PURE edition.
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Previously on /meg/:
PURE edition.
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
Previously on /meg/:
Cora is cute!
i just realized that i havent seen anyone imply vetra has a dick
Just wait for the Angara genocide Jaal
report this
>be me
>a turian
>got my first command position patrolling some backwater sector
>see some ships messing with a relay
>not on my watch.jpg
>easily defeat them
>they retreat to some shitty world
>oh shit, they're aliens
>easily subjugate their homeworld with our fleet
>oh fug
>this wasn't their homeworld
>it was just a shitty colony
>entire Human fleet arrives though the relay
>completely obliterate our shit
>managed to escape to pavelen
>preparing for war
>Asari decides that appeasement is a better option
>they allow Humanity to controls a large chunk of the galaxy all to themselves in exchange for peace
>mfw we were force to lose a war with a power that has less ships in their enire fleet than our tiny police fleet
>mfw I didn't even get a medal for my service
>mfw my superiors are mad at me for no reason
reminder to stop the angara before it's too late
stop being in denial, user. your sister is a slut.
Cora's sweaty suit!
It's fine they're weak the Asari could wipe them out.
Very cute, with kissable lips!
>wanna do a pistol only run
>best looking pistol is the sidewinder
>its not very good
feels bad
we need more memri memes for andromeda
What difficulty? You could use the Hornet/Hurricane as a secondary weapon.
Nice copypasta. Gonna post that trash on every new thread?
What does Meg-chan think of this gun?
Does its short range make it too shitty?
>there will never be any human supremacist choices in any nubioware games anymore
what was your favourite purge xenoscum moment? mine was massacring the batarian scum in bring down the sky. i'd choose the arrival dlc but it's not exactly a choice to massacre them. it was still great though.
Insanity, it's been pretty tough so far especially since I went for the fresh new game not the new game plus
it's shitty. only decent remnant weapon i've noticed was the paw
Quick! Post romances being worried about you
I love autism-chan.
I will continue to do so until the talifag and liarafag are gone
do they think spray painting their face will trick people into thinking they have a beard?
>Genocide the Batarians in Arrival
>Genocide the Quarians and then the Geth in ME3
literally the best
>Cora getting anxious over the idea of something happening to you
>ywn kiss peebee's delicious tummy
I liked liquefying the rachni
don't forget to kill the rachni queen in ME1 and sabotage the genophage
Any update on that one lined paper drawfag on the Senior Ryder and Senior Nyx losing their shit in human/turian heaven over their children's species mixing?
forgot about that actually, truly that was one of the best trilogy runs I had
>tried to be an edgy human nationalist Ryder
>get to the Kett exaltation lab on Voeld
>"hurr durr, I will fuck your shit up!"
>still looks/sounds like a weak manlet
This is what happens when you hire Tumblr writers.
Have they posted more specific balance changes and bug fixes to single player? I only see very specific patch notes for multiplayer, whereas the single player notes are very vague
Would kiss.
Actually the one who wrote ME:A is the writer of Halo 4.
Damn good luck.
>343 employee
Figures. They ruined Halo, now they must ruin Mass Effect.
I was a little upset that there wasn't a little scene for when Ryder nearly dies, again, on Meridian if you had your LI in the squad
tastes of onion
>tfw femtur gf is making strange noises in her sleep.
>Think she's sick.
>She doesn't say she feels any sick, but worried about her nonetheless.
>Record the noises while she's asleep.
>Ask turian doctor.
>He laughs and explains.
>tfw she's sleep-screeching with her lower set of vocal chords.
>It's a sound with lewd connotations. Means she's having wet dreams about you.
Listen im a older guy that binged the trilogy just now because ive always heard about how awedome it was.
I bought all dlcs and games, did all side quests, saw all the videos from different paths. Romanced liara tali liara in that order, chose synthetics ending.
