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Thread #2494
Previous Thread: Dinosaurs are great again edition

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>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/jpok5ejx0fvlu5k/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy-nopics.dmg
>High Quality YGOPro Images: ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project
>Manual Card Updates (place inside the expansions folder): github.com/Ygoproco/Live2017
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Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:
>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:
Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Code of Duelist (April 15th)
●OCG: Cyverse Link Structure Deck (June 17th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 13th)
●TCG: Maximum Crisis (May 5th)
●TCG: Pendulum Evolution (June 23rd)

Other urls found in this thread:




Community Deck Building.


So I bought Yuya starter decks, Saber Force, Dark Legion, and structure decks, master of pendulum, pendulum domination, and synchron extreme. After realizing that I wasted $70 what the hell can I do to actually start making a deck? Any booster packs that turn any of the shit I have into something decent? I'm not looking to win a tournament here. I'm just looking for ways to build a deck that isn't kitchen table trash.

reminds me of lara

>tfw have to wait til next Friday to buy cards
How's she looking? Am I missing anything?

I seriously want a drawfag or something to draw Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Master Peace, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, the Metalfoes, The Wind Witches riding Crystal Wing and Decatron and Minerva )using Lawnmowers as Go-karts)

I don't even care if OCG meta right now is cancerous, its probably the manliest meta game on an aesthetic standpoint, Cyber-Dinosaurs, """""Dragon"""""" Slayers, Spaceships and some Initial D x-games fuckers, while on rogue you have the mexican labor of sacking and some witches that summon crystal wing but these are just minimal they're going last i bet.

>STILL isn't updated with the new TCG dates and the collection packs
There's literally no excuse this time since the thread was inactive as hell.

>6 sep chars and 2 arches of 2+ & ~5 respectfully

Xth for sex with Aisha.

I'm a dinosaur player and i am seriously glad that the new deck + true kings made them Meta and i don't give a shit about consistency on a draw request.
But maybe the metalfoes card could be steelen, then you have Decatron riding a lawnmowing gokart and Icebell going last because she's carrying a chibi fat CWSD. while the guys going foward are all badass looking motherfuckers.

I just want something like the meta decks right now having a race.

Also another thing, the deck being called True King Dinosaurs is just badass, i love it.


Purple haired girls are the chosen race

>Literally worse Trishula

Here for boredom

I like breasts.

>missed the new thread by half an hour
For the next OP then.

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Code of Duelist (April 15th)
●OCG: Collectors Pack 2017 (May 13rd)
●OCG: Cyverse Link Structure Deck (June 17th)
●OCG: Circuit Break (July 8th)

●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 14th)
●TCG: Maximum Crisis (May 5th)
●TCG: Dimensional Guardians (May 26th)
●TCG: Pendulum Evolution (June 23rd)
●TCG: Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (7th July)
●TCG: Starter Deck 2017 (July 21st)
●TCG: 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (August 25th)

God damn it.
For real. I think I'll try performages. Someone tell me how to spend my money like a chump.

Can't argue with that.


Actually, you know what?
Is there any reason to buy old structure decks? Like does it stop at a certain year where the new mechanics just make the old decks shit?
I think every week I'll just roll a few dice on some decks and see if there's something I like to build around.
Fuck mages. I want machines or warriors. Or machine warriors. I want to kill the monsters and necromancers with steel.

tfw you have an unbreakable bored

>Scorpio + Grail into draw 3 and free Ningirsu removal
>Scorpio + Fairy + any Stargrail into draw 3 and free Ningirsu removal
I guess I should revise the BriFu combo.
Though from the looks of it, the monster ratio will be so high that drawing 3 won't matter much.

>That hideously painful pre-PSCT text

A little advice from someone who stopped buying real cards long ago.
Buy singles.

Also, I heard that Kaiba Structure Deck, the one with ABC, is pretty good. But just like every other Structure Deck, you must buy 3 of it to make it actually works.

