Tfw live in Michigan

>tfw live in Michigan
>tfw no emission laws
>tfw sr8 piping everything
>tfw no catalytic converters
>tfw no front licence plate

How does it feel to live in a commie state?

How are those salted roads?

So what is it like to live in a state that is no longer successful in the motor manufacturing department

Guarantee OP does not post again, literally bait thread

But you live in Michigan sooooooo


> everyone itt

mad communist front plate, emission cucked nerds


I live in Connecticut m8

Are salty posts the result of salted roads?

How does it feel to have high rates of asthma, lung cancer and failed industries?

tis a great feel fellow free state bro

>background check on all handgun transfers
>permit or FFL required for handgun purchase
>the best example of failed government programs
How are you enjoying your drinking water?

>tfw live in florida
>tfw no inspections
>tfw no emissions
>tfw cops aren't stupid faggots like cali ones
>tfw highways are literally dragstrips & no one cares
>tfw racetracks everywhere
>tfw no salt on roads
>tfw nice smooth roads everywhere

>inb4 cucked commies get assmad

All facts. Great state to drive in once you forget you're surrounded by dying old people, rednecks, and jalopies.

Maybe that's why your shithole state has the highest insurance rates in the whole country.

I can drive my oil leaking car, open headers, with a gun hidden under my seat, and use hand signals if my lights are out, and there's nothing they can do about it.

>tfw live in Eastern Europe
>tfw literally no laws
>tfw driving without a license
>tfw driving an unregistered car that i don't have to pay anything for other than gas

How does it feel to live in a commie country?

yeah but poisoned water

>tens of thousands of people go missing every year
>only place in the US that has check points for vans and trucks to look for human trade victims

That's how it is in Florida minus the salt. Had my shitty Geo Storm become straight piped by a muffler shop when I drove that.

>be white
>don't hang around suspicious minorities
>don't get kidnapped

99% people do this just fine user, i dunno what your issue is

There's also human trafficking busts in other states. I don't know why that retard is trying to fear-monger people in Florida specifically. Quick google search and it seems like a bust most recently happened in Cali.