Livin' Free Edition
>Warhammer II
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Livin' Free Edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nagash still not announced, also Bretonnia sucks
V A M P I R E - C H A N
>not Delicious Dark Elf Corsair edition
She may be a cold-hearted bitch on the job, but she melts in her private chambers.
F R A N Z - C H A N
How exactly do you stop flying units from killing your ranged units? Assume an equal amount of flying and ranged cards.
I am Kaak Frarf, they will obey
By putting anti large units on/near them and micro'ing better
>not black armor
I'm going to be dominated by a best elf!
>Put anti-large unit ontop of ranged unit
>Now ranged unit can not fire
>tfw the wait for TWW2 is killing me
great job OP you dumb fucking faggot
old thread:
Why do people want Pike and Shot? Isn't that the Empire faction already?
Mmm hmm.
>linking to the old thread
i bet you like M2 too
> on/near them
Aka behind
Because literally anything is better than the alternative which is shitty china
>300 replies, 50 angry /a/tard reaction images later
This was really close, lads!
I didn't think we were gonna make it!
I hate human races and i am having most fun with Empire...
What does it mean?
I don't have Elves, Beastmen and Skarsnik though.
And i didn't play Bretonnia yet
>Vlad & Mannlet both have the exact same melee stats
isn't Mannlet supposed to be, well... a Mannlet.
I am okay with the third expansion being End Times and the next fantasy TW game being Sigmar
As long as its totally over the fucking top and every spell is like a wind of death and every unit is stronger than a phoenix guard.
>Isn't that the Empire faction already?
not really desu
>all that RoR
ezmode babby
>Pike and shot
Pike and shot is a tercio. A mixture of pikemen and arquebus/musket-armed units in a single formation. In terms of Total War: a unit that has a moderate ranged attack fireable but not reloadable on the move. It is devestating against cavalry due to the pikes, and capable of holding its own ground against melee infantry due to the mixed in halberds and sword-wielding infantrymen.
best girl! :3
Bullying of Mannfred needs to stop.
who would buy a dlc and not use it
Why does the enemy get morale and public order bonuses in harder difficulties?
Why do your men get morale maluses and your territories public order issues in harder difficulties?
The elves are pretty much unplayable on Legendary because outposts have no way of becoming public order neutral
Mannlet deserves to be bullied for being such a bitch
because CA is too incompetent to have difficulty levels that make the AI smarter so they just have them give the AI an obscene amount of cheats and gimp the player
I will not betray you.
is there a mod to remove the veins from the tits
As Dwarves: Laugh as your ranged units murders the overgrown chicken and then proceeds to shoot the enemy lord.
As Gobbos: o shit nigga why can they even see your night gobbo archers, better micro a skulker unit in there and STAB dem flyiin' gitz.
Bonus goal: Bring enough Doom Divers to shoot dem flyin gitz out of the air.
As Empire: Laugh while the stupid AI fight your handgunners, this gives your demigryph halberdiers time to murderize everything
As Bretonnia: Who cares if the stupid peasants die, just keep on cyclecharging.
As Worst Elves: Your whole army can run and shoot, that shit ain't hard.
As Orcs: See gobbos, also your army should be stuck in melee to krump dem gitz.
Welcome to CA games
Download a mod that removes the combat bonus and the public order penalty.
The AI is left with a shitton of cash and is slightly more aggressive so its still harder without being literally impossible for some factions to play.
Each outpost in a province gives +6 order to the province. If you have two, on any difficulty, they'll be neutral. Maybe it's +4 or something, but it works out anyway
>mfw the last dlc for the first game are chaos dwarfs
>Waiting for bannerlord and warhammer 2 at the same time
You want to remove the best thing about Vampire waifus?
no , to the third game you go ash dawi
seriously though, isn't he meant to be a way worse fighter but a way better wizard?
bannerlord development is dead user
they went bankrupt
Honestly C.Dwarfs were on the bottom of my excitement list but the thought of more powerful range and arty dwarf faction sounds pretty good to me now
I know I'm hopping on the bandwagon here, but I really hope magic gets a serious balance pass by the release of twwh 2. It would be pretty pathetic for the slann to be as mediocre as Gelt, who should also be stronger than he currently is.
Magic needs to be made stronger altogether imo. A thunderbolt or something should KILL all the niggers it hits. Shit like Spirit Leech should heal the caster, explosions should DESTROY health pools of large units and those moving circle abilities should be directable and deal more damage with each hit
No they didnt you little shit, they did a blog update only two weeks ago
I'm in the middle of my Gelt campaign as emp and he nearly always has the most kills of any of my units without any mods, even after I've added steam-tanks to the mix.
