Big guy edition
PlanetSide 2 general /ps2g/
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First for CLAB!
tfw cute memer
For comfy resolutions
Does anyone still play this game or is it ded? This thread has been up for 2 hours and 4 replies.
It's well and alive. Anything else is propaganda and anti PS2 terrorism. Are you a terrorist ?
he he
Everyone stopped playing after this:
only shitters want physx back anyways
i fucking wish /ps2g/ found a way to get along, picked a faction on any server and actually played together
Not only is this game dead, but the developers are actively antagonizing the playerbase with every patch.
What if we just stop playing and posting? This thread is only for dragula posting and menes anyway.
member when ps2g was good?
It was always memes and buttposting but I member.
Yes, when I posted here.
both ironic and unironic kdr shiposting in a team based game general is the cancer killing this place
muh tacticool 90-10 overpop for teh emprah autistic milsim TR heros are what killed ps2.
>the more invested you get in something the more it hurts when all is lost
>the less you care about anything the more meaningless your existance becomes
Life is pain unless everything goes well.
It's just a meme. KDR is highly dependant on how often you play in a squad with medics, use vehicles etc. If KDR wasn't a thing people might play slightly less like pricks (KDR padding bolters shooting at people 2 hexes away) but it's too late for that.
If you aren't on this list you literally don't matter.
There's airniggers and boltshitters on that list so I'm glad not to be there :DDDD
redpill me on battleye
Reports about this game having taken a sharp turn into pay to win territory and being shit and close to dead are fake news and shouldn't be believed.
It's useless
we tried that a few times
it just doesn't work
What would we even call our outfit? The 0.5 IVI memers?
t. 0.4 ivi kdr
I smell so nice :3
I deny this claim.
u do !!!!!!!
if you were a burger and for an unspecified reason needed to primary your secondary, what secondary would you pick to be your primary?
Rebel. It reminds of the deagle in CS. Too bad you can't OHK shitters with headshots with it.
magscat is fun but shit
rebel is great if you can aim
desperado is great if you can't
flare gun
Wow rude!
Aww thanks
can i smell u? :3
commissioner goes in all loadouts
Underboss is better in all scenarios except :
>OHK a shitfiltrator
>Plinking at long range (In which case they're both worthless anyway)
Underboss is more accurate, higher DPS, faster reload, less recoil, less report, faster switch.
>using the underbitch
there's a reason it's designed to fit in a handbag you effeminite faggot.
also the commish is 100% superior and that is even more so since they added pistol scopes.
Adding these pistols was a mistake. Having a commonpool best in slot pistol that's good enough to be a primary was a retarded idea. Although they are pretty fun to use and look good to boot.
Emissary or Commish, I like the Emissary more, because It's less punishing when you miss and I'm a shitter when it comes to infantry combat. I kill lotsa heavies and others with my Emissary when I lugging around an archer, my usual vehicle driving loadout.
Really all the NC sidearms are good though.
Mag-shoat is GOAT, you can rekt anyone with it if you're quick on the trigger and accurate.
Rebel is good if you can headshot.
Desperado is good if you're not so good at headshotting.
Magscatter a meme, it doesnt actually exist.
Underboss doesnt have to range to be a pocket primary.
If you git gud with the commy you can fight anything at all, even VS shield heavies with their IWIN lmgs.
Like I said though I prefer the Emissary, it's a slightly shitty SMG with a short mag, but I kill many mans with it, its not excellent, but its flexible, and its good enough.
Are you braindamaged?
I just pointed out the scenarios where the Commish is better than the Underboss and it is legitimately ONLY blamming infiltrators and long range plinking, in all other scenarios the underboss is mechanically and mathematically superior.
Even face to face the underboss will out-DPS the commish.
Who gives a shit what it looks like? The commissioner doesn't look good either, it is fucking nerf gun painted black and silver.
all irrelevant because in actual gameplay having a huge upfront hit is more useful, especially on a sidearm when you are likely to be fighting wounded enemies
if you weren't bad you'd have some self awareness while playing and you'd realise that every mouse click interferes with your aim, spamming underbeta shots is counterproductive which leads to the commish being better real world DPS, even moreso at longer ranges with drop off
You know what, okay. You're right, the commish is better. Congratulations.
