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Reaper buff when?

The enemy has a teleporteur

How best to use zens ult? Only saving for ults like reapers, genjis and zaryas or using liberally/aggressively to win fights and save 1 or 2 people to turn a fight?

I need healing!

>I think Reaper is somebody who ebbs and flows as the meta does. An example when Ana's Nano Boost is used to give the movement speed buff, we were seeing a lot of Reaper in play at the time. The more we see Winston, the more we see Reaper. Reaper is a fantastic counter to Winston. I do think we'll see more Reaper as the meta shifts around. With that said, we're trying some stuff internally on Reaper right now. I don't know if it will see the light of day or not, but it's internal only right now, and it's very minor. Just a little bit of quality of life issues that we're trying to pick up with him. I think Reaper is not in a terrible spot.

Probably not any time soon

I just want a better teleport. I'm glad at least they're looking at him.


Honest question, I climbed from gold to masters, why are many more throwers on masters than on lower ranks?

Quality meme desu

Would it be cool if Blizz had skins for OW as rewards in HoTS and SC loot boxes or D3 seasonals?
And the other way around that if OW had very rare items for other games?

Quick, claim your husbando or waifu.

No one else will be allowed to love them besides you!


>have to play healer 5 comp games in a row becuase no one else wants to
>tfw shit healer


>it's a to stack guys go pharmercy and never heal anyone but pharah episode

Anyone got one of those main templates like in the previous thread? Those are always fun to fill out.



>being cucked into healing and not just instalocking who you want

Why do so many complain about this? How are you this fucking beta in a game filled with 13 year olds?

Mei checking in!

I had leavers for 5 games in a row and lost 200 comp points. I'm almost getting kicked out of GM.

Why is this allowed? I really don't see why you would play competitive to not be competitive in it. There are tons of arcade games literally just for that.

Mei, Mercy, Tracer, Pharah, Ana, D. Va, Zarya, and Symmetra

Fuck you

Depends, some of them know they're good enough to rank back up anyways so they won't give a shit at times.

yeah but if you're only there JUST to counter the winston he'll switch to dva or some shit and you'll be useless and have to switch


>someone in a duo instalocks mercy
>instantly leave the game

You guys don't need to thank me for saving your SR.

What would that accomplish? Not to mention they already had Oni skin for Genji, OW cardback in HS and something else I'm forgetting.

i stopped healing people the moment i realized i can play a better dps/tank than anyone i get queued up with

>84% win rate on pharah
>70% win rate on dva
>64% win rate on roadhog

im not healing these fags

>he can only play one hero
How does it feel to be bad at the game?

the problem is blizz's SR calculation system. streak-based SR increases/decreases have no place in a game like OW, where your own personal performance is still only 1/6th of your team. letting stats impact SR is also a mistake; your ana that got 4 sleeps all game and 5k healing might have just let mercy heal when there was downtime to build her rez, and slept nano genji every time he ulted; numbers don't reflect performance.

SR gains and losses should be flat, and based on the discrepancy between the two teams. this trueskill-type shit just turns comp into a slot machine.


>tfw your almonds activate and you get 4 suspicious looking headshots in a row as blue slut
>it's not even potg
>you barely get a bronze for eliminations

It would boost the number of OW players and make Blizz produce more stuff for us!
It's also fun it 'd be like the collectors edition stuff.

>muh medals

Full plox

It wouldn't
There are already metrics for it from the genji skin, the "boost" is temporary and almost insignificant

>He thinks thats what that user is saying

He's referring to pocket mercy's who will only heal their duo buddy.

I doubt that. If you already play some Blizzard games, then surely you know about Overwatch, and probably have even bought it already. That sort of crosspromotion doesn't drive significant extra sales. (And, like I said, they did it already.)

How about shutting your whore mouth autist. Don't be such a witless contrarian shitposter.

I don't understand the 'medals don't mean anything xD' meme. They are an objective measurement of your participation. Sure, you can fuck around not helping the team tactically and still get medals but that just means the rest of your team sucked even harder.

>Implying it's not a good meter outside of golds to measure how you're contributing to the fucking team
>Implying not getting bronze or silver as widowmaker in damage is a good thing
>Implying not having silver or gold elimination is a good thing

But thats wrong. Why do you think they do cross promotions?
Oni Genji increased players playing HoTS and OW players.

Why are we letting /xivg/ drama whores make threads where they can force their shit discord again?

Kaplan please take your medicine

Doing my first placements,
Lose Lose Lose Win Lose Lose Win Lose Lose
Is it because I'm solo queueing? Doesn't matter what role I play, I just see the kill feed full of dead teammates.
Mostly playing Ana/Mercy, Soldier, Spamrat, and Rein/Orisa/Hog (if my team has Rein/Dva already)

let the idiots in the thread fall into the discord trap

Oh yeah, prove it? HotS probably got a small and/or temporary increase in players, but that's it. They are two very different games, there's no reason to think that they even share much of the same crowd.

