/fhg/ For Honor General

Doing It Right Edition
Previously on For Honor **ATTENTION CONSOLE BROS**
There is now an official PS4 and XB1 Community!
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1v1 tourney on PS4 this week!!!

>New V105 patch is out for PC/consoles waiting certification.

>Leaked Centurion / Ninja Image

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for based Steroid doing God's work.

Third for Ubisoft.

Third for this OP sucks dick

Thanks steroid
Have fun with the tourney m8

>the only decent matchup for high level zerk is raider
>at 47%
Truly bottom of the barrel.

>console communitys are now in the op

Guys I'm considering dropping 15K steel on Warden's Mythic even though the only part of it I want is the Ringmail pattern.

Someone talk me out of spending 15K steel for a single pattern.

you're going to need those dollarydoos for the centurion

Yeah, in like 3 weeks. I can make back the money.

3 weeks then he comes?

Anymore leaks or what?

How the fuck do I get away from the rep 2 and 3s? I've had the game for 4 days and I'm already fighting these roach and warden shitters at rep 3. Dafuq is this matchmaking

Ringmail sucks. I liked it when I saw it, didnt even know it was there when I bought it. I used it for 3 games and it strangely became an eyesore and I stopped using it.

Hey mangs I had no internet for a week because I was moving out, and I still won't have it until next tuesday, currently hogging some mobile network shit.
Did I missed anything?

>That disconnect

New Event order is up, Duels, 2000 steel reward, new balance patch is up on PC, waiting on consoles.

It's fucking nothing!
Well beside the balance patch.
How's Raider?

It looks lovely on the flat color schemes, where it just takes the symbol color and does some crosshatching.


Reminder that PK is completely balanced and it's your responsibility to get used to her lightning fast light spam or you're not a good player. I also totally don't play her and am unbiased in this matter, my opinion is fact.


OddGirl is my waifu! She might be retarded, but that just means the brainspace not being used for higher thought can be used for love instead!

Will you guys ever let this go, or will OddGirl forever get bullied?

wait, what is mu12-21?

Every thread from now on. I even posted this shit in her thread on the official forums and she brushed it off "Y-yeah I have PK to rep 9 and didn't mention it, but I have LB higher!"
She also completely ignored the fact that even though she has less time on PK she has significantly higher k/d and win/loss as PK, literal proof that she's easy mode.
Retarded girls are just meant to be sluts user

Can I play peacekutie now?
Or is she still cancer?

She's still cancer

>High Activity in Dominion
>It's same fags again and again.
>Everyone with 108 Gear who gain revenge in 2-3 hits.
>They still get ledged and cry.

>Revenge nerf still not out on console
>Have Roach faggots with max revenge gain by injury, I literally cannot kill them in a fight before they pop revenge
>Obviously just run away when they get revenge and fight them after it's gone
>Get messaged "Wow what a scared pussy"
I cannot wait for the nerf to hit console

This game is actually unplayable on consoles right now. It seems like every shitbag metamancer is going all out to get their kicks before the nerfs hit.

These past two days have consistently been the worst experience I have had in this fucking game.

>Person Gain Revenge
> "No Supestes"
> "No Supestes"
> "No Supestes"
>gets killed during it.

>No superstes
>Teammate is a honorfag that do fuckall

Was just about to post this shit.
>Leveling up my Lawbringer
>Finish off my guy in elimination, go to help teammates
>Literally save my teammate from getting killed by flipping the enemy
>Flip them nonstop
>Teammate just stands there emoting and the enemy gets revenge from and and escapes

If this game doesn't give me a heart attack out of pure anger I'll be legitimately amazed.

>play zerk
>purposely wiff side heavy for super armor top heavy
>scrubs fall for it everytime

Buffs weren't shit but this is fun atleast.

So will I
>Playing brawls
>Get paired with an Orochi
>First round I lose my fight and the Orochi gets gangbanged, it's alright though it's early, we can still turn this around
>Next round the Orochi wins beat my guy and come to help him, Orochi immediately backs off and refuses to gank
>Enemy ledges me
>Orochi grabs the enemy, think he's going to ledge him back
>He just gets a top heavy, then the enemy ledges him
>Final round I get gangbanged because the Orochi got ledged
I get way too fucking angry over this shit

I don't get all the salt over the honor/no honor bullcrap. It doesn't matter either way, I don't give a shit. If the rest of the lobby wants to honor, fine, I'll play along, if not, cool.

Just ask during load what people prefer.

So is there matchmaking here or not, I keep matching up againts people who just parry lights like it's nothing yet I myself have trouble blocking them. What am I even supposed to do?
Any kind of attack I do 70% of time gets parried, and I get top heavied, then i die in 3-5 hits.

The problem is that honorfags don't care if the rest of the team want to play with honor, they'll do it anyway. They know that they are dragging down the fucking team by playing with special rules where they won't ledge, help teammates, revive people, sometimes even use their revenge, but they don't give shit.
And you can ask them to stop and you'll get told to fuck off for being "no honor scum"

It's just that dealing with these people is a special kind of frustration.
It's like trying to handle the tard in the sandbox back in kindergarden

Kensei and Nobushi are man and wife
Shugoki is Kensei's best friend
Orochi is Shugoki's little brother

It is known

Kensei and Nobushi are man and wife or Kensei is the leader of the clan with Nobushi being a female samurai in it.

Orochi is a regular old samurai part of the clan

Shugoki is the clans Sumo

Kensei and Nobushi are man and wife.

Shugoki is older son, and Orochi is the families youngest.

