Describe hell for me Veeky Forums
Is hell really that bad?
Where do you think you've been all this time?
The absence of God
And then what?
How does the absence of God matter?
So for an atheist, hell is the same as being alive?
Also, isn't god omnipresent?
God is the source of all Good. If you die in sin, you can't stand to be in the presense of God, thus you can't stand to be in the presence of Good, thus eternal suffering. A neat bit of apologetics that conveniently absolve God of any moral responsibility for creating/maintaining hell and actually makes it a virtue.
>thus eternal suffering
How and why
What is eternal suffering?
Complete lack of anything Good, experienced eternally (undying soul), combined with the knowledge that it didn't "have" to be that way.
Of course, this glosses over a few things. Is eternity good? Because if it is, and you can experience eternity without experiencing other goods, the explanatiin falls apart. In that case, God is selectively allowing and disallowing certain types of good from those condemed to Hell, meaning he has the ability to do so, which puts him back on the hook morally speaking.
Define good
If god is all powerful and hell exists then god WANTS people to duffer forever for trivial "thoughtcrimes".
I've been there a few times
I mean the shore is okay
but the Meadowlands is pure shit
and the casinos are shitty
and most of the rest of it is just highways
fuck off back to >>>/hemlock/ Socrates
>I can't define good
>I'll just tell him to fuck off
Im genuine when I ask this. What is good?
Can confirm, you could say its a hellhole
you can't find a good taco place anywhere
Not even worth playing unless you're on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty.
Pistol start, of course.
This I don't remember as much. An uncharitable explanation would be to double back and say "everything that comes from God" but honestly that's probably an oversimplification.
damn right
>An uncharitable explanation would be to double back and say "everything that comes from God"
No, that would be circular not uncharitable.
tumblr: IRL edition
Uncharitable characterization of the arguments I'm summarizing.
Hell/Sheol/Hades isn't a place of eternal suffering.
Those words were used in ancient times to talk about common burials.
It's a website much like Veeky Forums.
You would prefer then that God rearrange your thoughts to prevent thoughtcrimes?
The thoughts themselves are the source of suffering.
>that time I cut the edges of my hair
>oh, I wish I hadn't, the thought of it torments me so
Truly an occasion to abandon all hope.
Not at all. Hell is only for those who deny God; those who actively reject repentance and refuse grace. Even Satan is only cast out because he is too proud to admit he was wrong.
As for what Hell is actually like, it is oblivion: absolute nothingness but where one is fully aware of it. It is loneliness and despair, emptiness, and an unquenchable thirst.
And all one has to do to escape it is accept God .
Why do you think atheists are so prone to drug use, depression, and suicide?
It's like the Supreme Court said about obscenity: You know it when you see it.
>absolute nothingness but where one is fully aware of it
then it's not nothingness
>You would prefer then that God rearrange your thoughts to prevent thoughtcrimes?
Yes, obviously? Who wouldn't? This is a stupid question. But it's actually even worse than that, since god doesn't HAVE TO punish us for anything at all, he CHOOSES to do so.
>And all one has to do to escape it is accept God .
And if I find myself in Hell I'm sure I will. But of course God won't listen, will he? Because he WANTS me to suffer forever, that's part of his plan.
Are you trying to claim that christians are more moral than atheists? Because by EVERY metric, they're as bad or worse.
>god doesn't HAVE TO punish us for anything at all, he CHOOSES to do so.
wtf i hate god now
Surf Taco is alright I thought.
there is no hell, you just go to elysium after you are done, enjoy yourself until you get bored. you can even build your own universe there. and then you can come to any planet to any civilization whenever you want.
Hell is just the absence of God. Think of it as a prison without any guards where people are in constant agony and sodomize and beat each other without any intervention and since you can't die you are stuck there for eternity. It's basically just earth except there is no God to turn to for help and there is no way out.
A place where your soul goes to suffer while the real you chills in the grave
If God is omnipresent, how can he be absent?
So earth?
>everything that comes from God
>And all one has to do to escape it is accept God .
It sure would be nice if he provided evidence to save the skeptics from going to hell then.
>You would prefer then that God rearrange your thoughts to prevent thoughtcrimes?
You're still going to get punished in eternal fiery perdition for them, so why not? I'd rather have my brain programmed to not be tempted to do things that can get me ETERNALLY TORTURED. Why would it be a bad thing to have a disgust response to sin in the way we do to things like eating shit?
Hell is willful disassociation from God.
It is the love of God as perceived by one who has before shirked it.
God has never and will never abandon any man. It is us who have abandoned him. He will be there with us as much as he is everywhere.
It's a small, badly decorated room, with no AC or windows with terrible room service, apparently.