Patrician edition
Patrician edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>peabrain yasuo makes a meme
>tfw lamb will never be real
>tfw bad at lucid dreaming
>tfw cant even dream lamb being real
Post cool art.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3
>tentacles heal 5% missing health per champion hit, rather than heal 5% if they hit at least one champion
>Harsh Lesson bonus damage changed to be the same at all ranks, instead gaining a higher amount of bonus range on the modified auto attack per rank
>Harsh Lesson's bonus damage is also dealt by tentacles too when you use it
>flat generic damage increase on tentacles
Which of these would you rather see on Illaoi?
Also, which skin would you rather have?
>dunk master
>dragon sorceress
>First champion you played
>Newest champion when you started
>First main champion
Do all female vastayans have dick sucking lips?
Ahri and xayah do.
comfy bfs~
I'm trying to patch and all it says under scanning is release manifest. Should I just wait or do I need to do something else?
dawt vs ridley: round 2
b1b3lamy proves once again that he is the bot lane deciding factor
Also featuring: clash of the sions and holy fuck veigar damage
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb dance with you if you asked nicely
would lamb dance for you if you asked nicely
those feels, man
i'm working on my lucid dreaming myself
i will touch fluffy booty
In case you wanted to build a dual resistance item as a damage dealer since we just removed ga from the game by making it only good as an ad assassin counter
Now you don't get the option
Daily reminder that Darius is a terrible champion for bronze because Bronzie's can't play him and will just feed their ass off to the 10% playrate teemos. Every single rating in the game has a higher winrate for Darius than Bronze does. Stop recommending him to bronzies.
>more sustain
>more mobility and slightly more early damage
>more %hp damage to fight tanks
>more damage in general
None of them solve her core problems.
I want to fill Kled with semen and have him make me eat him out!
>New species of humanoid
>We will likely never get doujins of them being raped by superior human males until their mind breaks
I wanna cuddle Jinx and hear her talk endlessly about guns until she drifts asleep.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets
>Ashe (Tutorial and more than a few bot games)
>Lux (a starter gift from a friend)
>watching toned and muscled abs vanish into a baby-bump
God yes. Though of course it'd work best on the stronger ladies.
Please, God, tell me your pic is real.
Did academy Darius fuck academy Ahri?
of course how is this even a question? jock/popular girl is always a thing.
they ALL fucked her.
yeah we need doujins of (male) vastayas like rengar getting mind broken by human cocks
You play mid lane mages?
It's kinda like that.
Learn to git gud and play some ADC games in normals.
He fucks every slut in that school so no. Ahri is pure.
strangely it comes down to the supports
if blitz hooks twitch its over
but janna can keep jarvan and yi from doing anything
Lee should be able to make lux a non factor and gragas is too much of a threat for lucian to get close
gonna lean toward red side but I think blue could pull through if the game goes on long enough and yi gets rolling
The only mid lane mage I play is Vel'Koz, otherwise I play top.
darius fucked all of them, even Ekko.
Didn't even know this was drawn until an user pointed it out
Save your ip. New champs are both garbage. No one serious about the game is going to pick either of them. Locking in either one of them is and will always be considered a troll pick.
>Sivir (worst purchase of my life)
everything that you hide you can show now
you didnt say it had to be league related
Which yordle(male) is the best to have his belly filled with cocks and semen til it bulge?
You mean the Sivir rework, right?
I got more
Almost curious as to the worst refunds people have made.
>tfw know a fellow who refunded Ryze twice
Vel'Koz is squishy like a an ADC, so give it a shot.
Just remember farming and not dying are the most important things.
That and taking down turrets.
>that filename
that's hot
I checked like 3 times just to make sure. That is an amazing drawing. Good fucking god. Do you know who the artist is?
Rakan is ridiculously strong from everything I've both seen and played even without his bitch, in fact he synergizes better with ADCs like MF.
Xayah isn't really good but she's probably going to get fucking Nami'd so whatever.
>tfw i refunded vlad then bought him again
wew lad
Shyvana or Garen, dont remember which
Like I said last thread, Rumble for maximum tsundere and cock lust shenanigans.
(He's also the only blue male Yordle, so that makes him the most feminine.)
Is this bait?
what does it mean to get Nami'd?
I love Lissandra!
Shes best girl!
>enemy ban Lulu
>pick Soraka and suck the fun away from everyone during the entire game
when will they learn
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Nami was perfectly fine on release and despite that was drip fed buff after buff for something like 5 or 6 patches on release until she was obnoxiously good, probably because she wasn't being picked a lot.
Mating press?
What is nautilus suppose to be exactly?
Rakan is definitely the one I'm gonna get first, seems near impossible to die on him.
A man who was trapped inside of a diving suit by eldritch powers. Some concept art implies that he isn't exactly human anymore.
Everything about him looks so flashy and nice, I'm definitely getting him first.
Ashe from the tutorial.
He's going to be the GG THIS TEAM support. He has too much #LCS BIG PLAYS making potential not to be.
intense dragon breeding
great now i need art of kled dominating renekton while saying the same thing this dude said
>Illaoi/Rework Poppy
Peter83 (Deviantart)
>BOTRK + Black Cleaver Tristana
Really fun and actually really fucking good
They also told you
>lol pc gaming in japan
>I'm more likely to die on a nuclear hellfire in the next year than I am to get an arabic skin. and even less if its sexy
Thanks Trump...
my nigga
>Nami was perfectly fine on release
M8 please. At least you for the "over multiple patches" part right.
I played two games, panth/kayle, when wukong was new.
Then I fucked off for a good while and maybe Rengar was new when my friends who all played it dragged me in for real?
Have to be honest this god fist lee sin skin looks dope
Another Jinx
Xth for pls buff Jax soon. Lowering mana cost for Q would be good enough. 65 mana at level 1 is awul
post tits or else
Tanks are gay
I'd rather have tank meta over mage/assassin meta
well it looks like riot got a positive response from their target audience
oh my god he's got a gun
for the love of god, do what he says, do what he says
nu-gangplank, tahm kench
got a problem with that punk?
We're all about to die in a nuclear holocaust, post your favorite champion
>Miss Fortune
Don't overreact to this, you're going to meme magic it into existence
Jax is cute!
>First champion you played
Outside of the tutorial, Maokai, because I thought all the human champions looked generic as fuck, and he looked the coolest out of them. Then it was Graves, because I thought I should atleast try out one of the generic human champion with a gun champions. I thought his E was useless, because it was such a short dash, but I didn't know it gave attack speed at the time.
>Newest champion when you started
Fiora or Nautilus, I think? There were a lot of promos for both of them at the time, like Naut's little comic. It was probably Fiora.
>First main champion
Tristana, only because of the porn, and I thought Riot Girl Tristana was a really good skin. I thought her E was just a passive for the longest time until I realized it was a really good point and click ignite. Then I picked up Morde and thought he was the coolest motherfucker in town and went him top every time. Until I realized the main flaw in Morde was that he sucks dick at top lane because of his lack of mobility.
>Can't increase support income because "supports" who function off no money to kill whole teams
>Tank supports will never actually be tanky