I have an edge to make millions of dollars off the foreign currency market, but I'm broke penniless at the moment

I have an edge to make millions of dollars off the foreign currency market, but I'm broke penniless at the moment.

Where can I find a stranger online who can invest in me?

No you don't faggot.
You don't even believe in it yourself. If you did you would already have sold every single last thing you owned and doubled the money

I'm sure it is nothing anyone with that kind of money isn't doing already.

But if it is insider trading, you will be the one doing life for it. Your buddies will be long gone.

user. Let me just put it like this. I sacrificed all my life on my trading, that's how much I believe in myself. And it's not just a belief, I do actually have an special edge.

I'm making this post because I have 5 dollars left to eat tomorrow and the only thing I have left that I could sell is a $100 tablet, however I need the tablet to trade. It's really difficult to trade from my slow shitty old iphone 4, so I'm doing my best to not having to sell that.

Believe it or not, but I'm more concerned right now about having enough to trade than eating.

>I sacrificed all my life on my trading
>I do actually have an special edge
>I still only have 5 dollars and trade on a fucking tablet
No. you don't have an edge

Not inside trading.

It's just that I've been doing this so intensely and obsessively that I ended up developing an edge.

Just so you know, in order to succeed you need and edge AND some capital. I don't have the latter.

Obviously because you fucking suck at trading

make a good fake business plan
small business loan
invest instead of fake business plan

You need money in order to make money. I'm not broke because I suck at trading, I'm broke because I have no external support.

I work a minimum wage job full time and invest small portions of my money every week (Whatever I can afford) and I have more money then you and more invested then you do. You should get a job and stop asking for handouts.

>hurr durr im a genius in math why wont people give me money life is cruel

You can try sucking some dicks to amass capitals.

>need money in order to make money
If that was true (it's not), then literally how retarded are you for "sacrificing all your life on trading" without having the money needed?

Your idea is actually not bad. Here's the problem though, my situation is more complicated than you might think. Let me just sum up and say that I can't legally borrow any money whatsoever. I can't get credit card, open bank account, etc. Nothing.

My only two options is money from family, or money from strangers online. My family can't help anymore, they're having financial difficulties themselves.

Yeah, you're lying. No one give this user any money.

He's probably on disability because he's schizophrenic.

he also thinks he has a great plan to get rich because he's schizophrenic.

He can't get loans because he's schizophrenic.
His family won't help him because he's schizophrenic.

People online won't help him because he's got no evidence that he's not just schizophrenic.

really the deck is stacked against him, as it should be.

That's a topic I've discussed and had some debate with some of my family before. My answer is, I can't do both, it's just impossible (I've tried before). I either only trade, or get a job.

I'm so involved into this journey already, that getting a job would be pretty much like giving up on my potential as a trader.

And I'm a daytrader, not an investor. I'm connected doing my technical analysis and actively trading easily more than 12 hours a day.

>Where can I find a stranger online who can invest in me?
how are you gonna suck his dick through your pc display?

I don't see as "retarted". I took a big risk on myself because I always saw the potential.

Of course things didn't go as planned and as fast as I thought it would. Trading is extremely difficult.

Anyway, I'm on my early 30's, I already considered myself old and very behind in life. I was working construction and hating myself and everything the minute I wake up and had to go to work.

I decided to quit and immerse 100% on trading. I said to myself: I'd rather go broke trying than to continue living like this.

And this is what happened, I went broke. (Not that I had anything considerable to lose anyway)

Let me tell you, I have 5 bucks to eat tomorrow and I regret nothing.

I fucking love trading and think about it 24/7, and despite all the stress and pressure for not having enough for basic needs, you what makes me calm?

It's that I have the fucking edge and I'm gonna make it. I worked hard for it though.

Not schizophrenic or on disability.

OCD though. But I use that to my advantage. I confess I'm obsessed with technical analysis.

The forex market is highly predictable.

You don't have an edge. If you had an edge you could easily multiply that $5 with leverage. There are many brokers that offer $0 min deposit with as high as 3000:1 leverage.

You want to try to scam Veeky Forumsraelis of their hard-earned shekels by pretending to be a trading genius. People like you come here all the time.

An investor wouldn't even need to give me any money. They'd just need to let me trade their account.

