Good edition
Good edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Katarina
best girl
unless banned
someone duo with me :-)
>have to play aram for the first win of the day
>Play Vel'koz or Xerath two of my favorite champs
>Play an assassinfag I've never played outside of aram
Fuck you talon and fuck this game.
and when shes meta she gets just as many hate as yasuo even though her ult has counterplay, unlike kayle or trynda
kinda wish theyd rework her ult just so people can accept it and she can be decent again
but your shit
im only bronze 5 :L
i wish quas streams longer than 2-3 hours ._.
Any new ways to afk in 7 min games and not get the afk warning? They patched the "hold position" stuff.
Talon is best boy
wew lad
xth for Syndra
Mating Press
pretty sure the mods are lulufags
Zyra a cute!
Best girks are evil!
Morgana a cute!
Elise a cute!
fucking kys don't q if you are going to afk
fucking kys don't q if you are going to afk
>actually look up the lines
>realize that the english voice for bane sounds completely dumb
Morgana is shit though
skarner a best
Your main
Your rank
Your waifu
Your hobby
Your dream
>leblanc will never give me a lapdance
why live
Kys Kayle
Is there a greater pain in league than trying so support a fucking Vayne in lane?
but muh late game
muh carry
Yea naw why don't you pick something good so we can win the lane AND the game you dumb shit
Silver 4
Buying a house in Maine.
Witch Morg best Morg
not even a midlane main but if these tank items go through midlaners def will need more power
I renember i supported a vayne once, the idiot played like she had a deathwish
Imagine if item duability was in this game so every so often youd have to pay to fix your item or the stats on it would keep tanking
Would be 100% worth it solely to kick those ez 1 kill hyper carries dick in for a while
That's really stupid user. I'm impressed.
I want to look EXACTLY like Sona!
make me nerd
Ghost bride
Me too!
Me too, user.
Having a dick will certainly impede you in that goal
Witch moreg is best thanks to that fapfic
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
they have the ability to change guardian angel for no fucking reason, they have every reason to add in something dumb like that
>im a rebel
>killing is so much fun haha i hate everything
>silly boys stop calling me edgy XD
>omg r those shoes?
TF, currently spamming MF cause shes busted as hell and busty as hell
I have a bunch but my favorite us cooking, every few days ill save up some cash to find a recipe for something online and then I go off to buy the ingredients before making a nice meal
to become a butler
also comfy bfs~
Stupidity doesn't solve stupidity
Post cute Sonas!
>Stupidity doesn't solve stupidity
thats where youre wrong
Stop trying to shit on lipfu.
Is there anyone that enjoys ARAS?
I just played a game of it, our ADC had never played ADC and was constantly trying to 1v1 people as sivir and didnt group for an objective a single time. how they even got to gold is beyond me.
possibly the worst gamemode ever, at least nexus siege has a gimmick
You're the cutest. >///
>vayne being slutty
Did they change her lore or are you just autistic
vayne is shit
>Did they change her lore
yes actually, and im not even the one that posted it
Does the fic have OCs?
I do, I can play SR without tryharding for a win
You misunderstand me, fellow. I love lipfu
Her little act is cute.
but the entire point of the game it to win.
Like if youre trying to make high risk plays to win im fine with that, but this was just garbage
>finally decide to do the faction wars I've been thinking about doing
>have a decent system set up for it and everything
>realize that RIOT is changing lore and could randomly switch people around for raisins
>have to wait till RIOT is done with their shit before I can do anything
Welp, time to find some other way to spend my weekend...
ayo hol up
Who the fuck allowed this?
they didn't change her to be a slut, vladfag is just a deranged sicko who interpretes the lore the way she sees fit
just like most other waifufags desu
Did Zed fuck her?
Their new login theme is pretty good, but it doesn't fit them at all.
What's wrong with it?
Dressing provocatively for your lover in private on Valentine's Day isn't slutty.
Who remembers gemiee
>changing the lore for fanfic purposes
their theme doesn't fit them at all
Darius had the best log in theme.
>those violins
They do talk a lot like Borderlands characters.
>Your main
I wouldn't say I have a main since I play most champs but recently MF
>Your rank
Diamond 5
>Your waifu
>Your hobby
>Your dream
Having a chill life.
I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!
Is hauntzer /ourguy/?
Why do you think so? Genuinely curious because I think the theme fits their jolly "im a rebel rawr :3" attitude quite well.
>Enemy team all picks AD champs
>Already had Malphite soft locked.
Muh nigga
Now that the dust has settled what does lolg think of the 2016 champions? Which ones are gonna be classics for years to come and which ones failed?
>the guy isn't the ADC
No its a self insert
>not rammus
>tfw no Syndra to step on face
Another day without the pleasure to feel Syndra's feet on my face,
I'm sad again lolg.
Rammus can't dive the back line
>enemy team
>mfw i lock in poppy
>When your team's vision control and shot calling is so fucking bad that the enemy team just casually walks up to baron and takes it and you're the only one near to try to do anything, but you're not the jungler so no smite to steal.
>I see where this sentiment comes from, and I'll be giving some thought to whether a course of action is appropriate here or not
also known as "I don't think so, but PR"
They're not really considering buffs to AP mages, but nerfs to some items that are being changed/introduced
it's also funny as shit to look at the replies on this thread, so many bronzies
Honestly, All of them have hit their marks somewhat, except taliyah.
>Jhin A-Sol and Camille best of the year in that order
>Followed by Ivern and Kled
>Lastly Taliyah.
I want to _____________ Kalista ___________ till she ________
Urgot j4 ez quinn jayce fizz etc
Not gay
A lot of small ones vidya and cs the biggest
To be immortal or contribute to humanity acheiving it
jhin, ivern, and cammy are gonna settle as classics, the others are just gonna be otp picks but thats fine
this just sounds like a combination of previous themes
Silver 3
Killing myself before 30
>around gold though I haven't played ranked since season 5
>knife throwing, drawing and writing
>to get published is LITERALLY my true and only dream I've ever had. Like when those kids say they wanna be astronauts or adults dreaming about getting that car? Me, I wanna get published.
Dr. Mundo
Plat 5
Being good at drawfagging
Yeah I like cleaning. Especially if it's for my lover.