
Tech startup thread.


If you think you want to start a company, what do you feel you need to do so and why?

On demand services made possible through mobile applications seem to be looking up.
Especially if we can crack into the B2B scene, since the majority of on demand tech services are made to suit B2C business models.
Where to start?
People have been talking about the "tech bubble" for a while now and while it is true that startup funding has been decreasing since 2014, more and more companies are still bringing new things to the table and making themselves profitable.

I think if I were to start a tech company, I'd need a group of people who shared the same vision, and who had different skill sets.
I would of course need people with a technicl skill set, but I'd need someone who could attract 1,000,000+ users.

I guess this is a good time to say that it is very unlikely a single person will be able to take an idea to an IPO or $100m buyout stage, a good team is essential. Ideas, technical skills, marketing, sales, spokesperson and no doubt, a fantastic service.

>Martin Shkreli
Veeky Forums's favourite bloke is also starting a tech company, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Its going to be called Godel, and is going to be a B2B focued Business Software Services company, he hasn't released much more than that.

Why tech?

Well its possibly the only sector a group of people can enter with minimal experience and come out with a million dollar company.

I think that if an idea is good enough, and it is talked about by the right people, more ideas will start to form around the original concept, until it snowballs into something that can be executed with a good chance at success.

NOTE: Other business talk is welcomed, if you aren't into tech, feel free to input your thought and analysis on other fields you think are hot.

I want to make handmade/one-off PC peripherals. mice, mouse pads, fancy cases, etc.


I just wanna make random shit 2bh

>someone who could attract 1,000,000+ users.

you're delusional if you think some random you hire can just do this

reminds me of a recent job interview I had where the guy said I'd be expected to get him an audience with the CEO of bed bath & beyond

why does this nigga zuckerburg always where a zip up jacket with the sleeves up.

Is it possible to get some people to make an Ipad app without forking over all my shekels? How much does this shit cost?

hire romanians

He's fucking autistic, dude. We're lucky it isn't worse

a site that lets you send a random set of items from aliexpress to an address, with some gimmick in the packaging, i dunno what.
like lootbox but for /csg/ autists

Rather get it done here.

Every site asks for a very detailed description of the app and your budget

What could go wrong?

You're better off actually learning how to do it yourself.

no, it'll be shit.
if you want in done in a first world country, pay up.

>if you want in done in a first world country, pay up.

I want to know the price. Has anyone had anything made?

Tell me a detailed description of the app and I'll tell you the price :^)


We are going full construction telematics anons. Uptake 2.0 with a twist. Let me hear your opinions on this.

maybe unrelated, but, figured I could ask it here instead of making another thread

I'm 22 year old and work at a high-tech 25~ person startup. my appraisal is next week, at which point I've worked there full-time for 1,5 years, and been involved with the company (during studies) since 2,5 years.
I was planning on asking for a raise since I excel at my work, am a very quick learner and there's potential to grow when the company becomes bigger.
However, the company has issued a 10% raise for everyone to get closer to market salaries (compared to start-up salaries).

I feel like I would be judged as ungrateful for asking for a raise now, even though the 10% raise is completely performance unrelated.

Do I still ask for a raise? I was actually planning on asking 10%.

>On demand services made possible through mobile applications seem to be looking up.

>I would of course need people with a technicl skill set, but I'd need someone who could attract 1,000,000+ users.
? This just doesn't make sense to me. I know this is a business board but wouldn't you instead want a product that could attract 1+M users? Having someone do that for you is expensive; develop an idea and then build it yourself. After your idea takes off then hire whoever the hell you "need".

It never hurts asking

The only thing in my favor is that my boss isn't at my appraisal, just my manager, who also got the 10% raise. But still, it feels so wrong to ask for it now, and I feel like my manager and boss would think exactly that.

I used to listen to startup pitches for a living (worked for a tech events company)

Pitch me, fuckers.

Do you know how much your coworkers are making?

Actually. How much are you making?

I'm working at a tech startup. I am the lead technical guy but also help with marketing and financing.

We have a few really cool projects coming out soon.

I have 5 people working under me on the technical staff.

The last company I worked at was as the lead programmer at a healthcare tech startup doing healthcare credentialing. I revamped their software platform and now they have contracts for half a million doctors.

Last idea I had was to create a social media site (yes I know) specifically focused towards altruism and outreach. Potential audience is basically people who like volunteering, "making a difference", and people who work for social causes. For cash flow, just targeted advertising from environmental / social orgs or companies that want to seem that way. I figured splitting up major issues into categories that would also serve as major channels for like-minded altruists.

Basically, I'm going to college for compsci (hs senior), but I'd really like to create a comfy start-up in college or join one right out of college. I don't really want to deal with the business aspects, but I don't want to get pushed out of "ownership" basically if all I do is program.

Is there a way to be a tech guy and still be an integral part of a start-up?

Renewable energy distribution.

It's complicated enough to keep track of energy trading as it is. Combine renewables with our nearly century old power infrastructure, and you're in for a fucking shitshow.

Be the first one to figure it out and you're in for a fucking fortune.

We need fundamental improvements in energy storage that can go to grid scale before this is possible

Question how original are tech startups. Is everone of the really that different or are localizations and market niche products?

I'm a computer engineering student, and I've made a habit of coming up with 4-5 business ideas every day. I've got hundreds of ideas, and I'm sure some of them are winners. Gonna hopefully gain enough skills in uni to start something myself in the future.

Dont wait. Start on your top 10 ideas now, yes, 10 simultaenously. Develop the core process, outsource minor tasks (graphic design/etc...)

Checked out appster.

>what is your budget, goy?
>10,000 - 50,000
>50,000 - 75,000
>75,000 - 100,000

Min 10k for some bullshit little fucking app. I wonder how much pajeets will charge.

Everything this user does will fail. Guaranteed.

I'm this guy

And I am mentoring someone like him, basically letting him do the time-consuming tasks while I run the show. He needs direction, I have the startup experience to keep him in line and set direction. It's not rocket science.

>I'm a laid back tech guy! Look at my clothes, I may be rich, but I'm just like everyone else, so you should like me.

The monthly subscription craze is over imo.
Even Lootcrate are losing customers, so are Dollar Shave Club and Birchbox. I think it was more of a fad than anything else.
Do you mean an accelerator? Which one?
Are you in SF by any chance? Most decent tech startups are based over there, although Europe is getting pretty dense with tech startups.
Yes, you can co-found one with someone else. Try searching for a co-founder in college, or if not, try Veeky Forums (not joking).
I see a lot of startups in general that try to reinvent the wheel, and those are the ones that usually end up failing.
Try co-founding one of your ideas with someone who is willing to work with you for free

There are very few people on this earth who can start a company on their own and have it just "take off".

>worth 55G$USD
>wears 20$ zip up jacket from Old Navy

that's the textbook definition of not giving a fuck. I applaud the zucc for this.