Drop 101 and XYZ dragon and put in the utopias. Also I feel like you should cut some of the monsters

If I drop the two Frostosaurus, I'd replace them with 1 Superancient Dinobeast? Or another big Dinosaur like Conductor? Then replace Solda in the ED with regular Utopia and replace either Ark or Xyz Dragon with the other Utopia (if so, which?) ?

>This text

I don't really know much how dinos play (i'm actually trying out your deck right now) but yeah my first reaction is to cut the frostosarurs

Also for the Utopias you want to grab the normal one and then The lightning

>no aeolo, chanbara, and donglong

>Dragonic Diagram
>next friday

I meant which should I keep between Xyz Dragon and Ark? I honestly don't know, a free Riryoku with Xyz Dragon sounds like a filthy move if your opponent isn't prepared. But Super Noah's Ark 3D is good spot removal. I dunno.

post your build nigger

>buying random structure decks in the hope that you'll be able to make something playable

You already threw money down the drain. Protip: Make a deck then buy the singles you need to make the deck.


>3 Instant Fusion

>Goyo Predator
At least you can kinda still use Ultimaya. The only card I can think that's been screwed over this hard by the new rules is Utopia Kaiser, people outside of Japan can't even meme with it irl without winning a YCS first

>Ordered some cards internationally from Troll and Toad
>4 and a half weeks ago
>Still received nothing
I've made a terrible mistake, haven't I.


It's late

Troll and Toad always deliver my shit immediately. Do you live in some sand country or something?

>tfw this looks stupid but the combos between denglong and either junktion (Abyss/Crystal Wing) or D.D. sprite (Accel synchro baxia) are fucking great and oviraptor is a 1-card level 5

Dinos are great again. Look at these three different yet viable builds using them.

It fits a different niche than Trishula. Targeting sucks, but triple field removal is nice. It also looks way cooler than Trish desu


Link really slow down the game, more than one turn for win

>white takeover

Synchros are finally good again!

I don't understand why you are running Frostasaurus at all.

Literally for Solda and to a lesser extent summoning a big beatstick with Petirodon.

Having a conversation with an user earlier, I think I'm gonna drop it for some other big Dinosaur. Might add Dogoran as well, serves a dual purpose as spot control and a big dino to bring out of the deck if need be?


If he's careful with his placement, and summon Arma instead of Mathematician, he can sync Library first and then proceed to go mad plus.

And good to know pic related is STILL kind of relevant post-Link.

I buy from them often, but I'm in the US where I'm pretty sure they're located, but they've never stiffed me and I've been buying from them for a million years.

On amazon, I frequently buy from
>Core TCG
>Hotsauce Games
I dunno any more off the top of my head, there's a lot, but just go by the fucking ratings. If they have 10,000+ ratings with a 97% satisfaction rating, they're probably pretty fucking reputable.

Is there an English version of Ygopro with Links?

ADS have English name, surely it counts.

>this is link broof

I sent them an email asking if there was a way to locate my package, but they fed me some excuses about not being able to track international post or custom duties potentially taking a long time, up to 40 days.
It's frustrating, but on the other hand I can't be bothered filing an actual complaint. It's just a couple of Shaddoll Fusions I'm waiting on anyway.

Then if you don't feel like waiting, just ask for your money back, they'll do it. Any time I've had an issue with cards showing up late or not at all, the seller is always quick to refund or even send you replacement cards free of charge because they'd rather eat ten bucks for a card then get bad reviews. If you get fed up, ask for a refund or for them to send more cards.


With this, my Digimon deck is complete. I'd been hunting this sucker for while.

What other card games do you play, lads?

I always wanted to try to play the OG Digimon card game, then every season after had a completely different design.
Have you actually played it? What's it like?

I'll consider that; cheers user.

Part of me wants to get back into the Pokémon TCG, but I don't know anybody I could play it with, I still don't quite understand the underlying strategy of the game, and I'm unsure if it's possible to make a deck about my favorite Pokémon, the best Pokémon.

