BEST GIRL edition!
OT: eyoson a shit
BEST GIRL edition!
OT: eyoson a shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>get above 50% winrate
>expected to carry 4 feeders who leave after 10 minutes
>drop below 50% winrate
>get carried by 4 smurfs
literally every time
Keep cumming! Not full!
xth for more arcade skins
my botlane has nicks
Should I be worried?
>reignover is a christfag
>support ashe
>has a half built shiv and half built botrk
>1-10 vi that keeps building damage when she instantly explodes before she even lands her R
this is my fault i deserved to lose for not fucking killing myself
>Riot is actually attempting to balance Aatrox
>naut nerfs
I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!
Riot games
why do surrunder votes quite 4/5 and not 3/5
is it so the enemy team gets to live their power fantasy which makes riot money?
retards seriously believe "never gibe up xd" memes
silver is funny as hell to climb through as support because no carries can do their job properly
i feel bad for new players who have to actually try to learn in this environment
>enemy team is always deathball
>my team walks in one by one
Why is this literally always the case?
forced 50 friend
gotta find a way to force people who arent absolute autists at the game to grind ranks
the matchmaking is a joke in this game
selling my Diamond 5 NA account with all the champs, 36 skins. whisper me if you're interested.
Annie is for lewd!
what makes the system think you belong in a higher division kda, cs ?
winrate is the only thing MMR is based off of
because retards can't count gold and measure advantages and spam surrender vote when the enemy support janna gets a double kill and during teamfights.
the more retards are needed for surrender, the higher the chance they can't pull it off and therefore give themselves a chance to win by not doing stupid shit for 5 minutes straight and letting others carry them. MMR estimation is based on the ranks of the people you play with, you have been playing with and against people that are higher than silver 1 so it says you have a good MMR
60% winrate so now it's the your _______ lane carry has 100 cs at 30 minutes episode!!!
will hurt mainly tanks, maybe mpen reliant mages. need to verify how much with math but voidstaff is even better now
>new items
Gargoyle sounds fucking insane for teamfight tanks
Adaptive Helm sounds good for stats but the unique passive doesn't seem to be very good against most current meta mages
>reworked items
GA stats are fucking A tier, they need to make an AD/Armor items now that AD Assassins are powerful enough. HOWEVER, this passive shouldn't be on this item. GA, by design, is supposed to counter burst/assassination, so it's dumb that it's only really good against AD assassins AND only good to build on AD champions. It should be a Health item with AD/AP, giving you whichever is your highest stat so Jax/Kayle/Kennen don't break the item.
Banshee's and Abyssal's changes are good.
not sure about this new doran's
>changed items
Holy shit this is a HUGE damage nerf to sunfire first/second item
Deadman's and Randuin's changes don't really matter that much
Warmog sounds like it'll be even more busted for the few champions that already like it
illaoi hard nerfs when
Please fucking gut this champion thank you
Literally unfucking killable after 6. Why is mid such a pussy ass lane?
>shortest lane
>safest champs
>strongest champs
illaoi is only good vs shit players
get good
if you're doing good, the game matches you with people who aren't so good
but also tries to match you with dudes who are in the same range as you with no real limit to if there's 1 or 5 of them
i finish playing the stupid fucking minigame for 20 seconds and then she starts it again
i literally have to abandon lane around lv 7
Dont kill my adorable champion.
why would you want to nerf illaoi
>mfw in diamond people are banning illaoi
this is fine for people who will play 200 ranked games as soon as the season starts and quickly reach their true mmr with a 50-55% winrate. for people who play 1 or 2 ranked games every few days or weekends only it just makes the ranking system not feel fun to progress through.
>go gank top with mid helping
>illaoi goes from 0/1 to 3/1
did you bother reading my previous post?