I say this because if the math doesn't change your mind then nothing will and continuing to argue only lowers me to your level.
As a primary, the Underboss is better, but that's about it.
You point out DPS, and you're right, but unless you're using it as a primary, in most cases your event will almost be damaged. In that case, DPS is meaningless, and you should favour the Commissioner because of its higher alpha damage.
Burst vs dps. Alphadamage / finisher -> burst.
>muh DPS
>alpha > DPS on secondary
>b-but muh DPS, you're right (but it is heavily implied that you're really not)
Take that Underboss you love so much, and shoot yourself in the head a few times.
>start playing again after months
>discover that i've ungotten good
sotp b-ing so xenopobic, rusians r our freinds
literally pol pot baka
>getting a warning for making last thread
Exactly my thought.
I also think Infils shouldn't be allowed to use anything but sniper and scout rifles, there should be MAX HP recharge stations inside spawn rooms while it shouldn't be possible to attack anything outside of spawn room shields from inside, there need to be more options to enter and exit spawn rooms and areas inside bases in general and Light Assault's jetpacks are disappointing, except for the drifter one that actually does it's job, the others are too weak to do the job they're supposed to do compared to how well the drifter performs, also future rocket launchers sure suck (aiming down sights for ballistic missiles... okay...).
>I also think Infils shouldn't be allowed to use anything but sniper and scout rifles
I also think you should kill yourself
*as main weapons only, of course. Didn't mean that as restriction for -pistols or -melee. Scout rifles are adequately weak for a class with stealth, sensors and access to AI mines. Granting infils access to other automatic weapons than scout rifles devaluates the automatic scout rifles, pistols and melee choices because the other automatic weapons are mostly better.
>should be relegated to medium (rare) and long (very common) range
off yourself
listen here faggots
the way to fix infilth is to make them choose between invisibility OR shields
and make shield equally strong on head and rest of the body
there's no fucking reason for a shield to be weaker on the head, unlike the rest of the body
>VS shield heavies with their IWIN lmgs.
it isn't
nice argument
>post must have content other than a picture of a vampire and a spurdo meme
are janitors even browsing their shit?
>>should be relegated to medium (rare) and long (very common) range
Infil would only lose these:
TR: Armistice / Hailstorm / Shuriken
NC: Cyclone / Blitz / Tempest
VS: Eridani / Sirius / Skorpios
NS: NS-7 PDW / MKV Suppressed
...but keep SOAS / Stalker / Artemis / Tomoe as full auto weapons.
Infils wouldn't lose any effectiveness in close combat due to knifes and pistols still being available and long range due to sniper rifles of all sorts still being available as they wouldn't be affected by what my idea. Just the uncloak + unload mag infils would effectively receive an ammo reduction as automatic scout rifles have 22-24 mag size compared to 35-50 mag size on SMGs and MPs.
As a result of player killing being harder now for sneaking stealth classes they'd either learn to pick their fights better, to position themselves better, to use additional tools or just use the other weapon options instead of SMGs and MPs being the easymode to go for, devaluating the other options. Helps brining the other gameplay options in the game and to vary the gameplay more.
medics only affect your fake KD
ps2g already gets along and has an outfit, it's [N] on emerald TR
I didn't test it but it was claimed that headshots bypass protection effects due to armor / HA shield being used.
It was also claimed that armor protection affects the regular shield in terms of damage reduction.
So if you've got 20% nanoweave armor it should reduce the damage taken by shield- and health bar by 20% unless it's a headshot. On top of that weapons have a 1.5 to 2.0x damage multiplier on headshots so headshots are heavily rewarded.
Infils have different stages of invisibility while stealthed.
Running: Seen 20-35m away.
Walking: Less visible.
Crouching: Almost invisible.
Being hit causes the shield flicker effect unless the chameleon module is used (don't know whether or not th enemy receives a hit marker with that, though).
Not moving adds even more stealth so that you're almost invisible while crouching and not moving.
Using stealth also drops the "spotted" status which would otherwise reveal you on the enemy minimap, marking you as "shoot that guy" target.