I play that too now

>Metal introduced in TDIL, get support in INOV
>Crystron introduced in INOV, get support in RATE
>Zood introduced in RATE, get support in MACR
>True Draco introduced in MACR
True Draco support incoming.
And seeing how good Metal and Crystron second support is, and how good Lyca is, prepare for True Draco format boys.

Dino and AG deck leaks when? I need to know if they're keeping the same shit

>True Draco introduced in MACR
You mean TDIL.

That's True King.

You can bet the goodstuff staples will be gone.

Only in the TCG. They're the same archetype.

Yeah I love the game, but only the very original cards. Soon as they changed the card layout and stopped using the official art for that shitty Jimmy Neutron looking 3D crap (pic related). Look how aesthetic the original card looks, especially that fucking artwork.

But yeah, I have an Agumon/Biyomon deck and a Gabumon/Candlemon deck that me and my friend use to play. The WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon cards were really, really hard to come by, but I finally got them recently. I'm kind of meming it with MetalTyrannomon but he's my favorite Digimon so I lowered a Greymon dupe and stuck him in for flavor.

Anyway, the game is different from most other card games. Let me try to break it down (in my next post)

Fine, an archetype isn't introduced until it actually get a card that list that archetype name in their effect.
That means True Draco is introduced in MACR.

It's gonna be "True" archetype anyway, with clause 'except "Fairy King Truesdale", "The True Name", or "Domain of the True Monarch"'

Honestly I'm glad KoA fucked up the translation of the True Dracos; I prefer the Kangs and the Dracoslayers being distinctly seperate groups.

>both players start with Rookie on the field (Rookie always remains on the field) then shuffle their decks and draw 10 cards
>flip a coin/play rock/paper/scissors to see who goes first
>the player going first can choose to Digivolve or not, then the player going second can choose (you kind of want to go second)
>Digivolving consists of overlaying a new Digimon over your Rookie after you've met its Digivolve costs, and your Rookie Digivolves into whatever you chose e.g. Agumon becomes Greymon
>then after Digivolving, you battle
>the player going first in the battle can choose to play a single support card (power up your Digimon, weaken your opponent's Digimon, etc.) or pass
>after the player plays a support card, the other player then has the option to play one of their own or pass
>if the person going first passes, the other player can play as many support cards as they want, so sometimes if you're not sure what your opponent might do, it's a good idea to play a card even if your Digimon is stronger than your opponent's just to prevent them from stacking a shitload of cards

They'll probably leave Twin Twisters and Painful Decision in; those aren't too expensive. You can bet Quaking Mirror Force and Maxx C will be gone though.

But they hit Maxx.

>so after you and your opponent take turns buffing your Digimon, you battle
>battles are decided by matching up the opposing Digimon's attack color with your Digimon's color (if your Digimon is red, your opponent's Digimon will attack your Digimon with its red attack and your Digimon will attack your opponent with whatever color attack your opponent's Digimon is, then you compare the attacks' power and whichever Digimon's power is highest wins the fight and the loser Digivolves back into a rookie and all support cards are sent to the "offline" pile [graveyard])
>at the bottom of each Digimon card, there's numbers that indicate how many points that Digimon gets for defeating a Digimon of a certain level e.g. if your Agumon defeated a Mega level Digimon in battle, you would get 400 points
>first to 1,000 wins (or if you want to extend the game's length, you can make the point cap anything you want)
>after the battle, you and your opponent restore your hands to 10 cards
>if you deck out, you simply shuffle your offline cards together and put them all back on the "online" stack (the deck) so there's no decking out, you just keep fighting until someone wins
Hopefully that made sense. If I was at home I'd make a quick webm of how a turn works, but it's pretty simple and fun. The newer cards after the Gen I cards look like trash, but they are compatible with the old cards even though they look different, but my two decks are made up only of cards from the original prints before they changed to that other awful format.

Oh yeah, maybe we'll keep Maxx C. Or they'll replace it with Shared Ride, which is arguably better in this age

What about actual handtrap?

