EVE Online General /eog/

Join All-Out

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Can I play the full game without paying for it?
Yes, Eve is F2P with some restrictions and you can earn enough money ingame to get a subscription.

>I want to play EVE, what should I do?
Get 250,000 free Skillpoints by using any referral link (chaining them with friends works best).
If you have no friends create two accounts and refer yourself, you'll need an alt anyway.

>Now what?
Do the Tutorial then the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.
No, really. Find a corp.
You don't want to be that guy.

Read the /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/JGKUEsZy (embed)

>Fanfest & T3C Re-balance.

Future: (updates.eveonline.com/)
>New Suns
>PLEX and AUR change:
>Missile changes?
>Upwell Refineries:

>March 14: "improved" Probe/Dscan, Fighter, HIC and Rorq changes.
>Nov 15: Alpha clones, Engineering Complexes, reworked boosters
>Sep 13: Mining barge overhaul, some new frigate models, capital module balance pass
>Aug 13: [SoundCloud] WH CSM Townhall 13AUG2016 by OrangeEagle
>Aug 09: Citadel contracts, dmg/rep visuals, clouds performance boost, cargo notifications
>Jul 07: AT rule changes: 10 players, no cap-xfer, no CDs, blood raider ships encouraged
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes, nobody likes Reyni (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)

Previous Permalink: orph.link/eog

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1st for no pl in csm

New player, how do I find a good corp for some nice nullsec pvp?


kys goons

Something I realized while reading corp chat. You can't spell 'conspiracy' without 'piracy'.

>how do I find a good corp for some nullsec pvp?
Pick a big nullblob, look at the most active corps on their killboards, pick one you meet the reqs for, apply.

lol ur fucked

Why are down syndrome people allowed outside?

>nullsec pvp

Pfffft ha ha ha ha ha ha

tfw you aren't in iceland sucking martin's dick

You should ask them while you're there.

>convo a guy after getting blown up mining in NPC null
>offer to sell him warp disrupt probes for below Jita buy
>he agrees
>contract them out a couple jumps from where my production line was already set up
>three days later, no response
Where are you, piratebro? ;_;

How much less il buy

The 10 is to offset the loss of 25 from implants. Any less and the peak training speed will be lower, and even with 10, a long plan with attributes optimised for different skill types will be slower.

They would need base stats at 22 instead of 17, and keep the 14 assignable with a max of +10 to keep the same current training speed.

Alternative might be base stats of 20 instead of 17, 24 assignable, with max of +10 to any one stat. That would give the same 2700sp/hr peak as there is currently. 20 assignable would be minimum to keep 2700/hr peak, but would be slower for longer varied skill plans.

Does anyone know if Providence is a good region for exploration? I know it's CVA space, but they're (AFAIK) pretty OK with neutrals in their system.

Any other people I need to watch out for there? Will pirates be a big problem or do CVA keep them out?

Barely less. The real advantage was that this whole exchange happened in Derelik and buying at Jita buy from Jita meant flying 25+ jumps.

They still kill neuts dude

Somebody PLEASE recommend me a corp that is OK with people not talking on comms

CVA as a whole is fine with neutrals in their system but individuals will fuck you up for no reason, they don't do an absolutely terrible job of keeping pirates out but that's more because there's not much reason to bully Provi. That said, Providence is picked clean. It's shit for exploration.

any nullblob

Any highsec corp

>corp is doesn't attack neutrals
>corp members do

What's a good region for exploration then? I know Sansha is generally the best sites to run, and I figured Provi was good since it was owned by a neutral-friendly alliance.

pandemic horde. ive been in it a month and ive talked to no one in it and have joined zero fleets.

>perfect chance to update OP with fanfest shit
>doesn't do it

more like
>most of proviblock doesn't attack neutrals
>a handful do
>there's no easy way to tell which is which
Provi is "safe" but that also means it's shit. Go on dotlan and find somewhere with low jumps/hour instead of asking to be handfed. Or just suck it up and dive wormholes.


lel, what's even the reason for joining then?
Just to use the rest of PL space for ratting etc?

Name one (1) thing announced today worth putting in the OP.