>all that shit
Doesn't change that you still only have 5$ and trade on an ipad. You suck at trading, there's nothing else to it

I think he's honestly just retarded

>An investor wouldn't even need to give me any money. They'd just need to let me trade their account.
these are the same things when you fail.

user. Multiply $5 on 1000:1 is doable. Not easy though.

It requires a lot of patience and most importantly, time. I don't have time, that's my problem.

When I say that I need money in reality I'm trying to say that I need to buy some time.

I don't need a lot of money to turn things around, yes I can trade 1000:1, but my point is that I don't even have the basic minimum to survive at the moment.

If you gave me that 5 bucks, and told me "here you have several months to grow from that. Your rent and food is on me." and I just sat comfortably without having to worry how I'm gonna eat, then yes, sure, I can grow and compound from that 5 fucking bucks and I'm not even exaggerating. But.... that's not the reality right now.

Here's the deal: I have time and money, as well as experience in the fx markets. Show me your edge and I'll trade it for six months and give you 60% of the profits. Then, when you have enough money to trade comfortably, I will back off and you will give me 20% of your earnings for 5 years.

Except for the fact that you don't really have an edge. No one is going to let you trade on their account or give you any money without any proof of your abilities.

You're being very shortsighted and making judgments without knowing the whole story.

It's like as if in the early 2000's you had turned to Elon Musk after he blew his first three attempts at lunching a rocket to space in the beginning of SpaceX. And said to him: "You're losing millions of dollars. You haven't made a single successful rocket lunch yet. Now you're looking for more investors. You suck at this business."

Fast forward to present day, the guy is putting satellites into space and getting the rocket to land back on earth.

did you just compare yourself to elon musk?

lithium will cure what ails you.

It's as if you claim to be able to trade 1000:1 but after years of doing that you somehow don't even have food

We're not referring to multiplying his money by 1000, by 1000:1 we're referring to leverage.

user, why haven't you responded to my offer yet? It's the fairest you're going to get.

Dude, I hate to break it to you but every post you've made in this thread proves just how big of a failure you really are. Just stop, you will never get anywhere with your fantasy mentality thinking you're """gifted""" when you haven't accomplished jack shit.

Doesn't matter m8. If you have 1000:1 lev and make just 1%/month that's still multiplying your money by 1000 in no time.

Also this is the most autistic post I've ever read on this entire website.

I completely understand and respect the skepticism. Yours and of anyone on this thread.

My claim and what I ask does sound insane. So when I see from your perspective I agree with you.

Show you my edge I would never. You could offer me to send me large amount of cash tomorrow so I could "teach" you, and even being completely broke right now, I still wouldn't take it.

Now if you create a separate mt4 account, put some money in it, and let me manage it directly. Then yes, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

Even if YOU scammed ME after in not sending any of the profits, I still would be glad that I made someone money and that I proved my point that I have the fucking edge.

Yes I did.

I'm currently almost finishing his book by Ashlee Vance, and admire him a lot now.

No... I'm assuming you're pretty young because you just called me "m8", so I won't get too much into this with you.

Making 1% is making 1%, no matter what your leverage is. Leverage simply refers to the exponentially greater purchasing power you can get by "borrowing" money from your broker to open larger positions than you would otherwise be able to afford. Whether my leverage was 10:1 or 10000:1, making 1%/month off a $5 investment will take years to get anywhere.

People use leverage because they can use it to do WAY better than 1%/month if they know what they are doing. More commonly leverage is used by retards like OP to blow up a small account because they think they have an edge over a multi-trillion dollar market.

>I'm assuming you're pretty young because you just called me "m8"
lol newfag

I obviously meant your base rate before lev retard

Legit question: Are you just trolling or do you actually think anyone believes some retard with a net worth of $5 actually has the "edge" to outperform multi-billionaires and professionals in the stock market?

What the fuck are you talking about? You literally said:

>make just 1%/month that's still multiplying your money by 1000 in no time.

And you're calling me a retard?

Btw, the only people that say "m8" on Veeky Forums are teenagers and reddit cancer.

I don't have an edge "over" the multi trillion dollar market.

I have and edge "equal" the multi trillion dollar market.

I'm trading "together" and "like" them.

>And you're calling me a retard?
Yes, because I obviously meant your base rate before lev retard

Oh come on faggot stop blaming external factors for your failure. If you believe so, it doesn't make any sense you keep trading and failing just because you weren't fucking rich when you started. Typical loser

Damn, you have achieved an entirely new level of stupid.

