Make it yourself edition
Multiple hidden memes sub-edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
last bread
Make it yourself edition
Multiple hidden memes sub-edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
last bread
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3rd for memes
how about now, boi
Oh yes. Don't forget to assign da immortulz banna
Ditch all but one catapult (which you should replace with a doom diver anyway) and expand on your cavalry force. You need boar boy biguns as anti-large
NEED a desi milf
>Nagash still not announced
>it's the year of our lord 2082, and I am 95 years old
>finally finish my super secret project, a TIME MACHINE with integrated pc
>tears go down my face as I get inside
>go 200 years in the future
>there are cyborgs and aliens walking in the street but I don't give a shit, I have something else to do
>turn on the pc hastily
>go on moddb
>Call of Warhammer Beginning of the End Time version 1.5 STILL NOT FUCKING RELEASED YET
Ever find it weird how much memes have changed since 2006, but there's still the same sort of drivel that's been around that was never classic or funny?
Who cares? Nagash is a bitch.
>check twcenter
>rise of mordor, medieval kingdoms, and ancient empires are still custom battles only
>taleworlds has not released another bannerlord blog
Is there anything worse in Rome II than Corinthian helmet spam?
>rise of mordor, medieval kingdoms, and ancient empires are still custom battles only
Not to mention Age of Bronze
alt version
That text doesn't read well at all.
Just play with DEI.
V A M P I R E - C H A N
Who has them? I remember only the spartan general had them in vanilla. Unless you mean ebin mods.
I want to accuse Vampire-Chan until she crumbles!
I heard it was meant to be shit, what does it change?
It may be one of my mods, though I don't remember there being so many Corinthian helmets. Literally every single one of Ptolemaic generals is wearing one.
Are their any mods that reduce the cost and upkeep for necromancer lords?
mod to remove ugly tit veins and garbage makeup where?
MODS to remove this user for shit taste where?
Tell me how to extract textures and I am gonna make a animu vampsu from her
Just recruit a male vampire lord if you don't want tits and makeup m8.
Guess you'd like to give Vlad a nose as well, fag?
Is there any modification or .ini file to edit so that Confederrated-Wurrzag can recruit Savage Orcs without breaking the bank?
isnt she suppose to be the most beautiful woman in the world?
none of the vamp screenshots posted are isabella
DEI is a complete overhaul mod. It is basically Rome II's Europa Barbarorum. Historical autism is the name of the game, but they make a ton of improvements on the base game too. Only way to see if it's your thing is by trying it.
shota vampire-chan when
Vampires with variable bust/ass sizes when?
oh shit, but still shes not all that
>garbage makeup
That's the whole point. Vampire-chan looks like a dumpster fire because she can't see her own reflection. Her shitty makeup is one of her most endearing traits, user.
I love you, Vampire-chan.
Morathi is the one that has a special rule for being so beautiful any enemy she fights has to take constant morale checks to see if they even dare to attack her.
Alright, how does it affect performance however? I've got a shitty old desktop so I try to stay away from any mods with too much graphical improvement.
I don't care for Nagash but those skeleton memes are hilarious.
More please.
Her make-up looks weird because it's meant to show how different fashion ideals were back in her time as one of the living, and how vampires are old-fashioned as a result of their immortality.
yeah i agree they could have done better
the normal vampire heroes are more attractive desu
She's beloved by Vlad, doesn't mean she's the most beautiful, that would be Morathi.
Hopefully never.
>your face will never be in between those milky white thighs
They increase the unit variety to give everyone less of a uniformed look, which does make the game a little more demanding. They added a sub mod for that here
you'll get another one next thread
She regularly bathes in a cauldron full of blood, she probably doesn't smell very good.
Cool, thanks
you can find them on _____________leddit
And Isabella constantly drinks blood.
>2082 is 65 years from now
Really makes you think
I will not betray you.
