Take vacation in america

>take vacation in america
>pull in to fill up rental car
>guy walks up and tells me I have to let him do it
>literally just takes my card and stands around as it fills up
>receipt has tip added

>vacationing in new jersey

New Jersey isn't America.
Neither is the West Coast.

Oregon actually.

They're still doing this in NJ? The Indian lobby is too strong I guess

Why go to Oregon?
There's nothing there buy crybaby liberals and rain.

I wanted to see the pacific coast highway and the film location of Kindergarten Cop, my favorite Arnold film.

Fair enough, I recommend some day driving the length of Route 66 or Seward Highway up in Alaska, both are pretty great roads especially if you have a fun car.

>kindergarten cop
you're fucking disturbing

Oregon user here, where the hell had the tip factored in? No where around here on the Eastern side that I know of does that. Gas pumping thing is stupid but allot of places around these parts will let you do it if you have a nicer car and ask generally.

Can confirm. Eastern part is pretty good though in terms of people, and not that much rain, though I'd like more. (I'm from Western washington originally that's allot of rain)

>where the hell had the tip factored in

Nowhere, he's shitposting about america.

Welcome to Oregon, now get out and take some Californians with you.

>take vacation in japan
>pull in to fill up rental car
>station attendant directs you to the pump
>asks for card and type of fuel
>charges card and fills up
>another attendant washes you windscreen and rear windscreen
>sit there awkwardly as they take care of your car
fucking christ I will never get used to that. I never know what to do.
I feel so bad for them in winter as well.

I want to move to Oregon so badly but I'm a poorfag :/

Fucking saved.

Shit, I should of figured at Kindergarden cop honestly.

gj, you found 1 of 3 or so states that don't let you pump gas yourself

>mfw beat up westfalia's go for 15k around portland.

Probably because of all the homeless people saving up for a house that's what they'll get.

Also speaking about Portland and cars, I just went there about a year ago in the first time more than just passing though, and why the fuck are there so many old Volvos?

the level of customer service in Japan is unnerving

>go to hole in the wall restaurant with a friend
>jap waitress RUNS to seat us.
>sits at the foot of our table with our head down waiting for us to order
>"uhhh.... two beers"
>she gets up and runs to the kitchen and runs back with our beer without spilling a drop
>sits back down and waits for us to order
>when the food comes out it looks fucking identical to the picture on the menu
>tipping is considered an insult to the owner of the establishment

and this wasn't even a "nice" place.

come if not Californian.. talk to people before moving and secure a job/place to stay then move. Salem, OR here we have some of the most beautiful women on earth.

theres a bunch of old everything in portland. Oregon cars don't rust, but unlike california its yet to have been picked clean by collectors.

I know, but this was an oddly high amount of 240s and 700s.

Places here could learn from that. Yeah a bit unerving maybe, but it'd be nice not to constantly get some angry fuck who is pissed off their life isn't going the way they want. I mean news flash asshole most of us hate our lives and want to small degree, but we don't like being reminded of it now get my tendie sandwich and smile.

New Jersey is hell and the west coast is marked here be democrats on maps of the USA

reliable car with a blocky 80's aesthetic, what more could a hipster want?

There's at least two things that you could have done better with that one statement.

Fair enough.

Plus 700 series' always looked Comfy as all hell. Over all the place was allot better than I thought though.

>>tipping is considered an insult to the owner of the establishment

Tipping is pretty much an American thing anyway. Most other countries don't do it.

Just like my Japanese animes!

>Tipping is pretty much an American thing
Tipping is a brilliant overhead lowering scheme cooked up by sheisty restaurant owners who compete based solely on the price of their food.

It's kind of a good thing because it means a shit waitress makes less than a great one.

It's kind of a bad thing because minorities and white trash don't tip and our demographics are shifting.

It's worth it

god that sounds so amazing. i honestly just got a semi reading that, and i think anime is gay.

Japan is a pretty cool place if you are a decent looking white dude. i honestly felt like a 10/10 chad over there.

>not liking kindergarten cop

You should see the attention a 5/10 blond hair blue eyed girl gets there. So many japanese people just want to take a picture with them.

you wouldn't think it, but its the same way with black guys.

my buddy otto was straight up mr. popo black and had people coming up to him all the time to take pictures. saw him walking out of a club with 3 girls on his arm one night.

