lux edition~
lux edition~
Other urls found in this thread:
>Anivia "support" who starts dark seal and tells you to kill yourself for asking her to build sight stone
>then goes 0/5 in lane and then rotates mid to feed your lane opponent to
fucking retard
Keep coming, not full!
First for impregnation fetish
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb let you enjoy a last meal if you asked nicely
would lamb let you enjoy something else if you asked nicely[/spoiler
that's janna, user
cute tummies!
Reposting MMO poll cause new thread.
> generally 'supports' that go full ap, get no sightstone and either refuse to talk or flame when asked to get one
How does the Irelia vs Yasuo matchup go?
>4 minutes in
>bot double killed
>they keep dying
>despite being lulu and cait
>jungle try to help
>he dies too
>they want to all mid
>I stay top and only split
>they all die
>"wtf top why didn't you help?"
hashinshin cooking up some fresh autism
woah there, what the fuck did i do
Zaun is the best region!
>haven't won a game since I finished placements
I feel like we need more Arctic Ops skins in the game, quick give me your ideas.
Arctic Ops Jhin with balaclava, W might be a rope
Is there a way to tell who placed a pink ward?
Sometimes I forget or I can't tell which pink is mine....
Your main
Your rank
Your waifu
Your hobby
Your job
Your dream
click on it, mouseover the buff
>best gameplay
>best memes
>best playerbase
This is a fact, thus irrefutable
Mating Press
>sex king not off the charts
one job
accurate but one job
>play adc
>get one shot by a 0/3 zyra with an amp tome
>getting caught by Zyra
Well deserved
today on things that didn't happen
>best playerbase
Yeah, no.
isn't ekko like 17-19?
save as png next time
This is your chance
Post something that you know for a fact riot needs to change but know they wont
I'll start with a few easy ones
>ashe's ult hitbox
>cc on talon wall hop
>zyra's damage output with no items
>graves damage + utility
>lethality items. either gut em or make more of them with less utility
>no control ward on trinket upgrade, give us that shit back riot, some of us dont want control ward buttsluts to do it
yorick/sion, maybe kindred in the future
silver 2 last season after placements, didn't give enough of a fuck to play any more
kindred, booty too strong
singing, vidya games
nothing currently, in between moves
opening a small coffee shop
>play mememode of the week
>get dr mundo
>since the rest of my team looks like they don't give a fuck about the match, decide i will never leave my lane
>i push to their second tower
>kayle and a fed shyvana come to deal with me
>manage to kill kayle and almost kill shyvana, who was 2 levels ahead of me
what the fuck is that champion
at least they're not toxic little fuckhats like league, or toxic little russian fuckhats like in dota
>the removal of purchasable stealth wards
>ruby sightstone's recipe not being sightstone + T2 boots
What would be the races?
Vastaya, Yordle, Human, those from Shadow Isles, whatever the fuck race is Janna, Ascended, Void Shit, ... Holy shit, this actually have a lot of potential.
Is ranked a meme?
It's basically this RNG coinflip on who will turbofeed pre-20 minutes. And in the rare occasion no one does, you get a real game.
Seriously, I've climbed silver 4 to g4 in two weeks and my entire climbing experience has been flukes and RNG coinflips.
add mana pots
>no HoN
Mordekaiser rework should make him like Salforis.
>lose 8 games at 0LP
>still no demoation
>Azirs sexual skill is lower than Xerath's despite Azir having a fucking Harem
I want to show Kalista how to TRUST again.
Loyal hand holding.
>tfw no "Try" mode for skins
No, we're just passive-aggressively toxic.
Now that I think of it I have no idea where the whole "hots is less toxic than the good mobas" thing comes from. Go first pick Nova in ranked and see how welcoming people are about it.
>wahh muh toxic teammates gg blizzard matchmaking
It's the same fucking thing as league, honestly.
>riot makes a skin where lee sin sucks his own dick every time you press a button
>thousands upon thousands of braindead idiots drop $20 for it
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
This one was better dude It needs to be updated but its better.
>adcs already have QSS
>GA being reworked to appeal more to adcs and less to tanks/bruisers/mages
>mfw adcbabs will still bitch and moan about how weak and neglected their role is
Why is it that bruiserbabs are the only league players that aren't insufferable?
