Strap in motherfuckers

Are you ready for the biggest change in American highway policy since 1956? Highways will all get entrance fees and surface roads will be clogged to shit even worse.

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Good. As long as the government isn't getting the money, I am happy. Those fucktards shouldn't be getting paid $80k+overtime/year + Pension to stand and count quarters all day.

>lower taxes and charging based on roadwear
most complaints about tolls come from people still using cash, if you want this to be easier get EZ pass or an equivalent

Time to buy stocks from those companies

If they operate as the Florida turnpike do then hell fucking yeah I'll pay.

>no more poorfags and illegals clogging up my freeways with their jalopies and unsecured loads of scrap metal

This can't happen soon enough.

>tfw Caltrans will immediately slap tolls onto all highways once they are given the chance by Congress
>mfw I commute from Modesto to San Jose every day

just fuck my shit up forever fammmmmm

Veeky Forums should kickstarter a toll road in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with a high speed limit, and charge highway patrol to enter. maybe a few hundred miles from plains and ending in the mountains?

toll roads would have their own police service, Veeky Forums would be the police

Every toll road I've been on is at least partially constructed of those concrete slabs instead of actual asphalt. I can't fucking stand hearing
for 50 goddamn miles when I'm on a road trip because they can't figure out how to fill a seam with some kind of sealant. That, and toll roads are always clogged shitholes full of idiot drivers, where the streets that run parallel/around them are more chill. Everyone driving on toll highways has to be at their destination fucking yesterday and they act like complete assholes.

This is just the icing on the "IT WAS HER TURN" cake. Hillary won the popular vote by a landslide. She deserves to be our president. She wouldn't do this.

>Grandma driving along the road, with bald tires and 10 under the limit. Kids these days drive so recklessly
>lights in the rear view
>P/o/lice approaching, in their standard Hennessy Venom Pursuit car
"What seems to be the problem officer?"
>"Do you know this is a 'WAT Only' zone?"
>after explaining the rules of Interstate Veeky Forums, he lets her off with a warning on one condition
>do a sick burnout
>bald tires burst, grandma veers off the road into a ravine
>another job well done for the P/o/lice, back to the precinct for more shitposting


I've seen some low level trolling in my day, but this is just terrible.

>government tolls on interstates have been on the rise since Obama.
>Blames Trump

I'm dyen

except that now this cancer will spread to california, and destroy the only good thing about living here

I crossed the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge today. It cost me $15 to enter and $17 to exit. I had no idea it would be so expensive.

Driverless cars are going to be here soon, so cities and towns that are reliant on traffic ticket revenue will have to find new ways to steal your money.

New toll roads are probably the tip of the iceberg.

Double nig democrats still bawwwwing, pathetic

You don't get to change the rule book to favor the high concentrations of weapons grade fucktardation on the coasts

Cry harder

rip this nigga

bridges cost a lot to maintain, especially when they get old. NYC has this problem of keeping old bridges because of the upfront costs of a replacement.
election night was fantastic, watching the salt flow

I think you should be worrying about the $400 billion single payer healthcare plan user

>Next article on website about Russian hacking

Private highways when?

>anything good about living there

Thanks for the laugh

Yeah no, your state is a fucking mess.

Taxes are your fees for living in a first world country. Why wouldn't you want to receive tangible benefits from them?


>implying ancapistan would have roads

>Good thing about living there

You almost got me


Wow another valleyfag. How do you even stay sane making that drive?

t. Mantecafag that likes to laugh at the westbound traffic

Holy shit, this thread reeks of capitalist koolaid.

>old lady driving on WAT expressway
>suddenly smell of Black Ice fills the air
>car with lights flashing shows up out of thin air
>it's the p/o/lice
>gets pulled over
>p/o/lice get out of Gtr swapped Nissan Patrol
>hello ma'am do you know why we pulled you over
>went under minimum through speed trap
>inspect car
>it seems you've been granny shifting
>not double clutching like you should
>give her a warning
>p/o/lice do a smokey burnout
>sound of eurobeat fades as they drive into the distance

I live in Dallas/Fort Worth, and we've got a couple toll roads that were subsidized by private investors (mostly foreign companies)

The roads are toll roads only "to recoup the costs of building the roads" but I don't believe that, these tolls are gonna be here for a decade at least.

