/mggg/ - Monster Girl Games General #92

Not a real monster girl edition

This general is for the discussion of games containing Monster Girls, main game of discussion is Monster Girl Quest, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.

Monster Girl Quest (MGQ): pastebin.com/CGWN0k1u
Monster Girl Island (3D game): monstergirlisland.com//
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online: pastebin.com/xh3u3f0Y
Mobile games with Monster Girls: pastebin.com/NFaxEGib
Zell’s game Forest of Blue Skin: pastebin.com/hqc0JYhJ
Quest Failed: frostworks.itch.io/quest-failed
Previous Thread

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There are better honorary monster girls.

De geso !

ika musume is eyerotting garbage, please stop shoehorning your 3rd rate moeshit into our general

thank you, and do your part to make /mggg/ great again

Reminder there's no harem endings in mgi, god bless



I never paid for MGQ/ Paradox and I initially pirated Quest Failed, but after a few chapters, I paid full price for the game because I think the dev deserved it.
So you DID get a trip after all, nice way of calling our general a shit thread :^)
But seriously, it seems like the general consent is that trips are okay if the guy using it is actually bringing new content, so I don't see why someone would complain.
Also, I intend to do the same to Monster Girl Island, but from what I've played so far, it's very likely that I might as well buy the game at release week since it's so good.

>Not a real monster girl edition
Silly, all monster girls aren't real!


>it seems like the general consent is that trips are okay if the guy using it is actually bringing new content
I dunno how newfags think nowadays but since ever tripcodes are supposed to be used when the post calls for it, otherwise it's just attention whoring.