do you mean printing more money doesn't make us richer?"
what's the difference between these tow stats?
I'm going to impregnate Tali!
Autistic scott/sara fic incoming. Because I can.
I think this Krogan and Sara will make good Lego partners.
I've been waiting a decade for a single fuckable gay alien. Just fucking one. God damn it.
No, I get the complaints, but I've noticed more actual gay guys wanting a character written for them to begin with than just getting converted leftovers. The fact of the matter is that Tumblr is latching onto Jaal because they saw what they wanted to see and assumed that ambiguous datamined information was irrefutable proof, something you'd think they'd learned not to do after the exact same thing happened with Cullen in DAI.
I don't doubt that there's a distinct possibility that it'll happen - maybe a big possibility - but it'll only get worse from there because then they'll know they can get the devs to do what they want as long as they whine loud and long enough. I'm not interested in supporting a company that has absolutely no artistic integrity. I think their best move at this point would be to just write in a gay alien squadmate, maybe even unpaid DLC if they're feeling generous. SJWs are appeased, gay guys get their own squaddie instead of the female players' scraps, Bioware comes out looking better for it.
Someone post the sexual fanfiction when scott gets a blowjob when sara is playing with her lego
shot deviation
recoil amplitude
Accuracy is how close the shot lands in regards to the reticule. Stabilty is how much the gun recoils after each shot.
>that cropping
Scott/Sara ficanon deserves better
Reminder that economists are the most powerful race in Andromeda.
>get into MP match
>can't fire any guns
I love this patch.
He's just really, really, really drunk.
Only issue is time and money. Bioware probably would prefer to do that, but EA? Don't see it.
God, I want to cup those cheeks so badly.
It's time to write a thank you letter to BioWare. I am proud of their achievement and they never let their fans down.
>but I've noticed more actual gay guys wanting a character written for them to begin with than just getting converted leftovers.
Yeah, pretty much only fujoshi's want Jaal to be made bi.
Cora has a penis, sorry it took this long to figure out your waifu was a trap.
>bankrolling a private army
>ryncol applied to a krogan's plate is absorbed twice as fast
No, economists. Krogan economists, Han economists, salarian economists, all are part of the superior race.