>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Rate my wife.
>Gray and Tobin want to fuck each other
>Alm wants to get ravaged by his villager bros
>Silque wants Faye's tongue in her cunt
>Leon wants a taste of Valbar's Silver Lance
>Kamui and Saber want to double-team Jesse
>Mae wants to mating press Celica
>Sonya is thirsty for Genny's underdeveloped bod
>Clive, Forsyth, Lukas, and Python have casual sex on the battlefield constantly
>the whitewings fuck each other every other night
Echoes is the gayest FE
13/years old
> Nuibaba: You claim our power is unneeded, but surely you have seen the benefits our Church has provided to the war effort? I believe even you must be aware of the potential of Lord Duma's power. You do know how Lord Judah sacrificed his daughters Mara and Heste to Lord Duma? Of course, he too has attained great sorcerous powers.
>Rinea He did that to his own daughters? How terrible...
Oh hey, they actually bring this up in the story instead of throwing it into Sonya's ending this time. Neat.
Remember to report and ignore early threads.
Who is this?
You're rolling for blues at the club and this bitch shows up and slaps your 5* appearance rate on the ass.
What do you do?
Probably could have used a better OP image but ok, we'll use this thread.
There's now 4 /feg/s in the catalog, threads take hours to fall off of page 10, we really shouldn't be making them so fast.
Azura a best
>already more unique IPs than the other thread that was alive much longer
A shit
Kliff a cute
Party Van's coming
Which Echoes character has the best feet?
>Probably could have used a better OP image
>OP image is popular waifus that *aren't* Tharja
>9 times out of 10 would not complain if it was Tharja in a bunny suit
What did he meme by this?
So I've heard you guys have been saying some stuff behind my back. Well then, now that I'm here, care to say them to my face?
Keep her because I love her! Pieri-nano!
Spend flags now or save them?
>Tharjafag gets triggered over Camilla in OPs
I'll make a mental note of that.
>want him in the game.
>if it ever happens, he'll be colorless.
There will come a time when my love will be tried, my resolve put to the flame. When that day comes I will not fail.
Feed her to Minerva.
Best redesign
It's certainly better than any of the shit you would have posted.
Why are waifucucks so autsitic and start thread wars when their shitfu isn't in the OP?
Don't act like you're some saint who's concerned for the general's well being you hypocritical cunt. I'd tell you to jump off a tall building, but then someone would have to clean up the giant shitstain you'd leave on the pavement.
>Starts threads wars to make sure his OP is on top
>Then later complains about people doing it
A Mysterious slut from parts unknown
When does that come up?
It's not the characters, it's what they're doing. That dudes art just bugs me for some reason, it's weird.
*impregnates you*
Thankfully none of the characters wear anything other than boots/armoured shoes.
>It's not the characters!
>was very explicitly complaining about perceived overprevelance of Lucina just yesterday
>your wife
>no self insert
Making a character like this should be illigal
>redditor (k)ikefags are this triggered over the other OP because it makes fun of their fag lord
Top jej.
Do you think Florina would enjoy having cunnilingus performed on her by a man (male)?
Asking for a friend.
How can she be your wife if she's my wife!? Nani the fuck!?
I want to fuck your brother
Felicia's EN voice is the closest the west will ever get to emulating moe.
She's shit, fuck off already.
It is in Canada.
whoever it is, their titties look terrible
>cute as fuck
>arguably one of, if not the best unit in the game
I love Delthea
I've just been saying that I love you, beautiful. Now bring the fang back out.
>tripshit and tripshit enablers
Why are you surprised?
Wow Berkut's gf is pretty hot
According to this it's in chapter 3
Kliff is smelly.
>Game isn't even out yet
>Deltheacucks already the most annoying waifufags
It's not weird, it's 'rassling. And other stuff where they beat the crap out of each other.
Ryona is kind of a fetish of mine though, so it probably bothers me less than other people.
Only of it's Hector, who as we all know married Lyn.
So no.
I-it was just a m-meme
what? go outside and take a break you sperg
Speaking of Minerva what skills should I put on her?
It could have been the one of Nowi beating up Loli Tiki and I would have said the same thing.
Yeah I'm too much of a vanillafag to really get it
Just wait you wait. Soon it'll be cuck and kliff posting.
Can she OHKO bosses with the prayer ring in SoV?
How many chapters can be warpskipped?
>game comes out
>Delthea is voiced by a crackwhore in her sixties
>gets re-written as a woman on an anti pedo camping and champion of feminism
>Celica is voiced by some guy intern that doesn't even try to sound like a woman
All we need is a new FE anime so we can finally nuke this shithole.
You guys have been going on about how good Delthea's redesign is, but I never cared much for her. Until I heard her voice that is. Trigger warnings are retarded and should never have been a thing. However I think cuteness warnings need to exist, because Delthea's voice almost killed me from how cute it was. I believe it is powerful enough to kill men and I am certain that some of the anons here died from heart attacks after hearing it.
Is it worth the 20k feathers to get QR3?
I've gotten her 5* twice.
She has the same Jp voice as Soleil.
What are some games besides Echoes where the best girl wins the Almond Joy?
they did that already with hynden walch
Delthea is going to talk and sound like the technical adult she's supposed to be.
No. QR2 will serve you fine.
>42 Res
that's cheating
Thanks. Now I know I won't play it until the undub patch is out. Undubs are saving jrpgs.
Yeah go for it
>best girl
Not even close. Maybe better than Faye but that isn't saying much.
How could you sacrifice such cuties?
Makes me curious why he dumped Sonya off somewhere according to her support with Genny. Surprised he didn't use her for more sacrifice fodder.
Honestly if they just give her Nino's VA then everything would be right in the world. Anyone else and my skepticism rises.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it doesn't have dual audio straight out of the box? Nintendo...? wtf it's 2017 I'm playing persona 5 they did that shit no problem
no excuse
Download the sound files and listen to them. There's some pretty good voices there.
I want to rub your nose with my penis
Does anyone have any lewd pictures of Alm? I need them for... a friend
They look secure that way.
The official website has clips
So you mean Effie?
By Warpskipped do you mean "Warp unit to boss and finish the map" ?
If so then not many as this game is all about "kill all enemies" and warp's range as been nerfed, and the range ties into either attack stat or level.
Ask Celica
>One of two mages to get Ragnarok
>Just wants a good Onii-chan so she wants to Luthier improve
>master of bants as seen in her support with Luthier
>Lilina but cuter and with better skill
>Loves Alm to a reasonable degree unlike Faye
>Terrors hate her
>Allows for Warp shenanigans
>Has a cute fang
Is Delthea /our girl/?
Even manlier.
We're talking Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.
t. Tharjacuck
Is Palla good enough to be part of a Flier Emblem team as a 5*? I can SI her.