goat edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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comfy bfs~
also rumia BTFO
renekton rules
keep the circlejerking discord talk outta the thread please
>tfw 9 game loss streak
>tfw falling back into the depths of bronze
>tfw not even because I'm leaving this time
i aint got no motherfuckin friends
maybe you should stop being an annoying cunt?
I want to look exactly like soraka!
I'll be your friend.
I'll be your friend, but I won't play any games with you, because I don't play games with any friends because I generally leave games
>tilt for a few games
>quit game because of it
but why tho
I don't believe that.
post waifus
Lets settle this
seriously, post the version with text
It's just memes Rumia we still love you!
>lose a bunch of hard games
>win rate drops below 50%
>instantly get carried
really made me thunk
Because I have no mental or emotional fortitude and can't tolerate any short term discomfort
>no sexy untapped boipussy option
why even vote?
>continuing working off of some random that is trying to stir stupid /b/ drama
Fuck off, I want to discuss the game, not some echo chamber about how the same 2 or 3 people keep samefagging for attention
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb take a nap with you if you asked nicely
would lamb sleep with you if you asked nicely
then maybe you should talk about the game instead of butting in with your shit opinion no one cares about?
>no u
>I'm gonna keep doing it because fuck you
Lamb has no emotions. That's why she constantly asks Wolf how stuff feels. Asking nicely won't persuade her to do things for you.
I wish I was a notorious insufferable cunt just to get all the attention Rumia is getting.
What is it about Rumia that makes people call him a cunt anyways, always seemed harmless to me.
>want to play in a vg vs vg
>know I can't because of the chance I'll leave that too
Who's the most causally cruel champion?
>all this passive gold income
>nothing they can do about it
who do i play with gold income runes now?
It's literally 2 people samefagging hard as fuck to get a crowd rally going. This general is fucking terrible if the only enjoyment Veeky Forums cucks can get is calling somebody out to show the entire general
With that dumb as fuck hairstyle? Never gonna happen faggot.
In what situations would one not want to pick Ivern?
Riven is cruel to everyone that meets her because she has the audacity to exist
Lee Bin above D3
>ywn sleep with your dick in lamb
you could be memorable like __me____
Wow, rude, it's not that bad.
Ahri, she has to kill men to exist.
Please, keep voting to keep the poll with the most feedback posible
No, it was me, tired of your attentionwhore bullshit shitposting
No, i wont let you
Rumia's ass can still be gaped further
>have 5 matches in a row where my team gets stomped and surrenders within 25 minutes
>feel like I'm in the goddamn Twilight Zone
then leave jesus christ both sides of this shitty highschool drama is retarded honestly
At least Rumia's got character, that's more than what can be said for the rest of the /lolg/ attention whores.
fuck off wiggums
>thinking his opinion has any relevance
In a case where you want to be a challenging jungler.
>Jungler shows bot just to deny me farm
>Enemy team instantly starts Baron
Jesus fucking Christ why are all Junglers mentally impaired? I even pinged my TP but NOPE GOTTA GET CS LOL
life is cruel
i'd absolutely love that
lamb knows of emotions, though, and understands them, as evidenced by taunting amumu
im still not sure why people think im gay
could someone enlighten me
who fuck are all these no names?
can some make a list or something with a description of who these people are?
>tfw too uninteresting and boring to even get negative attention
>used to had a "SISSY" tag
>lol why everyone thing im gay
at least youre really annoying
who do you main
because youre a cutie~
and we saw your erp session
So this is garbage n`
You have a fucking boyfriend, stop complaining.