Not that guy, but strategic cruiser rebalance? Assuming we have some details on it.

details of the T3C rebalance, new remodels, in-depth structure and UI changes, blood raider event stuff, implant update and more

It's easier to accept that you're shit.

>we're fixing T3Cs by jiggling their subs around and allowing them to do better refit cancer with rigs
>but we aren't fixing their tank or cloaking or anything

can't remember if they said anything about sp loss

>It's easier to accept that you're shit.
Yeah. Fair. You make the OP next time.

>launch eve after 3 months
>was in All-Out
>Kicked from corp (because inactivity probably)
>corp only has one person now

wtf happened, someone please weigh in
where did they all go?


did someone get pissed and kick everyone from corp or something?

>3 months
I'm hazy on the time scale, but I think 3 months ago All-Out was just living out of Duloc in the C2 with only like 5 active members? That number became 4, and then 3, and then an unanorching timer started on the citadel. CEO posted edited screenshots "proving" it was just a glitch in discord, nobody logged in to check, citadel unanchored and everyone got kicked from corp.

tl;dr Kainar Detremov stole ~1 bil in All-Out assets and proceeded to whelp a megathron two days later.

Where though? I can only find most active systems

Pretty sure they're doing things such as moving the cloaking subsystem to the defensive slot, which might address tanking/cloaking. I assume this means we'll have to choose between having an actual tank, or fitting a cloak.

and everyone with a pulse joined oruze

Use dotlan to find areas that you have a hunch are low traffic, check jumps in the last 24 hours, repeat until you find a couple close together that look good.

holy shit, wow

when i stopped playing, there were at least 30 active members, maybe it was a little more than 3 months

I didn't. But /dog/ hates me because I'm bad at PvP.

who are you

>highsec too constrained
>lowsec no fun
>wormholes require too much scanning
>nullsec full of no-fun blobbers

wat do?

whats the name of that version of pepe again? Its like aspulati or something like that?

Last time I posted my character name in thread it lead to 20-ish posts of shitflinging. Maybe half of it actually had to do with me but still.

Prob the ex-leader of MLJ

Why is lowsec no fun? Dead? No bubbles?

Live in NPC null. Unironically.

Is joining the covops corp of a major alliance a good idea if I have the skills needed?

>have the isk for a super
>pilot needs another 47 injectors

low activity, low-value resources, few and far-in-between fights

feels like there's nothing to do in lowsec, everyone is there to pass through.

Have you tried the FW areas?

>buying this many injectors
There's a reason the price of them keeps on going up and up.

Which gives me an idea: is getting almost everyone I know to make alpha accounts, do the tutorial until the get the mini skill injector, putting it in their rookie ship's hold, and then getting all of them to go to Jita and jettison the lot of them into space at once likely to get me banned if I'm "coincidentally" there at the time and scoop one or two?

downgraded game mechanics (gateguns, no bubbles no bombs)
it being densely populated by lots of different groups is nice for gudfite gangs finding stuff to do, but it also suffers from jump drive cancer - there's always people who can drop aids on you or get friends to do it
and fw is full of frigates with really stupid fits, the "muh afterburner" factor in FW has made it all about retarded hull tanked scram kiters with very little variety if you're doing 1v1s in plexes
plus everyone uses pirate implants all the time because you cannot pod people unless they leave their home system and you bring along extra people flying smartbomb memes, and also get the guy in a pod in the first place which can be challenging sometimes

you're 6 months late

>Live in NPC null

Sounds like nothing's going to give you exactly what you want but that's probably the closest.

>have the isk for a couple of carriers
>still not enough to inject a pilot

If they all jettison at the same time, in Jita 4-4, then there will be dozens of people who get them. All with plausible deniability, because how will they know who organised it?

I thought they removed mini skill injectors and its now just a stack of SP they give you?

Nope. They're still there. Can't be sold or placed in contracts, but they're still a physical item.

>turret tracking
Did they change the number they put there? Is it no longer radians? or is this tiny gun actually that high?

anyone remember what bot our boi jimmy used to link his scams into local?

they factored in signature resolution so you can compare different gun sizes without doing stuff

>plus everyone uses pirate implants all the time because you cannot pod people unless they leave their home system

>faggot warps his pod out to one of his 10 docking bookmarks on one of his 10 citadels

you need the smartbombs and they ideally need to be leaving system in that pod

Thanks for recommending the Stellardrone album. I forgot to post earlier. It was perfect answer.


pls don't associate that faggot with us

Why do WH dwellers autistically destroy any daytrippers they find?