>straight up mr. popo black

>Be in Oregon
>First time ever in this liberal shithole
>Stop at a gas station
>Go to fill up, and a guy comes out and tells me not to do that
>Ask him why
>He says it's required by law for an attendant to fill the car up
>He yells out back for someone to """""help""""" me
>Have to wait for an entire minute
>Eventually some teenage turbodweeb comes out and fills my car up
>Looks like he hates his life and wants to die
>Fills my car and then leaves
>mfw 3 some aught minutes of my life wasted waiting for some teenager to fill my car up
Also Oregon is a piece of shit state. Never go there.

Lots of hippies and liberals in Oregon, they love old Volvo wagons

>when your state flag is so unrecognizable that you have to write the state name on it

I once had the most depressing as station attendant fill up my car while smoking a cigarette in New Jersey. Avoid Asbury park guys

Needs a UO shirt with a PSU or OSU degree

No one here is in a hurry it only pisses off outsiders and faggots like you

Salem has a ratio of at least 7 dudes per chick, it was a shit city to be single in.

But seriously California needs to stay out.

>Oregon native upset nobody cares about his irrelevant, worthless, shithole state.
o i am laffin.

There are a lot of african students at a couple of universities in the big cities so people are more used to seeing blacks there.

I actually liked Kindergarten Cop.

However, I can safely say that it's not in my top 5 Arnold movies. It is best Arnold comedy, though.

>my buddy otto was straight up mr. popo black

That explains it. Oregon is special, rest of the country you can pump your own gas. People from out of state also get confused when they try to fill up in OR too. It's actually written into the law there, you are forbidden to pump your own gas. No cop will take you to jail over it, but the gas station could get fined if they're caught. It's stupid but that's the way it is up there.

>Be Foreigner
>Get jewed by Tyrone at pump

Shell garages in the U.K. trialled this once, but good old British racism prevailed and no one wanted pakis touching their cars so it was scrapped.

I've seen 1 Shell gas station in Berlin, Germany where "attendants" obtrusively offer their "help", i.e. filling up the tank and washing your windshield.
Then you're asked to add a tip at the counter.
Luckily never encountered this again.

>receipt has tip added
That's what happens when you let someone else handle your card AND SIGNATURE for you. I would contest the charge as I didn't authorize any tip.

IPD is headquartered there
also there's like two Volvo dealerships
protip: the PnPs are full of them
>mfw I go to portland on fall vacation to score sweet junkyard deals for my volvo

>the level of customer service in Japan is unnerving
The ability to walk outdoors at night safely is very disconcerting. I tried to make use of all my travel time in japan, so I'd even wander out at night. I had the "usa paranoia of spics and dindu crime" and so I'd keep looking around. But nothing. It was amazingly safe.

When I got back to the usa, I felt the culture shock since I had to go back to the constant awareness of the daily violent mugging crimes both night and day here. I realized japan has a lot of cost savings due to the lack of dindu violent crimes. And where are all the convenient vending machines? I was thirsty and there was no vending machine. But that's why usa cars are full of cup holders I guess. We don't need to depend on vending machines since we carry drinks in our cars.

>>receipt has tip added

>Tipping is pretty much an American thing anyway.
Tipping sucks because I am forced to pay even if service was bad. I eat out with friends, and they might come back. So I have to tip or the wait staff will hold it against them or even spit or do something like cough in their food the next time they show up.

Do you have the Florida version?
Must be madness.
Or the craziest on you have,plox.

>tendie sandwich
You Publix much?
Pricey compared to Subway but so much better.
Pic semi related,I like pics and wish more people would post.

>Also speaking about Portland and cars, I just went there about a year ago in the first time more than just passing though, and why the fuck are there so many old Volvos?
Volvos are very common throughout the Northwest for whatever reason. Portlanders especially, though, seem to like them. Maybe it's because a lot of us are into recycling and reusing things, and old Volvos are pretty reliable (and cheap), so that attracts us to them.
>mfw I'm a Portlander and drive an old Volvo

>that pic
Nope, should be a limp wristed hipster with a rainbow flag

Fine, you caught me, this is actually what I look like.

>Kindergarten Cop, my favorite Arnold film

nigga wat? i mean it's not a bad film but kys man.