>tfw trying to climb though silver playing mages not named ahri
>regardless of how well i do the game is dependent entirely on how much bot doesnt feed.
its so stupid
the ranked system is absolute garbage past the season start
i dont know why i even try anymore
very season end and very season start are really the only times to play
Diamond players have FINALLY discovered that you build Righteous Glory on Illoai
Fucking just sprint into their team, slow them for a fuck load and then ult
then play bot, jesus
me in bronze:
>bot lane feeds so hard i can't carry in over 2/3 of my games
>decide to go bot lane to stop this feeding shit
>every other lane besides bot feeds too hard to be carried
>had a righteous glory illaoi that also squeezed in a randuins
>chained the slow
>no one spread out when it was visible she was charging them
fucking stupid
play ahri
just give in
give your soul and just play ahri to win
play other champions after you've reached gold and pretend you never played ahri
i wish people understood if they didn't die then the enemy's only source of income is minion kills
and people generally suck at killing minions so they'd be fucking useless if they weren't getting fed off retarded plays
Who benefits more from being played together, Rakan or Xayah? Who's stronger without their partner?
why isnt there more Lulugifs
i'll admit i'm awful at csing but i still manage to have massive leads over almost everyone else in this elo in regard to csing
xth for Syndra
>gank someone
>be a retard
>get killed
Literally just bait her ult, walk away, then reengage once you're safe. She doesn't have any sort of mobility, kiting or stickyness, it's ridiculously fucking easy to counter her.
comfy bfs~
>adcbab and his support slut start flaming me saying I'm bronze
>tell them I'm not
> them
>they are both p4 with a 44% winrate, only duo adc/support
>I'm p3 at 54% winrate (solo)
really boggles the mind
>expects 3 people to all have a brain
the better player
>attempt to bait her ult
>run backwards as soon as she indicates she is using her ult
>still take 1600 dmg
>take another 400 dmg because tentacle spawned on turret i was right next to when i was falling back
>has w ready to engage again
>can't seem to destroy her ult tentacles during her ult
Xayah because shes probably shit
Rakan is probably great with anything
just stop being bad you dingdong
what lane(s) do you play?
you could choose champions that clear the caster minions early for easy cs so you'll be way ahead of everyone and then in the games you do get fed by kills you'll be 1000+ gold above the other carries
usually top
>play ahri
>just give in
no. i refuse to play a champ with such a low skill floor. when she takes some skill ill consider it.
ok shitlord here is how you fight the elder god
>bait her E
there, you just won the game gg ez
>get ahri on release
>play her
>triple dash
>so disgusted with her kit i have her removed by riot a few days later
never want to see that cancer on my account again
>play a game yesterday
>ahri comes to help
>my only 2 deaths are because ahri misses every charm
did you completely forget about her passive, W, and R?
>ok retards here's how you counter every single ability in the game, bait it
why are silvers allowed to give advice
fuck this. im just gonna play ryze. i got a job. i got to work. i need to cook for myself i have friends. i cant spend my life on learning some mechanics or juking my ass. of to land on some YT video. ryze mid 300 cs and eat the adc. my jobs done
do you play any yorick?
his minion minigame will start killing minions for you and it's really easy to split push to win with him
>3 dashes
>unneeded speed boost on her q so she's even more safe
>2 spells, one being her ult are press and forget it auto detect skills
Its mostly the last that makes her so fucking skilless.
>you now realize painting eggs is a metaphor for impregnation
Why have these disgusting pedophiles shaped our world? I wonder what year it really is
i've tried him before when he was free but i suck with him. don't own him
Blade Caller Damage Array:
>0% crit
>1 feather: 90 + 60%bAD
>3 feathers (required to root): 243 + 162%bAD
>5 feathers (amount from ult) 360 + 240%bAD
>10 feathers (when damage plateaus): 495 + 330%bAD
>additional feathers: 9 + 6%bAD
>20% crit (IE)
>1F: 99 + 66%bAD
>3F: 247.3 + 264%bAD
>5F: 396 + 264%bAD
>10F: 544.5 + 363%bAD
>AF: 9.9 + 6.6%bAD
>50% crit (IE + PD)
>1F: 112.5 + 75%bAD
>3F: 303.75 + 200.5%bAD
>5F: 450 + 300%bAD
>10F: 618.75 + 412%bAD
>AF: 11.25 + 7.5%bAD
>70% crit (IE + ER + PD)
>1F: 121.5 + 81%bAD
>3F: 328.05 + 218.7%bAD
>5F: 486 + 324%bAD
>10F: 618.25 + 445.5%bAD
>AF: 12.15 + 8.1%bAD
>80% crit chance (IE + 2 Zeal)
>1F: 126 + 84%bAD
>3F: 340.2 + 226.4%bAD
>5F: 504 + 336%bAD
>10F: 693 + 462%bAD
>AF: 12.6 + 8.4%bAD
>100% crit (IE + ER + 2zeal) OR (IE + PD + Zeke's)
>1F: 135 + 90%bAD
>3F: 364.5 + 243%bAD
>5F: 540 + 360%bAD
>10F: 742.5 + 495%bAD
>AF: 13.5 + 9%bAD
Feathers last for 8 seconds, Q spawns 2 feathers, Q at rank 5's cooldown falls below 4 seconds at 40% CDR.
