>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Azura a best
Shit taste, cuck.
Can't seem to find it on the links and resources, but anyone got a gallery with the FE: Echoes NPC art? I need it for Veeky Forums related reasons.
I have neutral opinions on your waifus
I want to fuck Delthea's butt until her stomach gets bloated with my cum!
>I can suck a cock THIS big!
She would probably Ragnarok your ass before you manage to unzip your dick
really, why is she so fucking good?
No, google doesn't work, every link I've found is dead
Yes, in that ISO site too...
I'll upload it if you ERP with me.
>start post-game
>both armies are together, aw yes
>deployment limit on the first map is TEN UNITS
Fuck. Have to bring Alm, can't leave behind Luthier and Delthea because I love them, same with Zeke and Genny. Silque is too useful with her Invoke, I need a Peg and 1-2 Dread Fighters, plus an Archer. And there goes all my slots, even though I want to bring more Pegs. Why live?
What determines Skill inheritence for Heroes?
I notice I can inherit cross colors and cross classes
Why the hell is Kliff so cute?
He looks constipated.
His fudge is in fact, fully packed
weapons stay with the same weapon type, and nearly every named weapon isnt inheritable
skills that reverse the triangle arent inheritable (no lancebreaker on swords etc)
you can't give healer's skills and specials to non healers and you can't give some skills like fury to healers
if i rememebr right you can't inherit skills like drag back onto ranged units or something along those lines
last thing i can think of is that some skills are move-type restricted like wary fighter or flier/cav buffs
thats basically it hope it helps
Why dont you have a seat? Just take a seat right over there.
huff huff
kliff is smelly
That's a cute Narcian face!
>Echoes is full of bishi boys drawn by Hidari
>Next game will be full of masculine boys drawn by ________
Use the force
Tobin is cuter
There's plenty of masculine boys by hidari too.
we're really using this thread...?
>first 5* i got
>wasted 500sp on galeforce on her
>-atk, + res
it pains me whenever i look at her
Name several.
Triggered by a shitty shop? By all means, come back when it's more goddamn waifuposting.
use _THIS_
*unzips dick*
It was either gonna be this or another Lucina thread, same shit every day.
Valbar, Atlas, Saber
And that's just the playable ones.
She was always this good.
Tobin dies alone! ALONE!
He's an autismo who dresses extremely tidily for a common villager.
Kliff is anything but smelly!
At least she's cute!
You're literally the only person making a tinfoil hat conspiracy out of anything Lucina-related, it's almost sad.
I know, But most of the hilarious broken shit got nerfed, but not her
It's nice
tobin is for me
Best bro.
Ball licking.
Just fought a guy in arena with +3 Lucina and +1 Eirika and Takumi.
Whale or luckshitter?
Grey pls.
Replaced my -Spd Bunny Lucina with a +Atk/-HP one.
I can just pretend that she's a -Atk Linde.
If anything she got buffed, with her better growths.
watching because I'm bored
>bullying based Tobin, the god of Archers
Shame on you
I want her to step on my cock while she makes this face.
Has anyone tried editing her legs to match her skin tone?
An especially big tuna
- - ATK Linde
I'd lick her balls.
>people are already posting and uploading streams for a game that's unreleased **anywhere**
Does it get anymore stupid than this?
"its okay when roy is a mary sure but no one else" - royfags
he's playing the original
If he is so cute, then why did he get cucked by a guy who looks like he has lived his whole life inside a trashbin?
-Atk Linde has the same attack as +Atk Lucina though.
I did also get plus one attack with a merge,
Are Gray and Clair nice friends who invite Tobin for threesomes?
No one cares, Drill
Reminder that anti-Roy "people" need to go home.
this is getting out of hand luis
Gray is a bro desu. Didn't like him initially but he's grown on me
Get your hands off of my Kenshiro-Husband.
>implying he isn't invited over for threesomes
Misleading thumbnail and kneejerk aversion to anything e-celeb, fair enough, but you and I both know there do exist people that are doing that.
I want to breed her,
>he's playing the original
Yeah fuck this.
>Bringing back reddit pics
I want her to step on my cock and face.
because Gray is pretty based, based enough to cure Clair of Alm lust
Fuck off Luis.
>tobin and grey dping Claire
now I want this
Where did the roy shitposting come from? Was it because I posted this as a joke?
Why ruin perfection.
her legs are far too sexy good lord
You triggered VenomRoy's turbo autism. You've doomed us all user.
Was it worth it?
How much more based can our boy Roy get?
Why do you fags keep trying to associate with one of your fellow /v/edditors?
Saved, thanks
Hector's cocksleeve
I kinda like this guy. He's so casual yet he's played since FE7, it's kinda charming.
I think it's pretty obvious that it's just one dude posting the early Robin/Lucina threads and the Robcina tumblr post. Whether it's a false-flag or a genuine Lucinafag is another question.
as an actual royfag, I'm ashamed for the autism of this guy. Alm might take Roy's spot as my favorite lord now though
Just imagine if those were thigh highs instead
Delete this post please.
Bet if it was Robin/Tharja you wouldn't be raising a fuss.
t. Bandwagonner.
The other thread hasn't reached 750 and you guys are here?!?!
I was searching for it on Fireden.