Is it normal to cry and have a post depresssing feeling after the disgusting endings? I can recover. Im 32 years old how can i be so invested and feel bad days after? Thinking about shepard and hell he went through, the crew, every single one of them, about Liara saying i love you, garrus the bro, grunt and wrex the dudes, Tali your soulmate, the fucking disgusting enraging reapers and their RETARDED genocidal circulas logic.
I cant man. I didnt see it coming. Spent a day reading about the endings, indocrination theory, reviews etc.
Could someone give honest details and opinions ill gladly read and reply. I know im older and all but i was btfo by the game.
You think you're upset? Gil only mentions once that I died and even then it was just in shock rather than worry. You'd figure he'd be a little more worried about his partner dying so often
i dont like onions
No, you're pretty much on the same boat as everyone else. We all hated the stupid endings to Trilogy.
welcome to mass effect, i know exactly how you feel
all i can tell you is to download mass effect happy ending mod and give it an other try, it will spare you a lot of bullshit
thats disgusting
>Vetra:"Hey Ryder, you got a sec? Swing by the armory, I want to talk to you in private"
>. . .
>Scott: "You wanted to say something, Vetra?"
>Vetra: "Yeah, I called in a few favors and I figured out how to work some of the auxiliary systems on the Tempest and you know how that cum-stinking-tentacle head wasted a perfectly good escape pod for one of her dumb projects? Well, I figured out a way to open the escape pod airlock even though we don't have an escape pod anymore, just say the word and I can have the Tempest have an 'unfortunate' glitch, venting that good for nothing Asari into the abyss"
Jesus Christ Bioware that was dark
That's pretty creepy tbqh famalama
Why wouldn't you just ask her about the noises
I will never believe your lies.
If only, if only
Keep strong.
Shepard and Garrus!
We can't.
There was a huge controversy back when ME3 came out because of how fucking terrible the endings were.
Originally the Reapers killed all advanced civilizations to stop them from interacting with dark energy and bringing the end of the universe sooner by increasing entropy. (this is true, look it up, it's called Heat Death of the Universe)
So they were looking for a race that would somehow fix this issue by transforming every race ''compatible'' with biotics to fix this issues somehow.
That how wasn't written yet, but basically, in the end you'd have to choose between sacrificing humanity and maybe solving the entropy problem, or destroying the Reapers and solving all that on your own.
This was hinted in ME2, with that paranoid Quarian in the opening of the game talking about dark energy, and Tali's loyalty mission with that star that's dying sooner than it should for no reason.
So is Female Shepard just really tall, or is Garrus a Turianlet?
Don't, she's perfect.
>So they were looking for a race that would somehow fix this issue by transforming every race ''compatible'' with biotics to fix this issues somehow.
Sorry, derped there for a moment, meant to say that they were transforming those races into Reapers.
Thanks so much for the quick reply, i needed to read this bros. Really good to know im not alone. Your gif is spot on too. I apreciatte a lot knowing im not alone.
The thoughts of the ending invade my mind i cant listen to that fucking sad piano song anymore, have no balls anymore, shit.
one of the few things that andromeda does better than the original trilogy is have different sized models
in "reality" garrus towers over her, but due to the limitations of the old engine everyone was the same size pretty much
I can relate to that mate. Didnt play it all 100%. Mostly the first and second one. Third one played for a few moments then never borther again. Read about the endings and was really disapointed.
Also an older player here. Love the little storries and scenery in the games but hate the gameplay.
Cora x scott is canon!
It's awful. I usually use stubble on characters, but it looks terrible in this game so I had to go babbie face.
Yes, keep the faith fellow Protector of Sara.
>mfw imagining Garrus holding down Shepard ramming her while she's helpless to do anything
She'd probably like it
I wonder whatever happened to that guy on BSN who had the playthrough set up where he'd killed everyone possible (leaving only Zaeed and Morinth, I think?).
Mostly MP as SP is pretty boring
Never read about this dark energy. The stupid child in the end dont mention it, he just keeps talking about fucking balande and shit.