But you know what, these roads (like the 635 Expressway) are fantastic quality, the fairs are decently cheap, and there isn't usually traffic on them, so honestly I'm fine with it.

It's electronic toll tag only, so there's no stopping to pay cash. If you don't have a tag, they send you a bill in the mail

>First world

They want to raise the minimum wage and give you universal healthcare, yet you call them commies and shit on them for it. If you want to see fucked up roads, come to WI.

Why the fuck won't Tesla re-make the Roadster? I want to become the EV version of Nakazato by smoking people in acceleration, but bumping into walls because my car weights 5000 fucking pounds.

I want a cheap G body EV kit.

>tfw living in Oklahoma
>primarily commute on the H. E Bailey Turnpike
>roadwork ongoing for the last decade
>every toll booth is a different design
>left lane is the tag lane on some, requiring you to slow down to 30 mph
>shitty concrete slab roadways

Just secede and annex us already, senpai.

>charging based on roadwear

wew, enjoy your tolls pigfatfags

Literally this.

electric cars would fall out of favor too, since they weigh a crapton. everyone will drive miatas

Holyshit nigger move closer to work, wtf man that's like suffering. Thats not even living having to make that drive daily. Like fuck man RIP

>the only good thing about living here
But this doesn't affect the touge. That's the only good thing about this state.

another bay area fag here, rents close to SJ are stupid high, almost SF high

You should just deliver tofu through the Mt. Hamilton touge instead for your commute.

Can someone educate me on why this is good? I am assuming better maintenance, less traffic, and better speed limits? I have only had one toll interstate in my life and unfortunately now live in Tucson, the worst city in America for driving. Thanks

Because no one at Tesla actually likes cars anymore.

it costs less to build, and maintain. roads will be larger and casual drivers will opt for public transit more. this leads to more open roads for fun

what's the mango and what's it about?

It's a doujin with a loli goat.

>It cost me $15 to enter and $17 to exit. I had no idea it would be so expensive.
The tolls were originally proposed as the way to pay the bond holders back for the cost of building the bridge plus a handsome profit. And the high costs were justified back then by saying the tolls would stop once the bridge was paid off. But politicians just can't let go of free money. They decided to continue collecting the one way tolls after the bridge was paid off.

Private highways suck. Unless there is artificial pressure and penalties, those private companies will do the minimum necessary in order to maximize their profits. I'd be in favor of it though if all cars on the private highway were checked for valid tabs and valid current insurance and when possible, the face scan of the driver is computer database matched for driver identity in case of fugitive, warrants, or other problems. Then the police can be waiting at the exit to detain the suspect.

I would happily pay a large sum of money for a toll tag if it meant there would be fewer people on the highway.

God I hope that they'd make every highway a toll road. Cuckifornians get out of my town and stop clogging my roads REEEEE.

The issue is California currently pulls in 80 billion, spends 100 something billion, and with this 400billion dollar plan, will need to come up with 200 billion annually, the other 200 billion will come from the federal government, which just means California is dead weight. California is expecting to ovver double its spending, with a 15% tax increase.

serious answer:

CA's financial problems aren't welfare, if the state did away with Prop 13 it could easily pay for single payer healthcare (although in doing so they'd piss off so many homeowners the state would flip purple). The money drain is the unfunded pensions inside CalPERS, which Brown has tried to destroy for some time now but to little avail.

The only real big Federal cost in CA is the cost of arresting, detaining and deporting illegal immigrants but this issue exists due to Republican farmers who bribe Sheriffs, the sanctuary cities are just a symptom of the core issue (farmers being greedy).

>200 billion dollars
>15% tax increase

Tesla Roadster fills a niche market. I would expect them to reintroduce it some time after the Model Y comes out. It makes more sense for them to go with the 3 and Y first because those are mainstream mass market configurations.

Methdesto fag here. Fuck no that road is terrible. Rather take my luck on the highway rather than commute though.

