So Veeky Forums, I've decided on a 525i as my next car, while I save up for a Mustang GT...

So Veeky Forums, I've decided on a 525i as my next car, while I save up for a Mustang GT. What kind of preventative maintenance should I perform on it?

insulate the ABS module from the heat of the exhaust manifold better
change the fuel filter
overhaul your cooling system with a radiator and water pump that doesn't include plastic components
if over 100k miles, replace your fuel pump, they tend to fail around 120k
if the seats aren't currently twisting, take both front seats out and cut the plastic sheath around the cables a little bit and reinstall it, should prevent it from ever happening

Thanks user. I think this is the first time I've ever actually seen good advice as a first response on Veeky Forums.

>pic not related obviously.

you dont need to overhaul the cooling system, just flush the cooling system and replace the coolant..

most people dont do this, and they fuck the radiator up. truth is, if you dont replace the coolant every 10k miles, youre fucking up the already decent cooling system in the BMW.

the cooling system is a very weak point in the m52/m54 era engines. My mums e46 needed to have it overhauled twice in its 300,000KM life. If buying a used car with decent mileage I'd say do it straight away, because you are going to need to do it real soon anyway.

Yes he does.

The radiators are shit, the water pumps are shit, and the plastic holding all that shit together is shit.

I replaced an OEM radiator, refilled the bitch and the next day the NEW one was leaking.

sorry, but does this apply to S54 as well?
>I replaced an OEM radiator, refilled the bitch and the next day the NEW one was leaking.

so youre saying you incorrectly installed an aftermarket cooling system? or that the OEM waterpumps in addition to the aftermarket cooling system was the weakpoint.

either way, I flushed to cooling system, added new coolant and it drives fine. a new cooling system is a 700 - 1200 dollar project whether you do it yourself or not. and if you dont have the proper shit, you need to take your car to a mechanic.

I replaced an OEM radiator with an OEM radiator, it leaked the next day, if I didn't make it clear enough.

I seriously doubt you've ever owned a BMW. Quit acting like they're invincible.

cool it hot rod, you didnt make yourself clear.

champ, its your mistake to replace a shitty radiator with a shitty radiator. sport, im telling you, you shouldve gotten a different cooling system, kiddo.

heh. tough luck, sport

>buying the smallest engine
get a 530i or 540i, cuck.

Literally this

What is the 520i, 520d?

if they use the same water pumps radiators and expansion tanks as the m52/m54 then yes

If you're going with pic related, get 328i of same year.

replace your cooling system cap every year also.

I'm buying it because it get's way better fuel economy than the other models and I'm getting it offered extremely cheap from a friends parent. This is pretty much going to be my interim daily driver until, while I save up for a new Mustang. I'd like to replace the 525i sedan with a 540i wagon at some point after that as well.

?what do u mean

didn't get those eurocuck engines in the us.

a "good" deal on a shit car is still a shit deal. 25is are not worth anything at all.

pic is an M5

>sorry, but does this apply to S54 as well?
Not the same pump, but yes.

Also, injectors, coils, cam followers, vanos oil disc+tabs, vanos in general, upper chain guide

540i wagon owner here

Even if you can find one DO NOT BUY IT. This things break religiously even if it has been meticulously cared for like mine
>have every single record for the car including tensioner replacements
>timing chain guides crapped out
>cooling system failed
>power steering And breaks commit sudoku
>trans needed to be rebuilt
>wheel well lining flew off on the highway
No fucking clue how that happened
>window motors don't work at all
>cup holders broke
>dash lights necked themselves

This all happened at once and all has been repaired and car runs like a dream now. Dealer quoted me 10k to fix. Did it myself for a little over 4k.
Get an e34 540i instead. Far more reliable.