As long as you get damage for hitting barriers and fucking tickling enemies its worthless. In fact because blizzard went with this retarded system not to hurt the feelings of shitters Its actively spreading misinformation and making people play worse
>>Implying it's not a good meter outside of golds to measure how you're contributing to the fucking team
It isnt. How to you measure objectivity how well your tank creates and take space? How your your ana sleeps the ulting genji instead of the harmless but easier to hit DIVA? How well the tracer gets the attention of the eienimy team creating openings and advantages for the team?

As long as it seems like the retarded spamming junkrat is better than the tracer who is focusing the healers and actually allowing you to win medals are completely, and utterly worthless.

To all my Zarya bros in this thread. Thank you for being competent and reliable in my placement match

Did Gerard actually have the worst life? I mean, his wife had it pretty terrible but at least she's happy now. In a sense, at least.

You probably suck, but might be really unlucky. but without recorded gameplay we can't tell you why.

>Ana having to correct herself

Damn she was cunty in this comic.

>HotS probably got a small and/or temporary increase in players, but that's it. They are two very different games, there's no reason to think that they even share much of the same crowd.
Prrooov et!

>tfw unreliable internet so i cant play comp

all i want to do is not be held back by shitty ping

why are everyones eyes closed when their upperbody is shown

>tentacle alien invasion event

>he STILL doesn't own a 144Hz display with ulmb

lol how do you expect to make it to GM?

You are the one making claims. If crosspromotions actually were as good as you seem to think, then why indeed there aren't more of them? Or, gasp, could it be that you are just wrong?

Buzz off, bozo.

>be pharah
>die in front of our ana

You think Chu faps to Mercy/Genji fanfic of Genji saving Mercy from a tentacle monster?

>Pence 76 and Ana discussing Tracer's electro therapy.

>Is it because I'm solo queueing?
but placements really don't matter in terms of victory/defeat, this is an equally shitty 3/0/7 soloqueue from a blank season 3

>tfw living in south american shithole and only get matched with brazilians

How I hate those filthy monkey shitters.

Proov et

If Ana really cared she shouldn't have orphaned her daughter. Her crocodile tears are wasted on me.

>ana wants to take action but knows jack has final say and corrects herself accordingly

You're an idiot there already is a load of cross promotions in Blizzards other games and the loot box feature is coming out to other games soon.

>almost have a 1080
>144hz monitor next

Ana and Mike Pence 76 both come from deeply religious areas of the world. That conversation totally happened at some point.

Remember to abuse hacked medipacks

she never actually says this

Yes, there was crosspromotion, naturally. That's what I wrote. But it was and went. (And the upcoming new lootsystem in HotS has nothing to do with this.)

Just imagine

Yes she does.
Also when 76 dies, Ana will say
>"Jack.. I was supposed to protect you."

Is there a more entertaining thing to do than teleport your teamates off cliffs in comp?

>Jack i'm concerned Tracer was caught trying to molest Zeigler in the infirmary again.
>Zeigler is extremely autistic and vulnerable to that sort of behaviour she actually believes shes a guardian angel. This can't go on.

>all his crusader friends are dead
>watched overwatch fall apart
>thinks most of his overwatch friends are dead
>probably has serious survivor's guilt
>hides it all behind the jolly facade he's known for
>is probably wandering the world waiting for something to kill him
>brigitte is the only thing keeping him alive

Genji says ''Master" when Zen dies


Wasn't his lore that he became a hollywood actor?

Another one off the list.

Because what a majority wants is more important, you are not it.

>Jack, what are we going to do? Tracer is raiding the female locker rooms again as well and stealing all the panties. She then sells them to the men once she is done with them. I found Reinhardt and Torbjorn sniffing and eating my old flower panties the other day. What are we going to do?
>Hmmmmmmmm. Give me my tesla coil attachment for my pulse rifle. We will have to do this the same way we cured McCree.

> 3 solo picks in one push as Hanzo
> we still don't make it past the choke

Why are goldbabbies so fucking retarded

More like
>Lets call Winston

>discord faggots trying to make out they're a big deal


Can you start using trips so I can filter you all

When will Emily be kidnapped by Talon and brainwashed into Windowmaker 2.0 to kill Winston so Tracer can be motivated to move the plot along?

Why are they so perfect?

Never because Emily isn't relevant beyond showing Tracer is a dyke

Don't do this to me. I'll give him another reason to live by conceiving all his children c:

Junkrat is the cutest and best boy and Roadhog is a good dad!


someone post the leg comic

>autistic user pretending he isn't the only one of 10 people at most who gives a shit


>imply Emily wont die in the future creating edgelord Tracer

user, did you draw this? It's really good!

>Eichenwalde Attack
>team goes 4 DPS and a Roadhog + me as healer
>constantly getting slaughtered the moment they peek their head out into line of sight of the bridge, melted by the constant stream of bullets
>not one of them considers changing to a tank that could potentially block some of it
>they're practically just walking into the same death over and over again and not one of them considers "maybe we shouldn't all be going for the DPS kills man character"
>these are people with two, three or even four stars by their icon
I get that it's QP, play what you want, but when you're Hanzo and your arrows aren't denting three layers of shields, are you actually having fun

>Im here too