>implying not all goons are faggots

Some combination of "leaving other pilots in system means they can gather intel on you" and "you actually have to have autism to live in J-space"

there's nothing else for them to do, and they need to feel like they're elite pvp

>not using your nullsec static to fuck with nullsec dwellers through hit-and-run sov flipping

WH dwellers are officially fags

Man, you weren't kidding when you said Providence was crowded, holy shit.

super secret exploration protip

They don't do anything if you're beyond 1.5m (I think?) total SP

I've been skillqueing an alpha for a while and decided to do the tutorial to see what they did to it recently and the whole thing crapped out when it told me to inject the mini-injector and it wouldn't let me.

Is there a way to make it show it in rads/s? or do I need to work it out myself for every gun now?

this is a more relevant stat, you don't need to know rad/s it doesn't tell you anything


How do we now find out the tracking component of chance to hit using it? Before i knew my guns tracking, looked at overview tracking, and roughly knew whether tracking would be 1/2 chance, no chance, or good chance.
Now I have a number I can look at, and have no idea how well my guns can or can not track something showing a 0.15 angular on my overview.

Try tenal/branch too, it's fucking DEAD

>that Minmatar face
>killed by a guy with "Amarr" in his name

>rats have mining fleets now
>they call backup
>with logi and hero tackle and even an FC ship that calls targets for them

... so belt rats can literally kill Mordus now?

>showing a 0.15 angular on my overview

you had no idea from that number before either, you need to see the target's sig too, and the sig res of your own guns

if you really must be this autistic and bad, I think the accuracy score thing you're all mad about is something like tracking speed / sig res * 1000
should be something about it here wiki.eveuniversity.org/Turret_damage#Turret_tracking

>Warp to plex
>see rifter
>get excited for leet frigate pvp action
>theres a curse huginn and rook all hugging his nuts at 0
>get ECM'd before i could even lock the rifter

What did they mean by this

>that guy's killboard
>been active since 2008
>not a single kill

>apply for a corp
>guy messages me, we chat for a bit
>he seems nice enough
>asks for my API key, I don't think much of it and give it to him
>next day all my ISK gone

wtf guys
is there anything i can do? I didn't know API keys let people drain your wallet...

fuck it, i don't like this game anyways


nice meme

fuck you, all my isk is gone and you just crack dumb jokes...

What corp did you apply to that stole all of your isk?


should i even bother petitioning CCP?

>should i even bother petitioning CCP?
no. kys for lying about something as stupid as this in this thread.

i'm not fucking lying, my wallet is empty
why even respond if you're not going to help?

>i'm not fucking lying

because an api key just lets you see what someone does on their account. that's it.

>you had no idea from that number before either, you need to see the target's sig too, and the sig res of your own guns
Not true. As I said before, we knew the angular tracking component. Something that could be influenced by piloting and fitting. The sig radius / res thing was thought of as another component which is usually 1 or better than 1 for same size shooting, or less than for down shooting. The number we get now might be useful to compare between guns, but we would need some similar new number in the overview to use it like the old figure.

>I think the accuracy score thing you're asking about is something like tracking speed / sig res * 1000
should be something about it here wiki.eveuniversity.org/Turret_damage#Turret_tracking


Apparently not, because my wallet is EMPTY.
Here's a screenshot, and that's the MOST I can offer for proof.

I've gone ahead and opened a ticket with CCP, let's see where this goes

>The sig radius / res thing was thought of as another component which is usually 1 or better than 1 for same size shooting, or less than for down shooting

they're effectively multipliers for your transversal/tracking. you need all the numbers or it's meaningless

It seems a lot more likely that he asked you for a deposit, which you stupidly gave him, or that he offered you a contract to move your things that you didn't look closely at.

There's definitely something you're not telling us, or you're just plain lying.

And what do your journal and transactions say? I'm not sure what you expect us to do to to "help" you, other than ask you to check the extremely basic things. Like, the kind of things you should have thought about on your own.