Is a Boxster a poorfag's Porsche?
Is a Boxster a poorfag's Porsche?
nice mr2, op
Boxsters are what rich guys get their trophy wives so they have something to impress the other trophy wives at the tennis club. Men buy 911's.
Im willing to bet you have never driven a 911 Cayman or even a Boxster.
Also the Macan/Cayenne is the trophy wife-mobile.
I'm guessing the vast majority of people who buy them are doing so primarily for the badge and not because they are le supreem enthusiasts looking for driving nirvana so yes.
Looks way better than anything Toyota has out out in the last decade.
a brand new Boxster starts at $57k
If anything a 944 is a poorfag Porsche but the maintenance cost will wreck you if you don't have the type of money for upkeep on a 25 year old Porsche
1st gen Boxster are most def "poorfag" tier
I only see old white dudes driving them that can afford them, but I think nothing of it because the first gen boxsters are ugly as shit.
Get a BMW Z4.
>I'm guessing the vast majority of people who buy them are doing so primarily for the badge and not because they are le supreem enthusiasts looking for driving nirvana so yes.
Have you driven a Boxster?
Are you implying there are people that don't take their boxster to the track?
Are you implying that everyone that got a boxster could afford a brand new 911?
ffs reading shit like your comment really worries me. I hope youre underage.
>Have you driven a Boxster?
>Are you implying there are people that don't take their boxster to the track?
>Are you implying that everyone that got a boxster could afford a brand new 911?
english second language?
No but you are definitely retarded.
>hurr everyone that buys a boxster buys it for the badge
look there are plenty of people that buy Porsches for the badge and as silly as it is, it keeps the company afloat and so they could make cars like the 918 Spyder, GT3, GT3 RS, and Cayman GT4.
pic not related?
I'd say the vast majority of people buy them for the badge which was my entire point. What percentage of porsche owners do you think track them?
Uh I said Porsches in general but Boxsters?
No I wholeheartedly disagree.
That is a drivers car, just like the 911, a much cheaper drivers car
You are vastly overestimating the number of people who care about having a driver's car. over 80% of people choose PDK in the 911 and over 70% in the cayman/boxster
I spent $110k on mine so no.
The poorfag Porsche is any base model with no customization. To that end, even an $80k 911 is a poorfag Porsche. If you didn't get at least an S with 10k worth of options on top of that you bought a car you couldn't afford.
Also the mid-engine Boxster/Cayman platform makes more sense to me than the rear-heavy pigfat 911 but that's just personal preference.
I would proudly drive that around town.
How the snizz did you double the price of a Boxster with options? Are the seats covered with foreskin harvested from newborns?
I don't know what people have against roadsters.
I love driving around with the roof down.
A poorfags wife's car I think
I like to believe the boxster is porsche's REAL sportscar.
the 911 is just a stubborn engineering miracle.
They toned down the 718 generation because 981 caymans and boxsters were starting to steal a lot of sales from the 911.
Pdk > manual
T.former 996 owner
9/11s are fuckhueg these days. I think I'd prefer a cayman.
honestly, after owning both a 986 and 996 I can say the boxster has the stiffer chassis. The Cayman could only be stiffer.
Boxsters are a driver's porsche. 911s are a badgewhore's porsche. The MR2 is the poorfag's porsche. The fiero is the poorfag's MR2.
>old white dudes
Ew, white people.
A poorfag's Porsche is an old one.
This thread reeks of bus rider
Probably a fully loaded S or something.
Anyone own a new gen boxster here?
Kek 993 turbos are worth more than any 911 made since.
>"muh last air cooled 911!"
>mfw 993 Turbos have water cooled heads
You're right, the block is cooled by oil passing through a pair of radiator sized oil coolers with dedicated fans instead
I suppose they could be useful for getting to the office if you're late for meeting with your client. After all, her hair looks terrible at the moment.
They are set up at an angle that makes them lower. Low center of gravity and porsche go together swell!
On the topic of poorfags and porsche, what's the deal with the 944? I see them all over the place for a couple thousand dollars, never anything else. I assume they're shit?
They can turn into serious moneypits real quick. Pretty good cars when they work, but very often they don't.