>tristana and ezreal being able to hop out of stuns (literally just front-load the fucking cast time)
>ahri getting movespeed on Q when she has 3 flashes on a 50s cooldown
>lux's E slowing for the full amount even if the immediately detonates it for full damage
>lux's ult resetting on kill
>lux existing in general
Is it too late to start playing? Angrily awaiting Ashes of Creation and don't want to play WoW anymore.
That's because you can't go any lower than Bronze 5 :^)
Lucian, Ezreal, Twitch
Plat 4
Melee and League
Don't have one
Be good enough to achieve and maintain challenger
Who else goes to LAN just to fuck around and shit on spics when they get tilted?
>Riot makes a Legendary skin for the most popular champion in the game through every season
>surprised when tons of people buy it
They could have made it a chroma for his base skin at 3250 RP and you'd still have hundreds of thousands of Lee mains buying it day one.
>doublecrybaby throws a shitfit on twitter about adc being underpowered
>riot buffs adcs
>even though adcs are what fucking breaks the game every other patch
Like when we had to rework the jungle because of ezreal jungling
Or when we had to overhaul half the ad items in the game because of jinx and kalista
Or when we had to overhaul the other half of the ad items because of armor pen
Or when adcs were being played in 4 out of 5 positions in competitive
she better have made some porn or im calling the cops
ex-Shyvana main here. Here are her weaknesses: Flat true damage or strong disengage. Worst thing you can do is allow for a situation where only one champion is focusing her.
remove caitlyn leblanc ahri ivern lulu kench from the game
>Your main
>Your rank
Gold 5, 0 LP, ready to return to being a silver shitter.
>Your waifu
>Your hobby
Video games, shooting sports, anime, and masturbation.
>Your job
I walk to the mailbox to get my gubbermint gibsmedats.
>Your dream
>Aatrox top main that somehow goes 12/4 on every game
>Renekton main that goes 3/3/26
Which would you rather have?
damn I forgot how much of a belly fetish I have
The aatrox because finding anyone good on that fucking champion is rare in itself
Obviously the Renekton main. How is this even a question?
It's shit
this is it
the catch
to catch them all
Didn't we have this on the other thread?
>Gold 1
>Don't have one
>Catching bigger fish, sorting my current life situation
Becoming a successful author or fashion desinger and then becoming a heroin addict
delete graves from game
The Renekton any day. The Aatrox you describe sounds like he's only on a lucky streak and will not change his style at all, even if he's 4/12 instead, while the renekton guarantees you a lane you can relax about and focus on other lanes.
The Aatrox would make for quick games so him
you finna sell some accounts?
What do you do when the enemy team plays the "EXTREME RANGE" game?
Like when they got a ziggs and an ezreal and you just can never fucking reach them?
>Your lcs wannabe jungler cries because you didn't pick a meta mid and top
> Ryze
> B1 but I can be S5/S something if I wanted to
> this game
> student
> actually gain money and help my working dad
Make smug Lux noises in the distance.
>will not change his style at all, even if he's 4/12 instead
>goes 12/4 on every game
Who's cancer of top lane right now?
>Ahri gets her damage amp on E, ratios, base damages and heal gutted
>gets a shitty movespeed buff on Q because lel she's a kite mage
>people complain
How about you actually git gud for once?
Divers, Kata, anything that is not a juggernaut.
Also they just updated ECKVA if anyone follows it.
Hashinshin getting bullied is my favourite part of the stream.
>Swain raped a Vastayan
>tfw always shit skins for shit champions
This one actually gave me a hard on for some reason what the fuck
you can't, if you click on it nothing will show.if you want to know which pink is yours before you place another watch the minimap, your pink will have a red cross on it
>ywn cum inside any of these tight toned tummies
Rape is a sign of strength.
Go about your day, citizen.
>only game I won today was one where I went 0/5 and got carried super hard because my ping kept shooting up to 4 digits
I will punch you retard
>Swain raped a Vastayan
He was in Ionia. Everyone does that there.
>48% win rate
pretty meh desu
>not the best at giving blowjobs
Wait, what?
I thought this was a april fool's joke and we'd get urf instead
is it even rape when its a Vastayan?
what did riot mean by this?