/mmog/ - MMO General

Cosplay edition:

This general is for discussing new, old, and upcoming MMOs, or MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals. If you are on one of these forgotten/niche games, looking for a guild, or friends, or just want to know the state of the game, ask here!

MOs with documented MMO aspects are also welcome here, such as games like Diablo, ARK, and Dark and Light.

Card games like Elder Scrolls Legends, Krosmaga, Duelyst and Faeria are also welcome to discuss here.

Our most discussed games are Mabinogi and Wakfu. We have a game of the week that we all try to play together!

We currently have a guild on Wakfu (Remington) and Archeage (Reckoning) ask for an invitation on this general!

pastebin.com/4ykaqgvu (embed)

>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development
pastebin.com/iALuQdht (embed)

>Popular upcoming MMOs
Bless: bless.aeriagames.com/
Revelation Online: ro.my.com/en
Dark and Light: playdnl.com/
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
Ashes of Creation:

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first for Yotsuba

How much gacha/p2w is there on this Lodoss MMO?

>dark and light has a big button front and center that says "Buy the game"
>click it and it takes you to the steam page where you cant buy it

3nd for bears.
That game looks kind of meh desu.

Fifth for Albion Online. We should form a guild and have territories.

I'm wait until the game is fully out.

is rift shit?
i just want a game where i can grind shit and explore a world

I wouldn't say it's shit, but the combat feels extremely weightless. It's my benchmark for lowest perceived impact of abilities. Otherwise it's really not bad.

I played it at launch and for 3 months after that. Don't know how much its changed, but it wasn't good.

It was like a weird wow clone at launch. Some interesting concepts in the game though.