Sex king edition
Sex king edition
>no pox arcana
>no rite of ruin
>no netherstride grimoire
>no DFG
it hurts you guys. With the exception of maybe DFG these wouldn't even be broken.
Xth for shitter anons being butt hurt about a non existent tank meta
>there are people out there who unironically think rework poppy's VO is good
comfy bfs~
also can anyone tell me why the police are absolutely fucking useless?
>Im a rebel xD
>wow stop looking at my butt -_-
>I h8 it when mom tells me not to stab ppl.. makes me want 2 stab some1 xd
Rawr :3
Step aside, wank slave, you don't have the equipment, aesthetics, fertility or just about anything for the job.
I know it would, that's what I'm saying. Its not a venture riot would lose money on. So why not?
How do you feel about the tank update so far?
tank meta or not soaking up 30+ tower shots while your team takes the towers without minions shouldnt be allowed
how may autism points out of 10?
>tank meta is back at full power again
Oh boy here we go
The only new AP item needed is something that builds out of seekers that isn't Zhonyas so AP bruiser builds are actually realistic
Pox arcana was really fucking strong during that bilge water event.
Its not good but it isn't that offensive. Whats there to complain about?
I don't know what the fuck is going on but I feel like random champions are going to become broken.
Are any of the new tank items good on Poppy?
>Amumu buffed this patch
>New Abyssal is a tank item now
id show you why I am a sex king but youre only into metal thethamales vladfag
They'll be good on adc what the fuck
Think he's gone, you still here?
>vayne will become a top notch adc once more
mhh I'm fine with this.
I like tank meta
>pick fiddlesticks
wow what a terrible champion
Says who?
Late game towers should be irrelevant if you've fully invested into defense. You are there to protect them, they're not there to protect you at that point. Otherwise games would stall out for fucking ever
no sunfire though
>there are people out there who unironically think rework poppy's VGU isn't good
Is the Joke that Nasus and Bard are for autists still standing? It doesn't really matter to me, I'd play with you anyway.
But you main Braum and I like that.
>pox arcana, designed specifically for AoE mages and teamfighting against multiple champs
>rite of ruin, designed specifically for taking objectives and pushing
>netherstride grimoire, designed specifically for roaming, rotating and ganking enemy lanes
>DFG could be reworked into a tank killing AP item a la LDR
>they could all be inefficient when stacked or mutually exclusive because they all build out of Lost Chapter and have an overlapping named passive and all have 20% CDR
THERE is your AP diversity RITO
>trying to stop shitposting
>on Veeky Forums
where the fuck does jap moot get these jannies
>Just play AP Cho mid
Ez pez
it is offensive to my brain cells
I'm into high quality semen and genetics
shit i'm late
shitpost responsibly
>when aggro is switched to enemy champions, turrets deliberately target the enemy champion in range with the lowest current hp.
Watch adaptive helm reduce her w damage
Then tanks asking to fight vayne 1v1 because she just tickles them
Xth for Katarina
best girl
From an item perspective the adaptive helm alone makes it a 10/10 for me. The other stuff will get sorted out with appropriate tuning. There's actually gonna be real consideration if you want a true teamfighting tank build or a more selfish damage centric one.
Now I also wanna see what they end up doing with the actual champion reworks
>set up lanes to push so you can recover from a bad fight
>lose the fight but the map is in my teams favor
>jk they have 2 and a half tanks gg
Who the fuck listens to the VO, why not just have a show going or listen to music?
If you like built dudes with long hair and beard I'll fuck you.
Are you close to central or southern Europe?
true damage can't be mitigated
>not understanding the human body reacts faster to sound than visuals
>not turning voices and music to zero and SFX to 100
>Remove the skill out of tower diving
>Nobody will do it anymore and play it safe
Now that's how you ruin the game
But I already have bf
All of them aside from abyssal. GA is probably fine on her. The general tank itemization away from hp towards resistances is good for her since she gets extra scaling on resistances. Just be sure to fit enough hp into your build.
Rite of Ruin combined with Lichbane ESPECIALLY on Viegar,Ziggs and TF would be way too fucking broken. Marksmen are already balanced around thier ability to deal sustained damage to structures the last thing they need is other roles encroaching on their job.
>Pox Arcana
yeah it was okay.
mages would start kiting way too fucking hard.
As much as I want this Item being a Singed advocate and all It would seriously fuck up the whole cycle of counters.
>Ahri gets netherstride and suddenly gets 700 MS in the opposite direction anytime Q touches you
>Au Sol becomes fucking untouchable and 100% Pick/Ban
>Cass becomes untouchable with Ms bonus from Q
>anyone with a DoT like Fizz or Teemo become stupidly annoying and can run you down with impunity
hell fucking no
Netherstride is way too problematic to balance especially when you consider DFT is a thing
>What is Backdoor protection
And this literally still happens in this bruiser centric meta
not really
is it faster to grind ip in arams?
Sounds unenjoyable.