According of what you said, synthetics ending is the correct one but a lot of people say is the worst because you are now fucking husks which makes me feel even worse.
Nah, son.
Are items like the Juggernaut Shield and Adaptive War Amp that you buy single use like boosters or permanent buffs?
There was no child originally, just Harbinger.
And what I said is the original, scrapped ending that the writer of ME1 thought.
He was just a co-writer in ME2, and he was completely absent from ME3.
turians in general average around 6'5-7'0 feet and femshep is probably 5'5 or under
so that scenario is bretty gud
>just bought ME3
>just got to the citadel
>the map is literally useless
how the fuck do I figure out where udina is when there's no marker for him on the map?
like I can find him without it, but holy shit the UI as far as the map goes is dogshit
download mass effect happy ending mod and restart the trilogy, go vanguard, fight them all, because you're human, and YOU'RE PISSED
It really is. Cora like that twinkboi Scott with the ill fitting voice and "beard" for some reason
typical. complete with HAHA funee bugs XD screenshots
Thanks so much for replying. As older gamers maybe things impact us more? I dont know.
Actually you did well not continuing. If i could stop playing in the photo of the crew in the citadel dlc it would have spared me of this fucking bullshit ending.
If you want to read what Karpyshyn was thinking for the ending before it got dropped.
Indoctrination Theory, mah nigga
>Everything after getting hit with the beam is a mental battle between shepard and the reapers.
>In reality, shepard is back on earth, in the rubble, just before the teleport beam.
>if the reapers win the mental battle(by shepard giving in and choosing either control or synthesis), shepard would be temporarily resurrected as a husk and be allowed into the crucible to sabotage it, thus ending the galaxy.
>but if he chooses destroy, in his mind he destroys the reapers once and for all, whereas back on earth he simply dies/goes comatose, as the reapers give up on trying to turn him. They'll just do it the hard way; aka, blow up the crucible themselves.
>With the destroy option(aka only option), the synthetics dont actually die, the relays are not destroyed and the crucible goes full Deus Ex Machina and destroys the Reapers and their minions.
>Victory! The races of the galaxy celebrate.
>Love interest(if any) joins the search team for survivors, trying to find shepard.
>after hours, or even days, they find shepard. If you did not had enough galactic readiness, he/she is dead. A funeral is held in his honor. A memorial is raised back in London and on the Citadel.
>if you did have enough galactic readiness, they're barely clinging on to life, in a delirious, near to death state. LI cradles shepard's mangled and bruised body, as a medical team rushes to them.
>cut to a hospital, love interest is ther, waiting for shepard to wake up. Shepard has been put into a coma, for their safety.
>montage of all your team mates and friends visiting. Anderson, HAckett, ect.
>After a few months, shepard wakes up. Groggy, he looks to LI to try and understand what's going on. LI calls for the doctor, as he/she embraces shepard.
>If no LI, it's Joker and EDI waiting there because Joker is a bro.
this is just within the confines of the existing game. If I had it my way, Id rewrite all of 3.
Indoctrination theory is a fucking fanfic.
Not even good fanfic.
She is pure you degenerate.
better than what we got.
Destroy ending with Shepard breathing at the end is the best, it's confirmed Shepard is found and is rejoined with LI and friends as well
unfortunately, not even remotely
It's hard to argue with that. I recall being furious about BW's initial attempts to double down on the debacle.
However, the free ending DLC provided was at least enough of a bandaid to make me accept ME3 in terms of possible canon outcomes.
Everyone wants a spiky girlfriend
>forced to get lip implants by her brother
>suspiciously in his bed after Meridian
>those white marks on her face
I want to play a game in an alternate universe where the first contact war isn't settled peacefully, a full blown war kicks off and humanity mercilessly slaughters and butchers every dirty fucking raptor bastard in the galaxy.
Anyone else?