>removing makeup
That's like removing the beards on Empire troops, or the weird hats on the prophetesses. It's not essential, but it's what makes them stand out from other factions as part of an overall 'culture.'
Do note that Vlad doesn't have a nose.
got myself DLC mid-campaign, wew.
Added some renown units.
are they actually good or just a meme units??
Neither does Malekith for that matter....
Seriously, fuck islam. It ruined everything that used to be great about egypt and northern africa.
and Persia and India and Europe
They all have better stats and also come with an extra ability over their regular counterparts. For instance, the Night Gobbo Archers RoR has an armor shredding ability.
Hammer of Gork, Rusty Arrers (armour sundering), Krimson Killerz (you gotta protect them due to their low model count though) and whatever the boar boy biguns are called are great. The rest is kinda meh. The early game gobbo units are mostly there to help Skarsnik survive the shitty position he's in.
He does have one, but between his metallic face mask, his mouth-breathing preference, and his overpowering baconous musk, I don't think he's all that concerned with how other people smell.
Also never ever use the gobbo chariots, they are the shittiest unit in the game. The are shit at shooting, total shit at charging due to their low mass, they are just shit and a waste of a slot.
And christianity ruined everything that used to be great about slavs and eastern europe.
Based waifu squad.
About the VC, do any of their Hero blue skills like the Vampire's Replenishment do anything to heal stacks that're outside of areas with high vampiric corruption? Restorer adds to replenishment in the local region without a need for her to be in a unit stack, but how does Provider's "Heal Units in army" work? Is it the same thing but for her stack only, or does it work in uncorrupted areas or on the march?
>wonder how Vampire Counts are going to defend a walled town without any ranged units or artillery
>turns out they just fucking don't
>3000 kills, 30 losses from towers
>implying 65 years from now we won't have aliens and cyborgs in the streets chilling
Everything great on all of Europe***
Someone had to get them out of the caves.
I know that he can't taste a thing, everything is like an ash for him. Can he smell? Shouldn't his nose be all burnt?
The "heal unit" is a map action. Right click on the army with a hero and it will be one of the possible actions, along with embedding.
Explain yourself right now heretic
So whatcha think of the custom Grand Campaign Settlement maps?
Oh, okay. Is it good? I always get the urge to go hunting orcs as VC, which is a pain in the ass with the attrition.
he cant, when islam is criticized all they can muster in response is "b-but the crusades"
i'm switching gobbo chariot for arachnok queen ror in 2 levels bruh
It's probably about as crispy well done as the rest of him. If he can smell anything at all it'd probably be his own BBQ'd body.
Does he even have hair? I never thought much about this before, but there's a chance that he's completely bald.
I have no idea, I mostly use vampires for increasing the province corruption and don't really take the ones properly skilled for healing along with my conquering. Also why bother fighting orcs with Vampires? Unlike the Dorfs (who will hate you 100%) you can usually become friends with Orcs. If you give them cash they'll even do some anti-dorf heavy lifting for you.
Oh shit, they've learned how to fly. We're doomed guys.
>overtime at work
>get home late, check facebook for total war news
>terrorist attack in my town
Which TW game allows me to spread the religion of peace most efficiently?
Well, most of the slavic cultrure was destroyed.
>>terrorist attack in my town
You guessed it bub
Crusades are really a meme bit of Christianity's shit. Keeping Europe in the shit for 900+ years should be what people talk about when some christcucks try to argue.
>t. Person with Reddit tier understanding of history.
I rarely have issues with the Dawi, I just bribe them a little and soon we're the best of friends. The orcs on the other hand are a threat and a menace.
t. christcuck
.t. Fedora
yeah user, if it wasn't for christianity we would have conquered the entire milky way and have real animes by now
>some lone unarmed dickwit whose commitment wasn't even strong enough for martyrdom
>probably like a handful dead
It's such a shitty little attack though.
Officer I only killed them a little.
It's pretty depressing that it's got to the point where as long as it's not a stupidly high number of victims its not considered "serious" enough.