>but they are compatible with the old cards even though they look different
Even though the backs are completely different?
Is it just you and a couple of friends that play, or is there actually still some kind of community?

Digimon cards are so expensive. I wanted to buy a shitload of them but whether it's English or Japanese the cards are too much.

Nah, I wanna make my opponent make me draw cards.


Reminds me of that card game mini-game in Digimon World 3.

>no deckout
>attack chosen automatically according to opponent's digimon
>your attack doesn't interact with opponent's attack
>point-based win from matchup
Okay that's different.
Is the digimon card put together with the support card?
Can you change your digimon besides evolving it?

I think Firewall Dragon is going to be the first ace monster to get Limited.

How did you get Links?

Why are you using King Bear instead of Luna Tiger that's compatible with allure inste-
>it's LIGHT

Yeah they're compatible but they're gay so who cares.

And top kek no there's no fucking community. My friend and I just each made a deck so we could play with each other. Given the amount of cards that exist, there's probably like 4-5 decks you could even make, tops.

But even the post OG Digimon cards are old as fucking balls. The game has been discontinued for a decade. The current (or most recent) Digimon TCG is a completely different game from this one we're talking about (pic related).

That's not entirely true. 99% of the cards you can get for like a buck each, or buy a lot on ebay for like $20 that comes with like 200 cards. I started off with the starter pack which comes with two starter decks for $15, then after getting really autistic about it, I tried getting as meta as possible with each deck and probably ended up dumping $400+ into these decks adding rare cards like WarGreymon, but no rugrats. However, you can make a couple of functional/fun decks for under $100 I'm sure.

You need to use up that last main monster zone, otherwise your opponent can Kaiju one of the extra monster zones.

Quick question:
When I buy a booster box are there decent odds of getting at least 1 of every card? I'm not sure how critical the rarest ones usually are to a deck (probably extremely). I mean. I don't need the foil cards. I just want the cards to play them.

You still have two Infernity Barriers and a Firewall bounce to deal with afterwards in that case

>lmao open Soul Charge


>Kaiju the infernity
>Dark Hole

>Activate Trickstar Reincarnation
>Activate Boogie Trap and reset Reincarnation
>Activate Reincarnation again
>Opponent loose 1/4 their deck
This will so get limited/banned

I bought two boxes of Raging Tempest and got either 7 or 8 of every common card. You also get a Rare and Super rare in every pack so you've got a good chance of getting nearly everything bar the top rarities.

>not just chain summoning Candina into 3 Reincarnation

Thank fuck it's a hard OTP. Imagine activating this thing over and over.

Here's a view of the mat. Your Digimon is always in the Digimon zone or whatever and you play the support cards in the support zone. You don't have to play support cards. A lot of the time you won't have to and you can just slap your opponent's shit with a big Digimon while they're struggling to get their boss Digimon out. But the game ebbs and flows a lot, which is partially why I like it.

Cool, thanks.

As far as changing your Digimon, there's pic related. That's probably the best you're gonna get as far as changing your Digimon into something it wouldn't normally be able to become. This is a staple card for dual Rookie decks (or any deck really). Then there's cards that might do something like "Downgrade opponent's Ultimate or Champion Digimon to Rookie" but other than that you're not really changing the Digimon around much besides Digivolving, but you're Digivolving constantly. A deck might look something like

>1 or 2 Rookies
>5ish Champions per Rookie
>4ish Ultimates (2 per Rookie, or if you're gud like me, all 4 of your Ultimates can be created from either Rookie)
>2ish Megas (the object is basically to get your Digimon up to Mega level, because typically, Megas have a bonus of +200 or +300 points when you Digivolve into them, so e.g. you have 700 points and you bring out WarGreymon for +300, you automatically win the game
You basically want the deck half Digimon, 1/4 battle support, 1/4 Digivolve support (a Ultimate or higher Digimon might need a Digivice for example to Digivolve like MetalGreymon in my previous post ) [there is DNA Digivolving, but that's another story]

The game's sick. Just Digimon Digivolving and beating the shit out of each other.