If it is anything like it used to be, Publix deli sandwiches are amazing. When I was a kid my brother and I would ride our bikes down to Publix and get their huge fucking sandwiches with all kinds of crazy stuff, for like $3, and that would be lunches for the week. Only thing better was the Hungry Howie's Pizza that did 'Wack Wednesdays' $1 large cheese pizzas. The pizza was great, and there was a continence store next door run by this 9,000 year old black dude who didn't give two shits about checking ID for porn mags.

>all the homeless people saving up for a house
More like saving up for another drug hit. The city and state has education classes, but they often don't even complete them after demanding such classes be available. I think they only want the classes because of the wage compensation stipend that is offered to them to compensate for work time lost while attending the classes. No idea of what their passing scores are since those weren't published.

>God tier roads
>Cozy people never in a hurry or trying to one-up you
>Awesome fishing / hunting / etc
>No lack of twisty steep and smooth backroads
>Gas station workers are fast and nice
>Huge "racing" scene
>Hefty tickets for doing retarded things on the road, keeps the roads nice and dickheads away

I live in Utah but I travel to a small town on the coast as much as possible each year, as I have been for 30 years. It's the perfect state for all my hobbies, but no jobs that pay enough for me.

If none of you have visited, do it. The roads are in excellent condition (lots of usable riced & lowered cars), plenty of twisties and cops are chill and understanding. The perfect Veeky Forums state (besides the lack of public transport in the nice areas)

In fact, I'll be in the Tillamook area for a few more days if anyone wants to meet up and hit the twisties.

>can't pump his own gas
>"gun-free" zones
>bakeries get shut down for not making fag cakes
>abloo bloo muh gunz muh free speeches

Land of the free.


Oregon is GOAT, but it suffers the same thing as other states. Idaho is great, but Boise ruins the rest of it. Same with Seattle in Washington, Salt Lake city in Utah, and Portland in Oregon.

Each state has that one big shithole infested by communists and liberals making up all the rules.

It's really weird right? I felt so safe at night that It could be me mugging them. I guess that's why they take prints upon entry.

What's better?
Smelled like manure.

Idaho, more like, Idunnowhereitis xD

There used to be a sign here that read "Welcome to Tillamook, come smell our dairy air!"

Oregonfag here. Pretty much how you described OP. I'm over on the west side (Astoria)

Nice town to tour, but to live in, is a hugely different story. Good roads and lots of back roads though.

>Nice town to tour, but to live in, is a hugely different story
Why? I went to pig n bacon and it was shit.

What do you even do if your car has a bad charcoal canister or something and clicks off if you don't hold the nozzle 1-2 inches in?

Well to start, I am a local for the last eighteen years of my life. (Twenty right now, I was born in New Mexico and got moved up to Oregon, Astoria when I was two.)

First off, there are way too many goddamn restaurants taking up space, as well as hotels to make way for the tourists and out of towners. This leaves less room for other shit that is worth having.

Second, in relation to the first point, there is absolutely fucking nothing to do here. Job-wise and entertainment-wise. Here in Astoria, we are a drinking town with a little fishing problem as some of the locals may or may not say at one point.

You either drink till you're drunk and bar hop or go home once night falls... Alternatively use the night to go driving as that's the best time for cruising or just hooning. Why? Because there are no 24/7 places here in Astoria save for one, and that is the minimart, that is just past the subway.

Third, the education here is dull what with the barely substantial schools here, and the community college with not too many things to offer and always losing or trying to add new things all the time.

Fourth, with a population of 10k or so, roughly, we get double that or sometimes even triple that in tourists.

Fifth, about the job situation here... You want to make decent money? Go else where, unless you work on the sea for boat/fishing companies or unless you work at a decent paying position for the state of oregon (which wouldn't have you in Astoria most of the time anyway lmao.) You are basically shit out of luck.

(But there's restaurants!)

And that's just a small bit about the town. Some quick things to note.

>quite a few homeless people
>heroine and meth addicts (no real drug trade except junkies with heroine and meth)
>lots of hippies, liberals, weird fucking people and etc.

You're better off going to Warrenton or Seaside tbqh.

>heroine and meth addicts
Sounds like the rest of Oregon tbqh familia. I see needles every day here in Portland.

Well I liked the column and bridge and the bakery was good and cheap.
Honestly what you've written sounds like almost all the small towns I've driven though.