I think you need to git gud m8
because to me it makes those tits look like marble instead of skin
just looks hard instead of soft
>tfw no variation on hairstyles & makeup or BWH measurements
Goblin Dabbing
flat vampire-chan mod when
>dude git gud lmao
It's not about getting good. I can use Gelt, but mages feel really underpowered relative to the lore.
> A thunderbolt or something should KILL all the niggers it hits
Have you actually used the fucking thunderbolt spell?
Overcast it and literally everything underneath it dies.
It even does around half the hp of monster mounted lords with a single cast
fucking dumb anime posters man
Just let Slann pick and choose what spells they bring into battle in SP or take a full turn of inaction to switch between schools. MP they should obviously relegated to just a single school of magic.
thats a young turkish man, not an anime
>anime posters
>Real life picture
Are you okay, user?
>I can use Gelt, but mages feel really underpowered relative to the lore.
You clearly can't.
I'm regularly getting 250-400 kills in sieges with him, and that's ignoring the fact that his bombardment spell doesn't add to his kill count.
I build my whole army strat around him and he's amazing.
>using magic
>not just shitposting randomly against it
Magic as is is completely overpowered
Its just people are so stupid it evens out
There are only minor exceptions, like foot and comet not quite dealing enough damage for what they cost.
real life people trying to be anime is still gay anime shit
Why cant we all just get along?
>you clearly can't
You're clearly not reading my posts.
Don't Slann communicate telepathically?
I play Shogun 2 while drinking sake.
To other Slann
They speak to their minions
>Magic as is is completely overpowered
Thing is it requires patience and building all your tactics around it.
That's why people only ever recommend buff & debuff spells or direct damage shit, which is the least rewarding to use (especially as half of them have the same spell effect and just deal damage instead of what the spell is actually suppose to do). These spells don't require you to change shit, you just tack on a wizard and get some fairly underwhelming buffs & healing, which whilst really powerful aren't that cool.
With vortex & bombardment spells you can pull off some crazy army destroying combos which routes everything in seconds, it just takes time to set up and is more tricky to pull off, as it should be.
>like foot and comet not quite dealing enough damage for what they cost.
I hear you on comet, but foot of gork is probably the single best spell to use on an enemy wall in a siege. It can take half the HP off like 4-5 units at once.
If you mean make magic legit as powerful as the mary-sue lore than sure, lets have Gelt construct an auric barrier around all the empire provinces that stops anyone invading for 30 turns.
Making magic much more powerful than it is now would be broken for a total war game. All that really needs doing is buffing the worse spells up to par with the best spells & making some of the point & click spells more interesting.
Warm or cold?
reposting from old thread
>I'm playing medieval 2 total war Americas campaign. The unit cards are all disorganized, how do I move them around? Dragging and dropping doesn't work
>best spell to use on an enemy wall in a siege
Didnt even know spells hurt walls
Good to know, kinda scary then since Mazdamundi has that ultimate wall destroying spell.
ara-ara vampire-chan when?
I didn't mean that, I just meant that it's one of the few severely damaging spells that you can use on units clumped up on walls.
so let me get this straight
71 eskimo dollaroos for warhammer, plus 71 buckaroonies for all the dlc?
how is this fair? is the DLC even worth getting or will i be fine with just the base game?
tfw you play total war for 10+ years just to get fucked in the end feelsbadman
Stop living in a bad country
Im aussie and even im only paying $60no-freedom-dollars
Buy the game on sale or from a key site if you're that strapped for cash, the DLC is generally pretty good if you're interested in the factions.
how are you paying 60 didgeridoos? for the game + all cut content? i mean dlc?
steam? where the fuck
I said no freedom dollars not kangaroos bucks you pleb
>implying Steam will give aussies aussie prices when they can just charge US
oh my bad aussie bro
I'm at 260 hours with just the base game + king & the warlord, but I've probably only sunk 10 or so hours into that.
Haven't even done a proper VC or Greenskins campaign yet, that time is mostly empire, dwarfs & chaos.
>Warhammer 2 released
>you have to buy blood & gore again to use it on second game
>can't use Invocation of Nehek on units on walls
But why? I could understand it if it was a rule about how you couldn't use the spell if the caster was on the wall and the unit was on the ground, or vice versa, but what is it about walls that kills vampire magic?
>oy vey
What did Karl Franz mean by this?
surely if you already own the blood & gore dlc for 1 it will apply for 2, rigth?
It's a lot of work to get Blood & Gore working on a totally new game, please recompense them for their hard work.
>tfw based Trump bombing the shit out of s*rians has me pumped for total war again
What TW game has the most OOMPH in terms of bombing? FoTS or Empire?
Shit coding I imagine.
It's a rule for the spell - you look it up, it says you can't use it on units on walls.