No you aren't. Post a screenshot of your trade history from an MT4 demo account. Post literally anything that proves you aren't a larping faggot.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

I'm not asking you to believe but I do think some people might.

I'm judging this based on myself, I'm an open minded person and I'll always at least hear if someone is making an extraordinary claim. Most of it, of course, it will be bullshit or trolling. But there's always that chance that there's exceptions, and there might be something in there. We never know.

>I dont have any money
>I dont have time
>I dont have friends who can help me
>I dont have family that can help me
>I have no proof that my idea works
>I cant test my idea
>You just gotta believe me, I know what im doing!

Take all of my money.

You need a nice padded room, with a straight-jacket so you don't hurt yourself when you lose your last $5 and start scavenging food from trash cans.

I've never traded demo.

If you agree with me, send me some BTC, even if it's only to piss off OP.

>I have an edge to make millions of dollars off the foreign currency market.


>But if it is insider trading, you will be the one doing life for it. Your buddies will be long gone.

You can't insider trade currencies. What insider info can he have? From the FED? If that was the case, he would have money on his own?

>never traded demo
>can't trade live

So your strategy is completely untested then? You're just... assuming it will work?

Dude please post back here when some poor schmuck finally gives you money and you lose it all in a week. Give us full greentext of the entire experience.

>It's just that I've been doing this so intensely and obsessively that I ended up developing an edge.

If that was the case you would not be broke by now lol

No. Nobody, not one single person here, believes you. Go use your $5 to buy a knife and slit your wrists. Do the world a favor.

Also see

lol. Thanks for the chuckle.

For 2 months (non consecutive) in 2016, I lived in the streets. I had a minimum to eat but not to sleep. It's very bad but it wasn't the end of the world, and it was summer too.

But now my concern is that for the first time I won't have to eat, which I think is more important than to have a place to sleep. I mean I didn't sleep for 2 months and survived, you don't die. But without food is problematic. But I'll find a way, I always do.

> I'm literally homeless but actually I'm the Christ of wall street
I hate this board

>The forex market is highly predictable.
Fukkkking lol

>And this is what happened, I went broke. (Not that I had anything considerable to lose anyway)
fukking kek

It's just a general retard thing.
Lots of people on Veeky Forumsg/ claim to have some revolutionary invention they can't talk about because someone will steal it

It's tested, live. And extensively.

And it continues, it's an evolving process. The base stays the same, but it keeps on improving and getting more accurate.

The thing is, my history isn't presentable. You wouldn't see my edge by looking at my trading history. It's a test/high leverage/try to turn money quickly account. So it doesn't look pretty.

If it has been tested live why are you so poor then?

1 year and half now trading full time. If you ever traded, you'll know that this time period is nothing. Not only for trading but to become good at anything.

The only reason that I have an edge "already" at the 1 year and a half mark, it's because of my nature of all or nothing and dedicate and put everything in it.

You'll see that most people have 5, 10 years, still not consistently profitable and probably will never be.

It's extremely difficult. If you're too soft, you can't make it.


ITT: OP gets beedeeffoh

It's a combination of many things.

Among them, is poor risk management. But I don't have much option. You have to take into consideration my whole situation. I'm in a foreign country alone.

If I was back home living at my mom's, where I wouldn't need to worry about food and rent, completely different story. I'd have the patience and take whatever the time it takes to compound to a decent size.

Ok, Let's give it a try...
I trade FX my self so lets see what your "Edge" is. If you can convince me I will invest more and more.

No don't you get it it's a secret! A secret strategy to maintain $5 in your bank account.

Livestream your suicide or maybe even a 30 day starving livestream marathon


>My poor risk management has led to me being poor
>This strategy will make me and you rich if it didnt make you poor
>Im alone in a foreign country.
>Its high risk, high reward.

Holy shit, this thread just keeps getting better and better.

>Elon Musk
kill yourself.

but seriously tho why don't you just tell us what your edge trade is? i'll put some $ on it and paypal you a portion of the profits. you will have to trust me to paypal but i will give you my word and you don't really have any options here. youre not taking any risk yourself. i honestly think you are crazy, but i may put a couple thousand on your trade just so i can come back to this thread and call you a lying, deluded faggot.

You're a broke ass neet with no clue

Shit tier bait thread

kys for wasting gook moots bandwidth

>I'm in a foreign country alone
what country are you in, and what country are you from originally? just curious, it won't influence how much i decide to invest in you.

