/shmupg/ - Shoot 'em Up General

You're gonna carry that weight edition.

This general is for discussing all shmups/stgs (shoot 'em ups/shooting type games).

Previous thread: Need something to play? Check this shit out: mega.nz/#!mlwG3ZCJ!NMdWxNY4pjqc1vFGwzyPIbtGor0GHObcfENNMgOQW1s

Join us on Steam! steamcommunity.com/groups/shmupg


Bullet Soul

Ghost Blade HD

Zangeki Warp

Caladrius Blaze

DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu

Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo


Shmups Skill Test


Blue Revolver

Danmaku Unlimited 3




Go Go Burunyanman Ecstasy!!! Steam-Edition

Other links
STG stream aggregator: stgrillz.appspot.com/

/shmupg/ high-score list:

/shmupg/ community YT channel:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Casper is the best

Second for CAVE is the best

Third for CAVE is the best.

Fourth for Windia sucks

overrated shit for hipsters, waifutards and try-hard elitists

Caspers design is cheap as fuck. Even I can draw better.

Only because the scoring in the games Kraut-kun likes are shit.

Still better to have shit gameplay with scoring than to have shit gameplay with or without scoring.

Stop-p fighting guys

This is a lie.

>Stop-p fighting guys
It's really just KLB losing his shit because people don't like his favorite kusoge.

More like Cavedrones making a fool of themselves again.

My copy of Akashicverse arrived! I'll stream some of my awfulness tomorrow.

Ah, well, alright. I still like her though!

When you compare shmups to anime, then Cave is really like KyoAni, but instead of ruining the industry with crappy moeblobs for subhumans, they ruined it with uninspired marshmallow danmaku.

>able to work in 3d
LMAO even for such basic shit they are too incompetent

Not a bad game at all tbdesu.

Ouch, that looks like early 90's CG in the background.
Surely they can do better than that?

cave sucks

Casper sucks and won't let go

ITT: kids get triggered by Cave.

ITT: cavedrones continuing to think their games are good
l m a y o

t. autistic garegga neckbeard

more like local dad shits and klb shitpost and cry

>local dad shits


What a great thread, guys. Keep the pointless tribalism going. We're almost /v/, and I know that with your continued efforts we can achieve our goal. We CAN become /v/. I believe.

What do you mean by that?

this shit's always been /v/-tier, ya cunt

Nah, it hasn't. We should all just keep shitposting, though.

t. autistic waifushitter cavedrone

>lol you like cave so you must like anime shit too XD
As expected of garegga shitters

i dont even like garegga that much
batrider is better

Can't we all just get along? We should.

dimahoo > yagawa shit

Is KAMUI worth a buy?

wew lad good start

Yes, fun game all around.

Gameplay and music is good, but graphics are horrible.

Wasn't impressed, but it's not a bad game.

It has nice ships and explosions, what else do you want?

I play worse with stick but I love it, is this normal?

The art style is good yes, but the graphics are complete garbage. Mainly the resolution. The sprites look like they are made for ants.

Well it's an old shmup, kinda comes with the territory

Bullshit. Even shmups from 1990 have better resolution. No idea what the devs were thinking there. perhaps it was meant for mobiles? IDK...

Yes. Play more to fix the play part of the equation and get even more love.

Isn't it like 3 dudes in a basement? Probably kept it low to make drawing easier like indies do nowadays.

I never played a doujin with a resolution this horrible.
I never played any game with such a garbage resolution.

Guess you don't play western indies then otherwise you'd get desensitized ages ago


Good job cherry picking with some completely obscure shit noone ever heard about.
The resolution in Kamui is unacceptable. 2 people easily can make better graphics in a doujin, if they actually put some effort into it.

It's just big pixels bro


Yes, and it looks like garbage. It's not 1985 anymore.

Go play ring^-27

new kusopb for st2. i wish ccwi would track your score in practice.


>batrider is better
This, garegga wins on soundtrack only whilst batrider owns in all other departments. Play carpet solo ftw.

*tips fedora*

>good at CCWI
pick one

i've completely ignored stage 2 scoring until yesterday, what is a good, yet not autistic score to aim for on this stage? 500-600?

Just alone the name sounds fucking retarded. Literally Poowaramu tier

this is pretty top score for stage 2
probably you can't get more


Top tier scores for stage 2 are around 1.4 trillion. 600 billion is nothing

>having an idea about ccwi

Why would anyone who likes cave play that third rate knockoff instead of the real deal kek

65th for Touhou is better than cave and dadshit

Good thing there's no such game as "doodoopeepee" then.


doodoopeepee is a space invaders clone released in 2017 by company cake

>carpet solo
Sure, if you are shit at the game.

Real men pick 3 different Garegga ships.

So we are in 2017 and this is the current state of shmups. I believe it.

show your stage 2 score

Why should I?
My stage 2 pb is 800 billion

with type z?

No, with Type I
Type Z is harder to score with

Not a huge fan of it, but it's okay, I guess
I didn't like the scoring system much, mostly because you can't shoot and charge at the same time

Resolution is weird and ugly but it's a 1999 indie game

So I take it bullet soul is booty?

DKA got 600, screw up a bit on boss, but not big deal
so, for average player, getting 500-600, is a good result

DKA got around 700, and 500-600 will always be garbage, no matter of the player.

How much time would you say getting 600 billion would take for the average player?

Depends on how you practice.

Is there a Fantasy Zone like released these past few years?
Played it too much lately but love the mechanics.

Rough approximation?


It completely depends on how you practice. Wether you only poractice stage 2, or the whole game, wether you use replay refrences, etc
It's can varry 20 hours- 300 hours.

I've just realized that half of the bosses there are kemono aka furries

furryshit or touhou-tier lolishit
doesn't make a difference

You should calm down a bit

carpet solo has hard longmilks and a very unsafe tight shot type, stop judging by your kusoclear level.

Are you buying one, /shmupg/?

is MMP kemono?

Looks like something niggers would wear


Not really, it's kemonomimi

*blocks your files*
what do shmupg?

call the police

name one police officer thats good at UFO

police should be good at shooting

>Are you buying one, /shmupg/?
Nah i never spend out on clothing because that shit is for ugly fags who think they can polish a turd or insecure fags who need identity flags, the only autismal clothing i have shame for owning is a driver jacket in a diff colour scheme.

>*blocks your files*
>what do shmupg?
Throw your pc out the window and elbow fuck you do death for being such a corny childish fuckboi.

Cee, got any tips for how to best approach gitting gud at ballisticng? Should I just go zen mode or should I stick with slower speeds until I get the hang of the physics and tracks?

>0.2 billion