ok you "im gold mom. mooom im gold. mom your not looking"
her ult is garbo if she did not land her E. her passive is slow and can only spawn on walls. if she maxes her W you auto win. and if you cant see it comming when there is 400 tentacles cuz you dont destroy them then GG.
this is like complaining about Blitz hook. OMG IM DEAD NOW GG RITO. juke that shit. illo E and hook are basically the same skills. you are mad because you cant juke a Blitz jebus
>sees the new tank items
Well shit, who should i look into getting?
What are some comfy junglers I should main?
>maxes W
>auto win
good luck winning against a frosty cleaver illaoi mate
where Diamond V 0 LP players give advices to each other and call each other shitlords
I've never played LoL before, but I'ved played other Mobas before, is it too late to get into LoL?
ah man i wish i could sell you on yorick
but it does take a special sort of player who is fine being patient until you can spawn your little zombie buddies
once you have your mist walkers then you can march down lanes and march through towers and spam CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK on enemy champion's dead bodies
he's just a really solid melee with 175 range and 50 bonus range on Q so he out trades almost anybody if he doesn't cross the minion line and just hangs out with his minions and mist walkers
he's sleeper op right now
Any EUNE players want to play during the IP weekend?
>im a filthy riven main and this slut is more bully so rito help.
ok senpai. if you see her. pick a swain
pick a ryze. pick anything that is about 300 unites away and can effect her. the W is almost shorter than your dong. how did you even manage to install this game?
>YFW enemy team puts it on all baron and throws it
yes. its like starting WoW now. good times are long gone
>riven main
u fuking wish kiddo
>Rod of Ages
1100 HP, 235 AP, 15mpen
when the fuck are these items getting nerfed, they should give 600 hp in total at most
So correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the most important aspect of playing Xayah is to have a support who will build Zeke's. Zeke's provides an entire 50% crit chance, but only in 8 second intervals. Normally 50% crit chance but for only 8 seconds would be trash, but since Xayah has her E which has a roughly 7-8ish second cooldown and its damage scales with her crit at the time of use, you essentially only need to build 50% crit, and then make sure to sync up your E with Zeke's bonus crit ability.
Bearing this in mind, and looking at how many instances of physical damage she deals (each feather from E is an individual damage proc, Q is 2 damage procs), the best Xayah build I can see is IE/PD/DD/cleaver/flex item + support gets Zeke's.
now is probably the best time to start this season because it's mid-season and big changes at coming
lots of relearning will have to be done for everyone
you know what. im glad illaoi smacks your shit up on a regular bases. (you) are the cancer . (you)
so, the quesion is who gets zekes?
she doesnt smack my shit, i murder the fuck out of her
nice try guy
>that singed KDA
you one of them proxy faggots aint ya?
>im not mad. he totally lost. im right
holy and i thought all boards were 18+
yea get into it now
theres big changes a comin
we could recommend some champs if you tell us what roles you like to play.
>you one of them proxy faggots aint ya?
There's a different way to play singed?
maybe 30% of the time
i still get executed frequently and the game doesnt know the difference
>tribrush ganked
>just ghost ult past enemy laner and run down their lane towards nexus
You still there?
God my computer is fucking shitting itself, I hate it so much.
Does Armstrong still post here?
hes Climb Mount Targon now
only plays supports
AP supports I guess?
I'm still debating whether she should get cleaver or LW, I need to put more analysis into the general break-point where LW starts to outclass BC.
The second problem is she needs 40% CDR, so if she doesn't get BC and gets LW instead then she needs ER for the CDR reduction, which means either no lifesteal item or no flexible defensive item. BUT the problem with the Cleaver build is either she needs lucidity boots, 10% CDR from runes, or she needs a 10% CDR item in her flex slot. Probably either GB or Maw. Maw and DD actually have quite strong synergy
He's reformed into a taric main now
i dunno< havent seen any sej shitpostings in a while