Forgot to mention but you also lose all cell service when you exit Patterson. No matter what carrier you have. So if you break down you are pretty much fucked

Fuck yes please

State sucks ass user. Hard. Fuck thus shit hole. Moving back to texas as soon as i can

All of my this. Some cities are shit some country roads are shit and the construction never fixes anything.
t. Wisconsinite

>he thinks toll roads don't get completely fucked with traffic too

Oh sweet sweet child

>Sign before 5 consecutive hairpins reads "minimum 201hp"
>Theres a dyno behind a parking barrier that you must pass
>the number goes up by 1hp every day

They don't where I live, the most they get paid is like $26k/year
Can't speak for NJ or PA

I used to live in Japan. The expressways are all run by private companies. The government built them. then set up private companies to maintain them. all the expressways are toll roads. the company gets tolls and the government gets a cut. the company has to maintain the expressways. they also get to put in really awesome rest stops on the expressways. hot food, gas station, toilets, vending machines, and a convenience store.

yeah,, it cost like 60 US Dollars to take the expressways from Sagamihara to Narita. Though you get to travel faster than taking surface streets.

the expressways are well maintained, basically no police presence on them. as they usually just opt for photoradar. they are almost never clogged up to the point of being slower than surface streets.

>he doesn't appreciate ebin touge

My fellow, well educated black family member of high esteem!

This is literally like that movie In Time

that was a stupid movie.

>hey we can make everyone immortal and stop aging at 25.
>we went ahead and did it to everyone, and made it so everyone is born into the system.
>now the only currency is lifespan.
>we set up our economic/government system to drain life out of the working classes. So that the super rich can life forever and be young forever.

I get that it was supposed to be symbolic, methaphorical, and allegorical. yet it is just a stupid concept. society would collapse because skilled labor would be impossible to come by in sufficient numbers. as all your workers die off before they can master their craft and train the next generation.

I agree the movie is stupid, but the toll system is going to get more money than just regular taxes and the fucked up part is the private companies will barely spend any of that money on maintenance, I don't usually believe the government is the answer for anything, but when it comes to public infrastructure, the government should be the ones to make the decision, not private companies

it works in Japan. but those OCD bastards can make anything work well.

It really does.
>The choices were all shit but the poorest people voted trump, who is just going to make them more broke and their lives even harder
>It's supposed to be the "free"way not toll private highway paid for by cocksucker capital
>Guess this board is full of millennial faggots who don't remember cruising
>It still won't do anything to cut down on illegals driving, criminals, or shitboxes on the road

Exactly, I wouldn't trust a private company in the US to do the right thing except line their fucking pockets and appease shareholders

I agree, he's an idiot but I don't want this thread descending into a /tv/-tier shit flinging political thread


Or be like us ass backward fucks in canuckistan, use provincial funds to build a toll route and then lease it to a private company so they can make pure profit with no investment

What the fuck? That can't be the case, your government has to be getting the majority of the money

Nope. Its as bad as it sounds.

I can't believe they could be that stupid, no government doesn't try to get their share

That's absolutely fucked, that free market shit doesn't work when you're forced to pay for a private company's assets.

>Toll plazas spaced every 10 miles
>The lower the time from one plaza to the next the lower your toll
>Maintain 155mph = no toll

Don't care as most roads here in Florida are already toll roads.

I already spend $200 a month on tolls getting from work and back.

>commute from Modesto to San Jose every day

you are already living in hell

get rid of registration fees, you pay based on how much you drive.

No roads, only dirt paths

U mad u didn't inherit the family farm,house, cattle ranch. I cannot believe anyone would buy a house in CA and pay the huge property tax. Enjoying paying $1200 per year on my Beach house passed down 3 generations. If you aren't born here get out.

Don't even joke about that. Oregon is experimenting with that. It would mean gps trackers on every car.

Remember what country we're dealing with here.

>Giving Canada their Independence was one of the greatest mistakes ever made

He's not wrong you know


It's funny because the roads will stay bad, only now someone will also milk you for using them because there's no alternative. Hooray capitalism.