Try to attack enemies from the side or back and aim for the chest (if having trouble with aiming or head), remember that stealth on / off makes noise, giving away your position to enemies near enough that pay attention. Try partially covered positions or move fast and not linear if there are none.
>not having a handbag
enjoy looking like a retard with keys, wallet and phone sticking from your trousers
i hope trump nukes them all
>it's dignity of war russian shitters lag kill you again episode
>hey guys here's how to fix that problem
>um actually that problem is nonexistent
>NOD AM ARMUMENT, t. mollymamoo
>smig inf is less cancerous than bolter inf
>also the rest of your post
how many layers of irony are you on?
Why do we have two implant slots? Someone explain werl's reasoning. Is it membership only?
the previous implant system was ignored by many people, mainly because "whatever, it's not a big deal" (lol)
by having two implant slots, and seeing the new implant effects and how there are many pairs that synergize well, werly actually made an astonishingly good decision, business-wise.
Good night!
PS1's implant system was perfectly sensible; you had a store of personal energy which implants would draw from, more powerful effects would draw more energy and thus could be sustained for less time, this was a direct balancing mechanic.
PS2's old implant system was retarded. In a similar vein to PS1 you had an energy storage but this was uncapped and EXTREMELY LARGE, meaning that the cost of varying power of implants was considered one of two things:
Cheap enough so as to be inconsequential
Expensive enough to ignore the system altogether.
This resulted in the implant system in its entirety being ignored by the majority of the playerbase and used to increase the snowball effect of the top 20% of players.
PS2's NEW implant system is still fucking retarded. They've done away with the concept of energy all together (Remember, this was a major balancing mechanic) , effectively lowering the barrier to entry (No more players avoiding using them for fear of "using up" all their energy) but introduced an entirely new factor of retardery in making the way you obtain them completely nonsensical (A lottery), expensive AND giving old players a huge advantage on top with the amount of ISO4 their old implants converted into. So now there's no individual balancing system between implants except for difficult of obtaining them and upgrading them, which older players have an advantage in, thusly returning us to the snowball problem.
I am convinced that nobody who works on PS2 has ever played it.
I just bought two deluxe implant packs, that's a total of 18 implants.
Would you like to know what implants I got?
Ammo printer
I got those three implants across 18 chances. That's is.
I just turned 1500 CERTS into 450 ISO-4.
That is fucking bullshit, i'm sorry, there's no other fucking way to sum that up. I just paid 1500 certs for a giant "FUCK YOU FAG" on my screen.
thank u werl
Bunch of dead memers
I thought swagga stopped playing a year ago or something?
yeah, "stopped"
>dat double-chamber reload animation on platinum commissioner
Always sexy
>spawn 2 howler laser ants
>swap between
>~100 xp a second until the crystal runs out
So delicious.
I don't think he's posted any webms in a long time...
got around 100k players on primetime, 2 new continents before summer, patch and bug fixes every week, engine getting upgraded to directx12 and vulkan.
werl ur dreeming
wake up ;DD
or maybe not, keep sleeping 4 evr
Bolter inf = bolt action rifle infiltrator ?
If used on mid to high range: Working as intended.
If used on close range and within melee range to achieve headshots / knife combos: Well they could always fix that issue by making sniper rifles deal less damage within a certain minimum range, increasing until proper range is reached, instead of just making them inaccurate with hipfire. Once a set minimum range is achieved (let's say 50m; depending on weapon) full damage potential is restored up to the point where the damage will drop again because of too high range.
Not such an issue if balanced with care. Also that's only half a counter argument considering pistol + knife combos along with 2-3 pistol headshot kills are already possible and lag damage aka alphadamage is a thing.
The real issue behind your reasoning might rather be the incredibly low time to kill in this game, granting no time to react sometimes.
>the incredibly low time to kill in this game
I'm not even going to waste my time responding to the rest of your post
Sorry, we gave up the will to keep going.
Only because daybreak refuses to fix physx.
physx was just a marketing scam to get people to buy nvidia when amd had better cards, there are almost 0 modern titles that still use it
Fallout 4 is one.