Fascinating stuff, any Veeky Forumstorians able to elucidate on the importance of this?
Chinese bodies discovered in Roman Britain
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It was some merchants looking for more shekels and this will inevitably be misinterpreted and turned into propaganda by people who hate the west as Chinese playing a hugely significant role in Roman and therefore European history.
Fuck off back to where you came from, thanks.
Would we not have written records indicating East Asians lived with/among the Romans, even if in their outlying territories?
How do you exactly know it was a Chinese man?
It could well be a man of Turkic origin which once and for all proves that the Sultanate of Rum was the true successor of the Roman Empire.
literally what's so wrong with his statement
>Fascinating stuff, any Veeky Forumstorians able to elucidate on the importance of this?
It implies that Ancient China and Ancient Rome had more contact than we currently realize. In college, I was told that there was a Chinese explorer who was sent to investigate Rome and he lived among them for a while before going home, and that this was the full extent of Roman contact with China.
I'm not the guy you asked, but he is obviously invoking matters of race, "European pride", and severe tunnel vision, all indicative of the disease known as "/pol/".
what are you talking about
the remains are clearly race related and he has every right to be cynical about it
I didn't say that it was part of some white genocide plot or anything like that. Sinophiles will probably just blow it out of proportions and some more fringe groups will just parade this around and claim something like the white man stealing the achievements of PoC. To me it just appears as a unimportant discovery.
Is this some Veeky Forums meme Ive seen like the same fucking threads posted 3 times today on different topics.
>same thread
>different topics
Have you seen what the PRC has done about the Tarim Basin mummies that are white with red hair? The ancient Chinese documents stating such contact? The PRC govt has downplayed and tried to hide it because it disproves that modern Chinese borders were "always Han".
No like 3 threads same text about fucking Jesus. 3 threads same text about Chinese in Britain. Etc
Yeah heaven forbid those Europeans feel pride in themselves or anything, everybody knows only brown people are allowed to have pride.
>dat pelvis
Some rich Roman dude probably just imported a few exotic oriental slave girls to fug.
This is hardly proof of extensive interactions between the empires.
>Archaeologist Rebecca Redfern (pictured right) and her colleagues say Londinium may have had a far more flourishing community of immigrants than previously believed. Among the skeletons were those from north Africa, including a young girl (pictured left)
way down near the bottom of the article
>Isotopes from her teeth suggested she had grown up in north Africa, suggesting she had been brought to London after growing up in Africa.
>However, DNA tests revealed the teenager had blue eyes and a maternal ancestry that could be traced to south-eastern Europe and west Eurasia, at the eastern fringes of the Roman Empire.
>White teenager spends time in North African province and dies in Londonium
>hurrr immigrants have been in Europe forever!
Disingenuous fucks.
Yeah totally no agenda here.
This is why I hate reading articles that have an obvious bias towards liberalism or conservatism. They make objective viewing more difficult than it has to be.
fuck off lucas
Literally just WE WUZ BRITS AND SHIT propaganda
Retard. No one claims Xinjiang was originally inhabited by Han Chinese.
Nice try
Yeah, just look at this PRC map showing that the Tarim basin has been part of China since the Qin.
>people traveled in ancient times
this chinese people were most definitely slaves
a chink in rome is laughable
No it won't you retarded fuck
That no one would interpret it like that, for fuck's sake
He wasn't "cynical" about it, it's obvious that he's just a merchant, Not a roman emoeror or general, only a retard would assume that, I honestly think there's no reason to remark that, even in this site full of ignorant fucks Who constantly voice their opinions
Just like polhacks did with those to tocharian mummies, retards will be retards
Yeah it is
>To me it just appears as a unimportant discovery.
>Historians have been wracking their brains regarding how much contact did Pre-Breakup Rome and the Chinese had.
& humanities was a mistake.
That's tricky because a lot of records pertaining to such haven't been found, the few that have refer to everybody from East of Persia by one name.
So when they do make reference it could be people from anywhere between central Asia all the way east or India.
We do know that the Han did make contact with the Romans though according to Han records.
Not necessarily, a lost got lost in time.
Ancient turkics didn't look mongoloid
Got a non Daily Mail link, please. I don't want to give them ad revenue.
>It is possible she had been a slave captured during one of the many wars between Rome and Carthage, say the archaeologists.
>Found in London
>Rome conquered nCarthage 100 years before they invaded Britain
>Evidence that she grew up in Africa was isotopes in her teeth
>North Africa has always been a major supplier of grain
By this logic many Romans grew up in North Africa correct?
Awful article baka desu senpaitachi
>By this logic many Romans grew up in North Africa correct?
But they did yo
There was even a North African emperor
>reading pop history articles
>posting pop history articles in a board about history
why though
>By this logic many Romans grew up in North Africa correct?
Are you implying north africans didn't identify as romans and were not a huge part of roman society? Because if so you're a straight up retard.
Some definitely will. Your expectations are way too high.
Lel didn't that one tumblr page literally made a self-portrait of an Italian renaissance painter who has blue eyes and light hair have really dark skin? Pretty funny
Oh, lol. Haha. Would you look at that? Surely is a crazy /pol/ conspiracy theorist!
Bohemians were black!
Right. This is probably made-up, as Daily Mail literally makes up stories out of nothing when they're bored.
What? No.
If they decided she grew up in North Africa based on her diet then I imagine many people born and raised in Rome "grew up in North Africa" based on their diet of food imported from Africa.
Right, sorry I probably interpreted your comment in a dumb way
>Veeky Forums
fucking stop already
How do they know they're Chinese when race is a social construct?