A Sunni guy told me that Shia Islam was started by a Yemeni Jew, Abdullah ibn Saba', who converted to Islam and there began to immediately subvert it. Is this true? What theology similarities are there between Jeudaism and Shia Islam?
A Sunni guy told me that Shia Islam was started by a Yemeni Jew, Abdullah ibn Saba'...
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Conspiracy theories trying to make him out to be the muslim Saint Paul.
I'm a Salafi, but even I know that they're just misguided, theologically unsound souls.
Islam in general is crude copy of Judaism. Shia if anything is less Jewish because it adds all kinds of Persian pagan elements.
Imams in Sunni Islam are basically just the equivilant to pastors in Protestantism, whereas imams in Shia Islam are like rabbis and bishops folded into one, plus also seen as the rightful political leaders of Islam.
>Islam in general is crude copy of Judaism.
I wouldn't say that at all. Islam, if anything, is like ultra reformed (and I don't mean that in a liberal way) Judaism. Islam is basically the ironing out of what are seen as inconsistencies in Judaism--for instance, man being made in the image of God is rejected in Islam.
How is a converted Jew supposed to be bad? All early Muslims were converted.
Islām was not a judeo-arab conspiracy to retake Jerusalem after the failed judeo-persian attempt to retake Jerusalem during the reign of the Zoroastrian Shah Khosrau II.
Banu Hashem is not an Israelite-Ishmaelite fusion tribe, Banu Quraysh which is from the Banu Hashem is also totally not an Israelite-Ishmaelite tribe.
Yeah, no. Try reading the Jewish holy texts, you'll find the Koran is a poor facsimile, with a bunch of extra brutality added for good measure.
All schools of Islam lead to the school of the righetous path of Ottoman Sunnism
Don't believe the lies of the inferior persian and arab that has delluded the holy words of the Prophet (tpbuh).
So Sunni Islam of the Hanafi madhab?
The background stories are poorer in many ways, because they try to re-write the Tanakh, and it's by one guy, whereas the Tankah is a complex accumulation of cultural writings with sophisticated literary expression, so of course in that sense Islam is just a poor imitation. But as far as theology goes, Islam is essentially Jewish theology stripped of complexity. I guess in a way you could say it's "lobotomized" Jewish theology, but I think this is more deliberate than just poor imitation.
Waraqa bin Naufal, who was both a scholar and the leader of the Ebionites in Mecca, took a special interest in his young relative the orphaned Muhammad.
He saw in him qualities of leadership, spent much time with him, and over the years taught Muhammad the Gospel of the Ebionites as well as the contents of the Torah. Waraqa bin Naufal performed Muhammad's marriage to Khadijah, and groomed Muhammad to replace him as the Ebionite spiritual leader in Mecca.
When Muhammad first announced that he was receiving revelations from God, the revelations were in large part the stories he had learned from Waraqa bin Naufal. Waraqa encouraged Muhammad to consider himself a Prophet, with the understanding that just as Abraham had been the Prophet to call the Jews back to Allah, and Jesus the Prophet who called his generation back to Allah, so Muhammad would be the Prophet who could call the Arabs back to Allah. It is interesting to note that at this time Muhammad did not see himself as founding a new religion, but only in calling people back to the Islam of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
One finds many of the Old Testament stories of the prophets reproduced in the Qur'an, sometimes in a precis form where the Qur'anic record is a faithful, though often vague, summary of the original Biblical narrative (e.g. the story of Jonah in Surah 37.139-148). On other occasions the Qur'anic narratives contain elements of Biblical truths confounded with folklore and fables extracted from the Talmud and in some cases (such as the story of Abraham and the idols which we shall presently consider) the sources are entirely Midrashic/Haggadic and are accordingly purely fictitious.
A German on /pol/ told me that the house of Saud are Jews.
Your friend is right.
(Shia here) you joking? I know zoroastrianism and iranian folk religions, they have literally nothing to see.
They were the mainstream who hated islam besides pagans (like abu sufyan)
Are you even sure that guy existed
>meme picture
Abdullah ibn saba's story is a narration which we can see explicitly shown by wahhabist/salafist apologists, the hadith was narrated by Farid Waydi and recorded at Tarikh at-tabari, transmitted by Saif Umar if I remember good, this man is excused to have bad reliability. It's a famous narration promoted by the historians who arrived after Tabari.
Ibn Hajar said at Lisan al-Mizan that the transmission chain is incorrect.
These authors who had promoted it without even investigate its origins stayed repeating it across the centuries, persons such as ayman al-Zawahiri and Ibn Taimiyyah are known by citing this narration.
Even the existance of the Jew Ibn Saba is discussed, its probably an invented name of an hypothetical person who has never lived. No part of shiism even speaks his name.
The reality is that the question of Ibn Saba became a weapon in the hands of the malicious against Shiism in their attempt to adosarle their beliefs to him, and nothing else.
the Hanafi madhab was started by a Persian
No lmao the first madhab ever was Jaafari launched by Jafar as Sidiq (sixth Shia Imam). The rest of madhabs are based on jaafari one.
>iranian folk religions
those still exist?
No, they are dead, but their legacy still existing.
Yeah, Imam Abu Hanifa was Persian. I never claimed otherwise. The Ottomans were followers of the Hanafi madhab, so why is he shitting on the Persians(aside from falseflaging/shitposting or is he referring to the Shias)?
Take it from someone who lives in a country where the Muslims are Sunni, the Shia are more honorable, more educated and far more prosperous than their "pure" counterparts.
That is not a coincidence, but a historical fact.
Iran was sunni until the Safavid era. Shia Islam had been long-established in other parts of the Muslim world before it had any relevance in Iran.