Lawbringer is a single dad raising 2 kids, with his best friend Conq sharing the house while he gets his feet back under him.

Warden is the older daughter, very straight-laced, a good kid. The younger daughter, Peacekeeper, is a slut and a delinquent. Conq is a bad influence on her.

I wish for honor had DEEPEST LORE

WE know the knights had multiple subfactions but the vikings are just called "Warborn" or atleast the clan you played in single player.while the samurai just have "Dawn Empire" no mentions of other clans mostly just Ninja clans

You're forgetting the best part of the samurai though
>The emperors champion will defeat you!
>Ha!, he's locked in a cell!
The story in this game was such a fucking meme

What really happened: Kensei and Nobushi are both female but Kensei has to pretend to be male to lead the clan. Kensei and Shogeki have a child (Orochi) so Kensei has a successor.

I hope that down the line, we get faction hybrid heroes, with the various factions seeing the rise of some subgroups within them that take inspiration from their enemies. See Alonne Knights.

Though seeing as Jason Vandenberghe worked on Red Steel 2, I hope we get an Okaji hero for the Samurai.


"Best friends"

Shugoki is a disgusting meme gimmick character

Gas all Shugoki players

>try out new patch
>literally nothing has changed
Well yeah, ded

You forgot about Siv's raiders and the clan the warborn steal back their food from.

Thinking of playing something else now that I have gold Law and now that he's better

Thinking either warden or orochi.

Also, post mains

>Shugoki runs to a bridge
>Refuses to leave it
>Can't even bait him into running by going to the edge, he'll only go for you if you can't get off in time
I know you can dodge his charge if you time it just right, but I'm not risking that shit

Posting random recent webms





Holy shit what a good webm

I'm on console so I don't have the patch yet, is Elimination actually fun now with the nerfs to revenge and the buffs spawning 20 seconds later?

Boy do i love keeping it simple


I've experienced high-level play, and it fucking sucks.

Seriously this went from really fun to "mash square to not die".

It's even worse against a Warden
>They're turtling waiting to parry me
>Don't give them anything to parry
So much fun

This game is a trap. Its super fun, and tricks you into thinking you'll enjoy the game. Then you get to higher level play, and realize that it's a shitshow.

I don't regret buying the game: I had more than enough fun to justify the price. I regret that I no longer have that amount of fun.

I can't not use the havel helmet, and i'm looking forward to the vines chevron pattern.

>all people complain about are gimmicks
>the rest is just people being shit
>exept a PK

I can't not use the havel helmet, and i'm kinda looking forward to the vines chevron pattern.

Play dominion. Duel/brawl mode is full on shitters that will instantly lose if not for one OP shit or another.

There are three types of LBs out there
>roman helmet
>havel helmet

>Rep4 or something Goki
>Did almost nothing but run spam
>I almost always did a top heavy beforehand knowing he would run into it
Uh this wasn't so hard to counter at all. Now give me my 2000 steel because one 1v1 match per week is enough in this game.

>Salad fingers
Is there a class you don't play?

Do you actually need to play a Duel to get credit?

Crowley and Rivalen are by far the most attractive Lawbringer weapons. Prove me wrong.

PK and Nobushi are the only ones I don't at least have on rep1. But Nobushi gets more and more appealing to me, so that might change in her case.

Don't know, I took part once to make sure.

jesus christ how horrifying

>Entering Detroit as a rich white male

She has more depth than PK, at least,

Im still not sure how to fight a zerk as law.

I just get staggered to all hell and i cant seem to move my guard in time for a parry.

Werent they going to add a 4v4 ranked mode

If that shit has gear and feats its dead on arrival

I don't believe they are THAT stupid

You underestimate leafs

your twirls where pretty fluid there. It looked like you used the most aesthetic heavies on purpose.

Rivalen is sexy but it's spike feels like a little too much and the shaft is awfully edgy.

Crowley has by far the most unique axe head, and I like it, but I'd like some more variants in a similar shape.

Samurai campaign really did fucked everything up.
It was nothing but weeb wank, being locked playing the Orochi for most of it, didn't even touched the Shugoki or the Nobushi.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoyed the Viking campaign though.
Kinda cheesy, but the good kind of cheese.

Playing Shugoki, what stats do I want on my mask?

I feel like exhaust recovery is a must, I'm going to have that maxed
For second stat should I be going debuff resistance or revenge duration?

>Benny hill intensify

When it includes a beach landing invasion level; horse combat, the finer points of barbarism, and rampant stupidity that actually works. What's not to like?

It's pretty much like that for every new PVP games, it's super fun for the first few days/weeks and then the meta fuck the whole thing up.

>Warlord's zone
>Roach's zone
both are annoying as shit

just about every fast zone is annoying as shit

>4v4 ranked mode
>Get an honorfag on your team
I don't think I could handle the intense fucking rage I'd get from this shit

It's based on skill not rep or gear score. So you have only yourself to blame.

>4v4 ranked no gear no revenge final destination

just the way the game was ment to be played

the ones that have indicator glitch are the worst, wardens can glitch so its coming from all sides

I wish you could hear the audio of all the WOOSHing noises of them running around.

Truly a terrifying event.

As much as you're providing evidence for PK being ezmode your stalking is beginning to be a tad creepy.

>Easily beat a Warden who only tries to vortex
>He quits as soon as he loses

This happens a lot nowadays. There's lot of Lawbringers who just quit as soon as they are about to lose, too. Probably bandwagoning and want to show off their "sick winrate".

You only think it's creepy because she's OddGirl and not OddGuy

Sexist piece of shit

Rumor is they are testing making heavy parries not confirm GBs, only lights.