Veeky Forums harbors 18-22 year olds
what do you expect in terms of actual name calling
very important and very league of legends related poll please vote with the sincerity of your heart
done and done
The Destroyer - gay for grey, apparently super submissive, likes it slow and sensual
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood, gay cuckold
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies, will insult you as you cum inside
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead under the sheets
Majin Buukage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Buukage, Majin is a switch and will top dawt if left alone together
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - very deep in the closet but wont fight you if you come on to him, enjoys the attention he gets from people that wanna fuck him
Master Style - absolute slut, will sub or dom for anyone, not monogamous with Gumi
lotus cat - enjoys petting, cuddles, french kissing, and prolonged hours in the mating press
rotatablejack - Big bara man, likely a power bottom, needs an bigger bara man to top him
Boodrum - crossdressing fetish, needs a disgusting fat neet to be the Trundle to his Lissandra
B3nb1llamy - submissive bottom that loves age play and sissy porn
Pornstahrii - loud slut that takes dicks on the regular, will spread her legs for anyone that gives her attention
Imthem - Will pre-ejaculate for anyone that cosplays Kat for him, very into cuck porn, desperate for a Garen sized man to have a polygamous relationship with him and his Kat "gf"
Xonian - loves S&M, heavy spanking and whiping but otherwise very romantic and loving in the relationship
Kemonomimi - wants to be a catboy, loves petplay, will reject you if youre a dog person
League time
Why Kennen Adc suddenly spammed all over in high elo !??!
jokes on you bitch the destroyer doesn't exist
*garbage now right?
Soraka and Ekko.
But I don't?
GA should have never been an item EVERYBODY can use late game
It's really fun doing the baron dance whilst 6 people involved have GAs
I don't necessarily agree with just 40 AD slapped on it but at least its going in the right direction
It's gonna be a lot better on some people but worse on most people. Like Darius and Kled will be able to abuse it and that's just off the top of my head.
i have not had a tag in league though at least as part of my presence on Veeky Forums
its just been my summoner name and thats it
they forgave me
for now
There is literally not a good dual resistance item now. You can now literally not get armor and mr on adc's any more. What is this bullshit.
Thank you for Making this poll, /lolg/ niggers need a good lynching
pornstahri is a pretty clever name desu
No, we dont
>play in Veeky Forums games for months, talk in discord regularly, post in threads everyday
>people still call me by the champ name in vg games and no one has ever acknowledged existence in threads
Kind of glad actually.
did you finally get him to show you his power level?
Why are yordle boys so slutty?
You should be buying merc scim considering the massive cc most games have
ADC meta is shifting to dual tabi bot lane anyway until the nerf
She's also pretty cute!
Who is your favorite character, Lore wise?
>sup is literally THE LAST PERSON TO PICK
>still picks sona into that team
guess i'm going to afk farm and split push, fucking bullshit every promo
i am still not interested in getting on the discord server, though im sure they dont need me there anyway
their perspective would change once i spoke however so theres that i guess?
no but i gave her some gummy worms
meant for
Well the on hit build can shred towers and other objectives like an ad is supposed to do but he still works as a stun bot in team fights, I've never played Kennen much but I imagine it works alright and is flavor of the month right now.
yes, its a bless
Pic related, after they updated his background.
>Mejai's rework giving you stacks based on objectives/cs'ing
Maybe I'm on the wrong discord but it mostly just seems to be people talking about their matches or tips on playing. I guess all the juicy stuff happens outside the general chat.
Just so you flaming homosexuals know
LCK playoffs are about to start with the wildcard round
www twitch tv/lck1
are there multiple lolg discords?
whatever happened to destroyer anyway?
I don't know if there are I'm only in the one.
t. destroyer
I feel like it will be worse on adcs since you also often need the mr if you're buying GA to duel people or not get one shot, and it will be better on melee champions like master yi and xin zhao.
I just made a snack and some iced tea bout to sit back and watch this shit.
cool i'll check it out!
>TheCriticalMiss unwittingly starts all of this with his meme runes
New banshee's veil is ridiculously good for ap assassins like fizz.
All i did was make this and play some matches
its not my fault
There's an NA one and an EU one
Naturally the EU one is more friendly to ERPers
Smochi may have made her own after getting run off the NA server
Yea I can use MS Paint too
Already on baby