Your offer is really bad. I'd rather starve than tell you my edge.

k then get the fuck out and go starve.

i second this guy. fuck out of here, ideas guy. No one wants you here or go suck a dick and timestamp it so we know you're at least willing to put your name and face on the line.

Or you're another faceless user jackass who believes he's special and just needs money.

I've also done FX and have an edge but not the money for it. I can see where you are coming from. Feel free to email me: [email protected]

prove it niqqa

Are you also a nigerian prince?

I have a gambling problem.
Gib mony!

No one will ever give you a dime if you can't prove results.

Download ThinkOrSwim, trade on Paper Money mode for a month or two. and prove yourself. Otherwise, stfu and quit being lazy.

even if he can prove results, i wouldn't he can just fuck everything and run with the money he earned what can you do?
meh... this is some prime grade dumb idea. i would rather invest in a hyip that's a naked pyramid.

what's your email OP?

Let me get this straight:
>no credit / bad credit
>friends and family don't trust you with money
>superiority complex
>shocking lack of grammar skills
>not smart enough to reason a few dollars out of complete strangers online

I'd advise nobody here to give this kid any money at all. Either a sociopath or a complete fucking idiot.

find $1 .. use 10,000,000x leverage

then you now have 10 million dollars to play with, kiddo

If you're so good why do you live in poverty?

Could be manic depression


You could open an mt4 account, fund it, and give me the account number and password. I can't do nothing with it except for trading.

Worst case scenario I lose the money in the account by trading.

Best case scenario I make you a lot of money in your account. Then now, YOU have the chance to run away with the money and not give me anything. And I'd still trust it and do it that way, I don't care.

The only thing a person would have to do, is to take a gamble on myself. You don't need to put a lot of money in the account either, but it's important that you have 200:1 leverage at least ideally.

Have you ever actually managed real money in a real portfolio? Serious question.

None of the things you listed apply 100% to me. Some a little bit.

English isn't my first language.

oh cool, you're back. if you have the account number and password, couldn't you then change the password and withdraw all the funds? sorry if this is a stupid questions. how did you do in the markets today? make any good trades?

No. Never. I've only traded my own money.

But I'm really looking forward to. I know there's a long way until I get there. First I'll trade for months my own money, build a decent and long history and then offer to trade for investors in the future probably through PAMM.

The money I'm asking here is just an attempt out of desperation. But I won't trade other peoples money in large quantities until I have a solid history.

As far as I know I can't. The only person that can is the owner of the account with the broker.

I could only do that if I had the login and password of that person broker account.

Mt4 is a separate thing.

You cannot advise, trade, manage, or otherwise influence investments without being a Registered Investment Adviser. (RIA).
In the US, the regulations are established by both the SEC, FINRA and each state. RIA’s are licensed by each state pursuant to their “blue sky” laws. In most cases you will find that you will have to have a Series 7 and/or 63 license from FINRA and an RIA from the state if you are acting as an investment adviser.
You will have to file a registration statement ADV-2 which is available for public inspection.

Sorry your plan to get rich off of somebody else's dollar won't work out lad.

So this question about if you're good why you're broke has been brought up many times already.

I know that apparently it doesn't make sense at all. The answer isn't that simple though. It's a bunch of things going on here. But I'll try to sum up like this.

I haven't had the chance to grow an account with a starting capital big enough that I wouldn't need to risk like crazy and do miracles every day.

I do operate miracles every once in a while, I've doubled, tripled and even quadrupled a balance in matter of 24hrs to a couple days. I've done that several times already. But it's not sustainable long term.

All I want is an account that I can make 10% a day and be happy.

Instead of trading 20, 50 bucks accounts and try to double everyday because I have to pay rent and eat.

I've been so deprived, and have had so much pressure because of not having money, and have been used to trade and deal with so little money, that I really became good at making "miracles" on trading.

When people say that their goal is to make 5, 10% a month, I don't say anything but just shake my head because I can do that like it's nothing.

It's necessity and desperation that made me good.

Fuck off.

Have fun in court once you lose somebody's money and that somebody reports your ass to FINRA and the SEC where they fine you to hell after taking you to a court of law.
This type of nonsense may work in whatever country you're from, but in the US it does not.

[email protected]

I won't take U.S clients. Most brokers don't even take U.S clients.