Is this scooter good Veeky Forums?

Is this scooter good Veeky Forums?
It's like 3000 euros, i want to know your opinion.

It's good if you have a DUI

It's like a motorcycle but you have less control over how the engine responds (actually important for small motors) and very little to brace yourself against when cornering/braking. Also, no high speed stability.

Honda realized that scoooters are fucking retarded no matter who you are and made a motorcycle that gives you scooter economy, comfort, and practicality with motorcycle capability. It's called the NC700, and it comes with a DCT with an auto mode for those who can not use a clutch for some reason. But, it is a DCT not a shitty scooter CVT, so you can still select gears because yes that is fucking crucial.

it's also more expensive up front, but you get what you pay for

You can get ones for much cheaper than 3000 Eurobucks

That's far too expensive

this is the exact same thing btw and it's cheaper

>Is this scooter good Veeky Forums?
How do you avoid being mugged? I don't want one unless I can lock the scooter doors and have the scooter windows rolled up.

You can buy 2 decent 125cc bikes for that price.

Just buy a twingo

>How do you avoid being mugged?
Burgerland or Brazil? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

>3000€ on a scooter
>kys faggot


how are you going to run over 100 people on a scooter, muhamed?

Why would you not get a used sportbike for $1500-2000

>$$$ insurance
>yurop has tiered motorcycle licences
>not comfy
>drop bars
>shit turning circle
>no storage
any more dumb suggestions?

Move away from tiered licensing

gonna cost more than $1500-2000

Worth it

looks solid
if you have the money go for it

check out other brands tho
I'm really happy with my Honda Vision
and it's cheaper

>Is this scooter good Veeky Forums?
Yes if you want only comfy.
It's has comfortable trunk, windshield and no gears
And you pic related scooter is also good on the highways,
The downside are more frequent maintenance cost more to maintain

And 3 wheels scooters give you the needed stability on slippery roads and corners
I'm riding a motorcycle But and my brother is going to get is motocycle license and will buy the yamaha tricity 155, it's looks like a fun scooter.

>tiered licenses
Move to a civilized part of the world.

Having laws is a trait of a civilized society though

>They took away my freedom, and I like it!

Do you feel like your freedom has been taken away because you need to get a license?

They were talking about tiered licenses, cocksmoker, A1, A2 and A are tiered and as someone who got them, they're fucking ghay.

>ameritards think they have any sort of freedom

Always gives me a laugh.


I know, dummy. There is nothing wrong with them and they don't take any of your freedoms away.

>3000 euros

Holy fuck nigga you could get a real motorcycle for that. What the hell is wrong with you.

Scooterfags are gay.

I certainly have the freedom to die on a literbike.

In Israel this scooter cost 7500 euros (for new)

Are you making fun of the handicap? Dude I'm going to report for hate speech. Enjoy your year in jail :^)

So even the jews are getting jewed, classic