Why do people with expensive cars not take proper care of them?

Why do people with expensive cars not take proper care of them?

I go to a richfag university thanks to a scholarship, so I tend to see countless Challengers, Mustangs, Mercs, Bimmers, Audis, and even some Corvettes and Porsches. However, a lot of them are simply badly maintained.

>drenched in weeks of dust and mud build-up
>go to commercial car washes when they feel it's time to wash the car, aka once a month
>not apply any polish and/or wax to the exterior thinking it's "unnecessary"
>don't even apply protectant to their dashboard
>don't even use leather cleaners and conditioners for their seats and somehoe wonder why they have cracks
>spray a shit ton of perfume when they feel like the car needs a smell instead of a proper air freshener designed for cars

I drive a second-hand truck and I properly maintain it, even more than the guy who spent over $70K on his Bimmer. I don't cheap out on the wax, the car shampoo, the glass cleaner, the rim cleaner, etc., I even used a couple of Wipe New products to restore my truck's lenses and black trims and even the brake-dust repellent for the rims.

I really don't understand why these people think car care equipment are a waste, especially considering how much they paid for these premium cars that I can only wish to afford.

spoiled rich kids

to a lot of people they're just cars, man. relax


I mean, come on, why drive an SRT so carelessly?

don't use the "it's just a thing" argument, retard, do you just leave your house dirty without ever cleaning it up just because it's a house?

If it's just a car to you, get a shitbox Kia, why spend tens of thousands on a car just to ruin it? It's a total waste.

It's because a lot of rich people don't drive the same car for more than a couple years. No need to maintain it to a T when you're going to pass it off to some schmuck just a little down the line.

Rich kids have never ever had to do anything for themselves other than schoolwork, OP. When they think of their car, it's just an appliance, if something goes wrong or beeps at them from the dash, they take it to the dealer and use Daddy's credit card to pay for it.

They didn't pay for it themselves.

I literally washed my car because of this post

its a lease

People that get things handed to them don't appreciate them. Also, because they're likely just going to replace their car every couple of years so they don't care. It's sad really, I hate how I see paint on brand new luxury cars that looks worse than the paint on my 15 year old car. Seen a brand new z06 with only 5k miles already have swirled to fuck paint by some female owner (automatic car).

i don't give a shit how it looks on the outside as long as its clean and odor free on the inside

Why have an SRT if you're going to drive carefully?

Ungrateful trustfund babies and women. Usually both are terrible stewards of what they own.

>Washing a car frequently does more damage than letting dirt sit on it.
>A dirty car isn't necessarily "poorly-maintained."
>In all honesty, polish and wax aren't necessary.
>Interior "protectant" actually does more harm than good.

Most dorms and many apartments won't let you work on or even wash your car. You just happen to be autismal and/or OCD.

Yeah yeah I know, it's built to be driven recklessly for fun while still being figuratively reliable, but this amount of recklessness is bad and irresponsible.

>Washing a car frequently does more damage than letting dirt sit on it.
Not if you wash your car correctly, but letting bugs sit on the front of the car will ruin your clear coat in just a few days.

I don't even wash it frequently, I normally wash it once every two weeks and once a week if the weather is bad and made my truck dirtier than normal. I use a proper duster every three days and be on my way inbetween.

Polish and wax IS necessary, your car needs protection and its paint needs to luster if you want to be satisfied with it. And don't worry, I don't use Armorall and I use the sufficient amount of protectant when needed.

Also, eat a dick with the autism/OCD shit, dumb faggot. I just like seeing clean cars but don't really care about dirty ones unless if they're the expensive kind.

Dude I am usually pretty anal about washing my car but you sound a little silly.

Right now I commute 3 hours a day; I am not going to wash my car every day because the highways, especially in Indiana are horrid on cars.

I see a lot of dirty expensive cars where i live (higher income area), and they're not flawless, but also not disgusting.

Most people just see a car as an appliance instead of a passion. They figure out their monthly bills, set aside enough for a car, and get whatever that budget allows.

I had a higher than average budget for cars, but instead of buying something ridiculous, I save that extra money for vacations with the wife and modification for a cheaper sports car.

I don't understand the point of Corvettes, M3's, and other cars that are $60k+ when there are a lot of great vehicles for half that price that can be modified to make as much power while also showing some character, as well as your tastes.

Give me a used STI, EVO, Mazdaspeed3, 350Z, or S2000 and ill have as much fun as people who buy a Mercedes brand new.

I didn't say everyday, dude. Just dust it every couple of days until the next wash, 5 minutes of work will prevent you from having layers of bug and mud building up on your ride.

You didn't read did you;
I get most peoples month worth of bugs driving from central --> southern Indiana and back
E v e r y d a y
It is stupid to even bother washing it. Within 2 days at the most it will be covered in bugs.
Yeah you know, I want to "dust" my car after I drove 1.5 hours to work, work 9 hours, then drove 1.5 hours home.
It's a VW Beetle, the hood gets trashed by worst than mud and bugs. I have little white speckles all over it because of all the assholes with lawn equipment driving 85 mph on the highway spraying rocks on everyone.

Sorry my issue isn't with you OP my commute is just making me dislike driving. People are fucks.

yes, dude. These are normal people. They let their house and cars get dirty, clean every couple weeks or when company is going to be in it.

"neat freak" is a type of personality the majority of people don't fit into

yes yes. the chinese lease them. either that or they buy them in order to have a temp citizenship or some shit like that..

being this poor

you can't be poor and own an E60 M5.
Sure you can buy one for like 20k but it will cost around 20k per year to upkeep it

also 11mpg and spun bearings.

Polish and Wax aren't necessary.
It's going above and beyond, what people who love their vehicles do

They cost $300 at most a year to maintain

You never drive it or something?

I just don't care about my shitty 330i cause I got it for 2k. It's a problem car and combined with the fact that I have no knowledge of cars as far as the actual mechanics goes, I have no reason to care for it until it just craps out on me. Bonus that it's 300k miles and has a blown head gasket

$300 lmfao an oil change costs more than that.
It also does like 20l/100km on average.
t. e60 owner

""""""German engineering""""""

>t. autist

because they aren't poor


You'll be glad though that you aren't one of them OP. I'll tell you why. Because odds are once they get out into the real world after getting their Gender Studies Basket Weaving degree, they'll be working for minimum wage.

And that nice $50k car that Mommy and Daddy bought them? They'll quickly find that they can't afford to keep it up on a minimum wage salary and that the only car they can replace it with is something like a Honda Fit shitbox. If they're not riding the bus or a bike. Basically, it's all downhill for them and you're looking at them at their peak in lifestyle.

I think it's the worst thing you can do as a parent to give your kid a fancy car like that. You want something mechanically sound, but you want it to not be all that fancy either so when they get out on their own they can replace it with something they bought themselves.

>tfw i have an evo with slight imperfections
i want a mercedes amg to be my beater

Its a lack of understanding for value. They have not worked for this themselves, they don't know the importance of actually earning things.

They'll drive it until it stops working, and then either get something new or just drop it off at a dealership, have them fix it and not even look twice at what the fuck they'll be paying to get it fixed

This is even the case for those who actually earned the money "the right way" - but for the reason that they are clueless to car maintenance and wrenching, and that its seen as a waste of time to clean it because it will "just get dirty again", or "why would I do anything to it when it runs just fine?" in regards to regular maintenance or an increasing problem