>no sleep status where the enemy remains immobilized but wakes up upon taking damage
He's not much of a bf if you're still here shitposting about generic viking dudes.
woah king gay having troubles with the law?
hellyea it is
post more of this yoghurt slurper
Just go listen to BABYMETAL
Only slightly
>True damage abusers like Irelia Fiora and Camille straight up buffed due to less health being in the game
>New champs and Tank update coming at the same time
>Urgot update might come sooner than i though
>He is likely to get the identity of a ranged bruiser
>GA, for now, is also an AD item (it still might go to live)
I like this timeline
pls user, I wish
I'm shitposting because it's hilarious and addictive.
which is the best server and why is it EUNE?
I got something else for you thats hilarious and addictive
Poor argument, men do the same shit and worse.
>so much aoe damage flying around they would wake up instantly
nice idea
Fiora stays exactly the same. Kind of the idea behind % HP damage.
but fiora does true damage based on max hp
I know they are going to change the build path, but jesus man.
I love that its base health on rez, tanks btfo
Post pics senpai words ain't shit
Why do people use VO instead of VA
Its a Voice Actor, not Voice Over
Unless we're explicitly speaking about the announcer packs
mod in dawngate announcer and feel the magic
Double Kill
Triple Kill
Tetra Kill
>tank gets caught
>use stoneskin
>lol 8khp
>they used all their spells
Because voice actor refers to the person where as voice over refers to their work. You wouldn't say "I'm going to install this new programmer"
Also, isn't Lethality a pretty good tool now that tank meta will come back?
>Banshee's Veil and GA's stat changes
>Doran's Shield change
>Randuin's Omen crit reduction removed
The new items are cool, but this other shit is questionable.
>tfw hardly any lewds of Mina
Mallet, Gargoyle, GA, attack speed
>use cooldowns
>use stoneskin
>become unkillable
>start doing damage again once your cooldowns are up
are there any tanks with high enough base damages and cooldowns to abuse tihs
Come to Balkans this summer.
And leave your fuccboi bf behind, if you're still together then.
No, tanks are what counters lethality.
>Turn off the music
>Leave the voices and SFX on
>Put your own music on
I use both, depending on who/what I am talking about.
Kira buckland/"rina-chan" for example.
Decent enough VO work for Edna from ToZ
Garbage VA in general, runkachunk needs to quit being a VA.
pic unrelated
Calling it now, all ad teams will dominate since ad's have the new and better for them GA, and already have more items/stats to ignore armor
veil with an 8s cd late game will be a must buy
>they want tanks to become tankier and deal less damage
>reduce the health and remove the crit reduction from randuins
>nautilus nerfed
Swear to god if they ruin my Sejuani I'm gonna DO SOMETHING I MIGHT REGRET
>God Fist Lee Sin
Hello? Riot? You do everything in your power not to offend disgusting foreigners, minorities and hippies but you deem some fictional video game monkey monk to be God's very fist?
i will still have this and her details and thats all that matters to me
moya got the most lewds and this is absolute bullshit
We're probably going to the Mediterranean beach together please do not disturb.
He's a fencing instructor.
>Implying HP Yi isn't a thing
>Implying he hasn't been a thing since the introduction of titty hydra
>Implying it isn't the best Yi build
>Implying you actually care about Yi
Do you even fucking Wuju?
The Lost Chapter items would have to be nerfed/retuned, but aside from that they represent an important turning point for AP build diversity. You've got your roaming ganking AP assassin item for the likes of Fizz and LeBlanc, you've got your AOE team fight item for your Malzahar and Anivia and Azir, you've got your objective taking turret killing item for Ziggs and Diana and TF, you've got your 1v1 me focus fire item in DFG too.
>nerf sunfires damage
>make banshees give AP tanks (aka literally all the megatanks) do 10% more damage
You know who the real victim of this tankening is?
this tank patch is fucking garbo I hope it doesn't come through
provoked my little brother to hit me today since he tried to hit my little sister
cops come over like every few weeks cause of his bullshit and now that I finally forced the fucker to hit me a bunch of times they act as if theirs nothing they can do
fucking useless, I feel like I could go on a crime spree now looking at how pathetic this shit is
hes stolen a car, hit me, my mother, and my little sister, done countless drugs and sent himself to the hospital drinking all at my mothers expense
welp time to go off and mug someone, not like Ill get in any trouble or anything
plus I could use the extra money for league skins
>tfw no bitchy, loli doll to call to step on you and call you a worthless perv
are we born only to suffer?
considering that E got changes specifically aimed at tank yi I doubt it. Rageblade/on-hit Yi will still be king. If you stack pure HP and no AD or on-hit your E wont even do damage
>He's a fencing instructor.
Really? Bring him over then, we can duel.
I do HEMA, longsword-style fencing with a feder.
Don't worry user Illaoi and Darius will get their own individual buffs.
Look forward to the %max hp damage that will inevitably come their way.
>when girls have to play something different than support
good thing there are none
>AD tanks
literally who